const _GenericBar = require('./generic-bar'); const _options = require('./options'); // Progress-Bar constructor module.exports = class SingleBar extends _GenericBar{ constructor(options, preset){ super(_options.parse(options, preset)); // the update timer this.timer = null; // disable synchronous updates in notty mode if (this.options.noTTYOutput && this.terminal.isTTY() === false){ this.options.synchronousUpdate = false; } // update interval this.schedulingRate = (this.terminal.isTTY() ? this.options.throttleTime : this.options.notTTYSchedule); } // internal render function render(){ // stop timer if (this.timer){ clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; } // run internal rendering super.render(); // add new line in notty mode! if (this.options.noTTYOutput && this.terminal.isTTY() === false){ this.terminal.newline(); } // next update this.timer = setTimeout(this.render.bind(this), this.schedulingRate); } update(current, payload){ // timer inactive ? if (!this.timer) { return; } super.update(current, payload); // trigger synchronous update ? // check for throttle time if (this.options.synchronousUpdate && (this.lastRedraw + this.options.throttleTime*2) <{ // force update this.render(); } } // start the progress bar start(total, startValue, payload){ // progress updates are only visible in TTY mode! if (this.options.noTTYOutput === false && this.terminal.isTTY() === false){ return; } // save current cursor settings this.terminal.cursorSave(); // hide the cursor ? if (this.options.hideCursor === true){ this.terminal.cursor(false); } // disable line wrapping ? if (this.options.linewrap === false){ this.terminal.lineWrapping(false); } // initialize bar super.start(total, startValue, payload); // redraw on start! this.render(); } // stop the bar stop(){ // timer inactive ? if (!this.timer) { return; } // trigger final rendering this.render(); // restore state super.stop(); // stop timer clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; // cursor hidden ? if (this.options.hideCursor === true){ this.terminal.cursor(true); } // re-enable line wrapping ? if (this.options.linewrap === false){ this.terminal.lineWrapping(true); } // restore cursor on complete (position + settings) this.terminal.cursorRestore(); // clear line on complete ? if (this.options.clearOnComplete){ this.terminal.cursorTo(0, null); this.terminal.clearLine(); }else{ // new line on complete this.terminal.newline(); } } }