require "active_record/migration/compatibility" module PgHaMigrations module ActiveRecordHacks module CleanupUnnecessaryOutput # This is fixed in Rails 6+, but previously there were several # places where #adapter_name was called directly which implicitly # delegated to the connection through #method_missing. That # delegation though results in wrapping the call in #say_with_time # which unnecessarily outputs a bunch of calls to #adapter_name. # The easiest way to clean this up retroactively is to just patch # in a direct dispatch to the connection's method. # # See: def adapter_name connection.adapter_name end end end end patchable_module = [ defined?(ActiveRecord::Migration::Compatibility::V5_2) ? ActiveRecord::Migration::Compatibility::V5_2 : nil, defined?(ActiveRecord::Migration::Compatibility::V5_1) ? ActiveRecord::Migration::Compatibility::V5_1 : nil, defined?(ActiveRecord::Migration::Compatibility::V5_0) ? ActiveRecord::Migration::Compatibility::V5_0 : nil, ].detect { |m| m } if patchable_module patchable_module.prepend(PgHaMigrations::ActiveRecordHacks::CleanupUnnecessaryOutput) end