Ezcater/GraphqlFieldsNaming: EnforcedStyle: snake_case Enabled: true SupportedStyles: - snake_case - camelCase Include: - 'app/graphql/**/*.rb' Ezcater/RailsConfiguration: Description: 'Enforce the use of `Rails.configuration` instead of `Rails.application.config`.' Enabled: true Ezcater/RailsEnv: Description: 'Enforce the use of `Rails.configuration.x.` instead of checking `Rails.env`.' Enabled: false Ezcater/DirectEnvCheck: Description: 'Enforce the use of `Rails.configuration.x.` instead of checking `ENV`.' Enabled: false Ezcater/RspecDotNotSelfDot: Description: 'Enforce "." instead of "self." for example group description.' Enabled: true Include: - '**/*_spec.rb' Ezcater/RspecRequireBrowserMock: Description: 'Enforce use of `mock_ezcater_app`, `mock_chrome_browser` & `mock_custom_browser` helpers instead of mocking `Browser` or `EzBrowser` directly.' Enabled: true Include: - '**/*_spec.rb' Ezcater/RspecRequireFeatureFlagMock: Description: 'Enforce use of `mock_feature_flag` helpers instead of mocking `FeatureFlag.is_active?` directly.' Enabled: true Include: - '**/*_spec.rb' Ezcater/RspecRequireHttpStatusMatcher: Description: 'Use the HTTP status code matcher, like `expect(response).to have_http_status :bad_request`, rather than `expect(response.code).to eq 400`' Enabled: true Include: - '**/*_spec.rb' Ezcater/RequireGqlErrorHelpers: Description: 'Use the helpers provided by `GQLErrors` instead of raising `GraphQL::ExecutionError` directly.' Enabled: true Ezcater/StyleDig: Description: 'Recommend `dig` for deeply nested access.' Enabled: true AutoCorrect: false Ezcater/RubyTimeout: Description: 'Disallow use of `Timeout.timeout` because it is unsafe and can cause unexpected behavior.' Enabled: true