/* * tremashark: A bridge for printing various events on Wireshark * * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trema.h" #include "pcap_private.h" #include "pcap_queue.h" #define FIFO_NAME "tremashark" #define WIRESHARK "wireshark" #define TSHARK "tshark" #define FLUSH_INTERVAL 250000000 // nanoseconds #define MESSAGE_BUFFER_LENGTH 100000 // microseconds #define WRITE_SUCCESS 0 #define WRITE_BUSY 1 #define WRITE_ERROR -1 static char fifo_pathname[ PATH_MAX ]; static char pcap_file_pathname[ PATH_MAX ]; static bool output_to_pcap_file = false; static bool launch_wireshark = true; static bool launch_tshark = false; static bool trust_remote_clocks = true; static bool use_circular_buffer = false; static int circular_buffer_length = 1024; static int outfile_fd = -1; static uint64_t total = 0; static uint64_t lost = 0; // Special purpose header for telling extra information to wireshark typedef struct { uint16_t dump_type; struct { uint32_t sec; uint32_t nsec; } sent_time; uint16_t app_name_len; uint16_t service_name_len; uint32_t data_len; } __attribute__( ( packed ) ) message_pcap_dump_header; static void init_fifo_pathname() { assert( strlen( get_trema_tmp() ) + strlen( FIFO_NAME ) + 1 <= PATH_MAX ); snprintf( fifo_pathname, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", get_trema_tmp(), FIFO_NAME ); } static int write_to_file( buffer *packet ) { assert( packet != NULL && packet->data != NULL && packet->length > 0 ); assert( outfile_fd >= 0 ); ssize_t ret = write( outfile_fd, packet->data, packet->length ); if ( ret < 0 ) { int err = errno; if ( err == EAGAIN || err == EWOULDBLOCK ) { return WRITE_BUSY; } error( "write error ( errno = %s [%d] ).", strerror( err ), err ); return WRITE_ERROR; } if ( ret != ( ssize_t ) packet->length ) { packet->data = ( char * ) packet->data + ret; packet->length = packet->length - ( unsigned int ) ret; return WRITE_BUSY; } return WRITE_SUCCESS; } static void dump_message( uint16_t tag, void *data, size_t len ) { char *app_name, *service_name; const char *type_str[] = { "sent", "received", "recv-connected", "recv-overflow", "recv-closed", "send-connected", "send-refused", "send-overflow", "send-closed", "logger", "pcap", "syslog", "text" }; size_t pcap_dump_header_length; struct pcap_pkthdr_private pcap_header; message_dump_header *dump_hdr; message_pcap_dump_header *pcap_dump_hdr; message_header *hdr; buffer *packet; queue_status status; dump_hdr = data; app_name = ( char * ) ( dump_hdr + 1 ); service_name = app_name + ntohs( dump_hdr->app_name_length ); hdr = ( message_header * ) ( service_name + ntohs( dump_hdr->service_name_length ) ); debug( "app: %s type: %s service_name: %s", app_name, type_str[ tag ], service_name ); if ( ntohl( dump_hdr->data_length ) > 0 ) { debug( "message type: %d, length: %u", tag, ntohl( dump_hdr->data_length ) ); } size_t dump_header_length = ( sizeof( message_dump_header ) + ntohs( dump_hdr->app_name_length ) + ntohs( dump_hdr->service_name_length ) ); pcap_dump_header_length = ( sizeof( message_pcap_dump_header ) + ntohs( dump_hdr->app_name_length ) + ntohs( dump_hdr->service_name_length ) ); pcap_dump_hdr = xmalloc( pcap_dump_header_length ); pcap_dump_hdr->dump_type = htons( tag ); pcap_dump_hdr->sent_time.sec = dump_hdr->sent_time.sec; pcap_dump_hdr->sent_time.nsec = dump_hdr->sent_time.nsec; pcap_dump_hdr->app_name_len = dump_hdr->app_name_length; pcap_dump_hdr->service_name_len = dump_hdr->service_name_length; pcap_dump_hdr->data_len = dump_hdr->data_length; char *pcap_dump_app_name = ( char * ) ( pcap_dump_hdr + 1 ); memcpy( pcap_dump_app_name, app_name, ntohs( pcap_dump_hdr->app_name_len ) ); if ( ntohs( pcap_dump_hdr->service_name_len ) > 0 ) { char *pcap_dump_service_name = pcap_dump_app_name + ntohs( pcap_dump_hdr->app_name_len ); memcpy( pcap_dump_service_name, service_name, ntohs( pcap_dump_hdr->service_name_len ) ); } memset( &pcap_header, 0, sizeof( struct pcap_pkthdr_private ) ); if ( trust_remote_clocks ) { pcap_header.ts.tv_sec = ( bpf_int32 ) ntohl( dump_hdr->sent_time.sec ); pcap_header.ts.tv_usec = ( bpf_int32 ) ( ntohl( dump_hdr->sent_time.nsec ) / 1000 ); } else { struct timeval ts; gettimeofday( &ts, NULL ); pcap_header.ts.tv_sec = ( bpf_int32 ) ts.tv_sec; pcap_header.ts.tv_usec = ( bpf_int32 ) ts.tv_usec; } len -= dump_header_length; pcap_header.caplen = ( bpf_u_int32 ) ( pcap_dump_header_length + ntohl( pcap_dump_hdr->data_len ) ); pcap_header.len = ( bpf_u_int32 ) ( pcap_dump_header_length + ntohl( pcap_dump_hdr->data_len ) ); packet = create_pcap_packet( &pcap_header, sizeof( struct pcap_pkthdr_private ), pcap_dump_hdr, pcap_dump_header_length, hdr, ntohl( pcap_dump_hdr->data_len ) ); xfree( pcap_dump_hdr ); if ( use_circular_buffer ) { buffer *dummy; while ( get_pcap_queue_length() >= circular_buffer_length ) { dummy = NULL; dequeue_pcap_packet( &dummy ); if ( dummy != NULL ) { delete_pcap_packet( dummy ); } } } status = enqueue_pcap_packet( packet ); if ( status == QUEUE_FULL ) { warn( "tremashark queue is full. packet is discarded." ); delete_pcap_packet( packet ); lost++; } total++; } static void write_pcap_packet( void *user_data ) { UNUSED( user_data ); sort_pcap_queue(); struct timeval now; gettimeofday( &now, NULL ); struct timeval buffer_length; buffer_length.tv_sec = 0; buffer_length.tv_usec = MESSAGE_BUFFER_LENGTH; struct timeval threshold; timersub( &now, &buffer_length, &threshold ); for ( ;; ) { buffer *packet; queue_status status = peek_pcap_packet( &packet ); if ( status == QUEUE_EMPTY ) { break; } struct pcap_pkthdr_private *p = packet->data; if ( ( p->ts.tv_sec > threshold.tv_sec ) || ( p->ts.tv_sec == threshold.tv_sec && p->ts.tv_usec > threshold.tv_usec ) ) { break; } int ret = write_to_file( packet ); switch ( ret ) { case WRITE_SUCCESS: status = dequeue_pcap_packet( &packet ); if ( status == QUEUE_SUCCESS && packet != NULL ) { delete_pcap_packet( packet ); } break; case WRITE_BUSY: case WRITE_ERROR: return; default: assert( 0 ); } } fsync( outfile_fd ); } static void set_timer_event() { if ( use_circular_buffer ) { return; } struct itimerspec interval; interval.it_value.tv_sec = 0; interval.it_value.tv_nsec = 0; interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; interval.it_interval.tv_nsec = FLUSH_INTERVAL; bool ret = add_timer_event_callback( &interval, write_pcap_packet, NULL ); if ( !ret ) { critical( "failed in set timer event" ); abort(); } } static void init_pcap() { struct pcap_file_header header; memset( &header, 0, sizeof( struct pcap_file_header ) ); header.magic = 0xa1b2c3d4; header.version_major = PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR; header.version_minor = PCAP_VERSION_MINOR; header.thiszone = 0; header.sigfigs = 0; header.snaplen = UINT16_MAX; // FIXME header.linktype = DLT_USER0; // FIXME mode_t mode = ( S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH ); if ( output_to_pcap_file ) { outfile_fd = open( pcap_file_pathname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode ); if ( outfile_fd < 0 ) { critical( "Failed to open a file ( pcap file = %s ).", pcap_file_pathname ); assert( 0 ); } } else { int ret = mkfifo( fifo_pathname, mode ); if ( ret < 0 ) { critical( "Failed to create a named pipe ( named pipe = %s ).", fifo_pathname ); assert( 0 ); } outfile_fd = open( fifo_pathname, O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_NONBLOCK ); if ( outfile_fd < 0 ) { critical( "Failed to open a named pipe ( named pipe = %s ).", fifo_pathname ); assert( 0 ); } } ssize_t ret = write( outfile_fd, &header, sizeof( struct pcap_file_header ) ); if ( ret != sizeof( struct pcap_file_header ) ) { critical( "Failed to write a pcap header ( pcap file = %s ).", pcap_file_pathname ); assert( 0 ); } fsync( outfile_fd ); } static void finalize_pcap() { if ( outfile_fd >= 0 ) { fsync( outfile_fd ); close( outfile_fd ); outfile_fd = -1; } unlink( fifo_pathname ); } static void write_circular_buffer( void ) { if ( !output_to_pcap_file ) { return; } if ( outfile_fd < 0 ) { init_pcap(); } sort_pcap_queue(); foreach_pcap_queue( ( void * ) write_to_file ); finalize_pcap(); } static void set_write_circular_buffer( void ) { if ( set_external_callback != NULL ) { set_external_callback( write_circular_buffer ); } } static void set_signal_handler( void ) { // Note that this overrides a default signal handler set by Trema. struct sigaction signal_usr2; memset( &signal_usr2, 0, sizeof( struct sigaction ) ); signal_usr2.sa_handler = ( void * ) set_write_circular_buffer; sigaction( SIGUSR2, &signal_usr2, NULL ); } static void start_wireshark() { pid_t pid; if ( !launch_wireshark && !launch_tshark ) { return; } pid = fork(); if ( pid < 0 ) { assert( 0 ); } if ( pid == 0 ) { if ( launch_wireshark ) { execlp( WIRESHARK, "wireshark", "-k", "-i", fifo_pathname, NULL ); error( "can't execute wireshark ( errno = %s [%d] ).", strerror( errno ), errno ); } else if ( launch_tshark ) { execlp( TSHARK, "tshark", "-V", "-i", fifo_pathname, NULL ); error( "can't execute tshark ( errno = %s [%d] ).", strerror( errno ), errno ); } exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } void usage( void ) { printf( "Usage: tremashark [OPTION]...\n" "\n" " -t launch tshark instead of wireshark\n" " -w FILE_TO_SAVE save messages to pcap file\n" " -p do not launch wireshark nor tshark\n" " -r do not trust remote clock\n" " -c NUMBER_OF_MESSAGES save messages to circular buffer\n" " -s DUMP_SERVICE_NAME dump service name\n" " -n, --name=SERVICE_NAME service name\n" " -d, --daemonize run in the background\n" " -l, --logging_level=LEVEL set logging level\n" " -g, --syslog output log messages to syslog\n" " -f, --logging_facility=FACILITY set syslog facility\n" " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" ); } static void print_usage_and_exit( void ) { usage(); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } static void parse_options( int *argc, char **argv[] ) { char *service_name = NULL; int opt; while ( 1 ) { opt = getopt( *argc, *argv, "c:s:tw:pr" ); if ( opt < 0 ) { break; } switch ( opt ) { case 'p': launch_wireshark = false; launch_tshark = false; break; case 't': launch_wireshark = false; launch_tshark = true; break; case 'r': trust_remote_clocks = false; break; case 's': if ( optarg && service_name == NULL ) { service_name = xmalloc( strlen( optarg ) + 1 ); strcpy( service_name, optarg ); } else { print_usage_and_exit(); } break; case 'w': if ( optarg ) { // Save packets to a pcap file strncpy( pcap_file_pathname, optarg, PATH_MAX ); output_to_pcap_file = true; launch_wireshark = false; launch_tshark = false; } else { print_usage_and_exit(); } break; case 'c': use_circular_buffer = true; launch_wireshark = false; launch_tshark = false; if ( optarg ) { int n = atoi( optarg ); if ( n > 0 ) { circular_buffer_length = n; set_max_pcap_queue_length( circular_buffer_length ); } else { print_usage_and_exit(); } } break; default: print_usage_and_exit(); } } if ( use_circular_buffer && !output_to_pcap_file ) { printf( "-w FILE_NAME option must be specified in conjunction with -c.\n" ); print_usage_and_exit(); } // Set an event handler if ( service_name == NULL ) { add_message_received_callback( DEFAULT_DUMP_SERVICE_NAME, dump_message ); } else { add_message_received_callback( service_name, dump_message ); xfree( service_name ); } } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { // Initialize the Trema world init_trema( &argc, &argv ); parse_options( &argc, &argv ); init_fifo_pathname(); // create queue for storing pcap packets create_pcap_queue(); // Initialize an interface to wireshark init_pcap(); // Start wireshark/tshark if necessary start_wireshark(); // Set timer event to write packet set_timer_event(); // Set signal handler to dump circular buffer set_signal_handler(); // Main loop start_trema(); // Cleanup finalize_pcap(); delete_pcap_queue(); if ( lost > 0 ) { warn( "%" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " messages lost.", lost, total ); } return 0; } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */