require 'base64' require 'openssl' require 'digest/sha1' require 'zlib' require 'stringio' require 'cgi' class OpenToken class TokenExpiredError < StandardError; end DEBUG = false CIPHER_NULL = 0 CIPHER_AES_256_CBC = 1 CIPHER_AES_128_CBC = 2 CIPHER_3DES_168_CBC = 3 CIPHERS = { CIPHER_NULL => { :iv_length => 0 }, CIPHER_AES_256_CBC => { :algorithm => 'aes-256-cbc', :iv_length => 32, :key_length => 256 }, CIPHER_AES_128_CBC => { :algorithm => 'aes-128-cbc', :iv_length => 16, :key_length => 128 }, CIPHER_3DES_168_CBC => { :algorithm => 'des-cbc', :iv_length => 8, :key_length => 168 } } def initialize(token, options = {}) #ruby 1.9 has Base64.urlsafe_decode64 which can be used instead of gsubbing '_' and '-' string = (token || '').gsub('*', '=').gsub('_', '/').gsub('-', '+') data = Base64.decode64(string) inspect_binary_string 'DATA', data #header: should be OTK header = data[0..2] raise "Invalid token header: #{header}" unless header == 'OTK' #version: should == 1 version = data[3] raise "Unsupported token version: #{version}" unless version == 1 #cipher suite identifier cipher_suite = data[4] cipher = CIPHERS[cipher_suite] raise "Unknown cipher suite: #{cipher_suite}" if cipher.nil? #SHA-1 HMAC payload_hmac = data[5..24] inspect_binary_string "PAYLOAD HMAC [5..24]", payload_hmac #Initialization Vector (iv) iv_length = data[25] iv_end = [26, 26 + iv_length - 1].max iv = data[26..iv_end] inspect_binary_string "IV [26..#{iv_end}]", iv raise "Cipher expects iv length of #{cipher[:iv_length]} and was: #{iv_length}" unless iv_length == cipher[:iv_length] #key (not currently used) key_length = data[iv_end + 1] key_end = iv_end + 1 raise "Token key embedding is not currently supported" unless key_length == 0 #payload payload_length = data[(key_end + 1)..(key_end + 2)].unpack('n').first payload_offset = key_end + 3 encrypted_payload = data[payload_offset..(data.length - 1)] raise "Payload length is #{encrypted_payload.length} and was expected to be #{payload_length}" unless encrypted_payload.length == payload_length inspect_binary_string "ENCRYPTED PAYLOAD [#{payload_offset}..#{data.length - 1}]", encrypted_payload key = PasswordKeyGenerator.generate(options[:password], cipher) inspect_binary_string 'KEY', key compressed_payload = decrypt_payload(encrypted_payload, cipher, key, iv) inspect_binary_string 'COMPRESSED PAYLOAD', compressed_payload #decompress the payload #see unparsed_payload = begin Zlib::Inflate.inflate(compressed_payload) rescue Zlib::BufError[2, compressed_payload.size]) end #validate payload hmac mac = "0x01".hex.chr mac += cipher_suite.chr mac += iv mac += key if key_length > 0 #key embedding is not currently supported mac += unparsed_payload hash = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(PasswordKeyGenerator::SHA1_DIGEST, key, mac) if (hash <=> payload_hmac) != 0 raise "HMAC for payload was #{hash} and expected to be #{payload_hmac}" unless payload_hmac == hash end @payload = KeyValueSerializer.deserialize CGI::unescapeHTML(unparsed_payload) raise"#{} is not within token duration: #{self.start_at} - #{self.end_at}") if self.expired? end def [](key) @payload[key.to_s] end #verify that the current time is between the not-before and not-on-or-after values def expired? now = now < start_at || now >= end_at end def start_at payload_date('not-before') end def end_at payload_date('not-on-or-after') end #"renew-until"=>"2010-03-05T07:19:15Z" def valid_until payload_date('renew-until') end def payload_date(key) Time.iso8601(self[key]).utc end private def decrypt_payload(encrypted_payload, cipher, key, iv) return encrypted_payload unless cipher[:algorithm] #see #see #see crypt =[:algorithm]) crypt.decrypt crypt.key = key crypt.iv = iv crypt.update(encrypted_payload) + end def inspect_binary_string(header, string) return unless DEBUG puts "#{header}:" index = 0 string.each_byte do |b| puts "#{index}: #{b} => #{b.chr}" index += 1 end end end class PasswordKeyGenerator SHA1_DIGEST ='sha1') def self.generate(password, cipher_suite) salt = 0.chr * 8 self.generate_impl(password, cipher_suite, salt, 1000) end def self.generate_block(password, salt, count, index) mac = salt mac += [index].pack("N") result = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(SHA1_DIGEST, password, mac) cur = result i_count = 1 while i_count < count i_count +=1 cur = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(SHA1_DIGEST, password, cur) 20.times do |i| result[i] = result[i] ^ cur[i] end end return result end def self.generate_impl(password, cipher, salt, iterations) return unless cipher[:algorithm] key_size = cipher[:key_length] / 8 numblocks = key_size / 20 numblocks += 1 if (key_size % 20) > 0 # Generate the appropriate number of blocks and write their output to # the key bytes; note that it's important to start from 1 (vs. 0) as the # initial block number affects the hash. It's not clear that this fact # is stated explicitly anywhere, but without this approach, the generated # keys will not match up with test cases defined in RFC 3962. key_buffer_index = 0 key = "" numblocks.times do |i| i+=1 # Previously zero based, needs to be 1 based block = self.generate_block(password, salt, iterations, i) len = [20, (key_size - key_buffer_index)].min key += block[0, len] key_buffer_index += len end return key end end class KeyValueSerializer LINE_START = 0 EMPTY_SPACE = 1 VALUE_START = 2 LINE_END = 3 IN_KEY = 4 IN_VALUE = 5 IN_QUOTED_VALUE = 6 def self.unescape_value(value) value.gsub("\\\"", "\"").gsub("\'", "'") end def self.deserialize(string) result = {} state = LINE_START open_quote_char = 0.chr currkey = "" token = "" nextval = "" string.split(//).each do |c| nextval = c case c when "\t" if state == IN_KEY # key ends currkey = token token = "" state = EMPTY_SPACE elsif state == IN_VALUE # non-quoted value ends result[currkey] = self.deserialize(token) token = "" state = LINE_END elsif state == IN_QUOTED_VALUE token += c end when " " if state == IN_KEY # key ends currkey = token token = "" state = EMPTY_SPACE elsif state == IN_VALUE # non-quoted value ends result[currkey] = self.deserialize(token) token = "" state = LINE_END elsif state == IN_QUOTED_VALUE token += c end when "\n" # newline if (state == IN_VALUE) || (state == VALUE_START) result[currkey] = self.unescape_value(token) token = "" state = LINE_START elsif state == LINE_END token = "" state = LINE_START elsif state == IN_QUOTED_VALUE token += c end when "=" if state == IN_KEY currkey = token token = "" state = VALUE_START elsif (state == IN_QUOTED_VALUE) || (state == IN_VALUE) token += c end when "\"" if state == IN_QUOTED_VALUE if (c == open_quote_char) && (token[token.size-1] != "\\") result[currkey] = self.unescape_value(token) token = "" state = LINE_END else token += c end elsif state == VALUE_START state = IN_QUOTED_VALUE open_quote_char = c end when "'" if state == IN_QUOTED_VALUE if (c == open_quote_char) && (token[token.size-1] != "\\") result[currkey] = self.unescape_value(token) token = "" state = LINE_END else token += c end else state == VALUE_START state = IN_QUOTED_VALUE open_quote_char = c end else if state == LINE_START state = IN_KEY elsif state == VALUE_START state = IN_VALUE end token += c end if (state == IN_QUOTED_VALUE) || (state == IN_VALUE) result[currkey] = unescape_value(token) end end result end end