require 'spec_helper' require 'dump/snapshot' describe Dump::Snapshot do def dump_path(file_name) File.join(Dump.rails_root, 'dump', file_name) end def new_dump(file_name) end describe 'lock' do before do @yield_receiver = double('yield_receiver') end it 'does not yield if file does not exist' do expect(@yield_receiver).not_to receive(:fire)'hello').lock do end end it 'does not yield if file can not be locked' do expect(@yield_receiver).not_to receive(:fire) @file = double('file') expect(@file).to receive(:flock).with(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB).and_return(nil) expect(@file).to receive(:flock).with(File::LOCK_UN) expect(@file).to receive(:close) expect(File).to receive(:open).and_return(@file)'hello').lock do end end it 'yields if file can not be locked' do expect(@yield_receiver).to receive(:fire) @file = double('file') expect(@file).to receive(:flock).with(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB).and_return(true) expect(@file).to receive(:flock).with(File::LOCK_UN) expect(@file).to receive(:close) expect(File).to receive(:open).and_return(@file)'hello').lock do end end end describe 'new' do it 'inits with path if String sent' do expect('hello').path).to eq(Pathname('hello')) end it 'inits with path if Pathname sent' do expect('hello')).path).to eq(Pathname('hello')) end describe 'with options' do before do @time = double('time') allow(@time).to receive(:utc).and_return(@time) allow(@time).to receive(:strftime).and_return('19650414065945') allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(@time) end it 'generates path with no options' do expect( eq(Pathname('19650414065945.tgz')) end it 'generates with dir' do expect( => 'dump_dir').path).to eq(Pathname('dump_dir/19650414065945.tgz')) end it 'generates path with description' do expect( => 'dump_dir', :desc => 'hello world').path).to eq(Pathname('dump_dir/19650414065945-hello world.tgz')) end it 'generates path with tags' do expect( => 'dump_dir', :tags => ' mirror, hello world ').path).to eq(Pathname('dump_dir/19650414065945@hello world,mirror.tgz')) end it 'generates path with description and tags' do expect( => 'dump_dir', :desc => 'Anniversary backup', :tags => ' mirror, hello world ').path).to eq(Pathname('dump_dir/19650414065945-Anniversary backup@hello world,mirror.tgz')) end end end describe 'versions' do describe 'list' do def stub_glob paths = %w[123 345 567].map do |name| path = dump_path("#{name}.tgz") expect(File).to receive(:file?).with(path).at_least(1).and_return(true) path end allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).and_return(paths) end it 'searches for files in dump dir when asked for list' do expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with(dump_path('*.tgz')).and_return([]) described_class.list end it 'returns instances for each found file' do stub_glob described_class.list.all?{ |dump| expect(dump).to be_a(described_class) } end it 'returns dumps with name containting :like' do stub_glob expect(described_class.list(:like => '3')).to eq(described_class.list.values_at(0, 1)) end end describe 'with tags' do before do # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 dumps_tags = [''] + %w[a a,d a,d,o a,d,s a,d,s,o a,o a,s a,s,o d d,o d,s d,s,o o s s,o z] paths = do |dump_tags, i| path = dump_path("196504140659#{10 + i}@#{dump_tags}.tgz") expect(File).to receive(:file?).with(path).at_least(1).and_return(true) path end allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).and_return(paths) end it 'returns all dumps if no tags send' do expect(described_class.list(:tags => '')).to eq(described_class.list) end { 'x' => [], '+x' => [], 'z' => [16], 'a,d,s,o' => [1..15], '+a,+d,+s,+o' => [5], '-o' => [0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16], 'a,b,c,+s,-o' => [4, 7], '+a,+d' => [2, 3, 4, 5], '+d,+a' => [2, 3, 4, 5], }.each do |tags, ids| it "returns dumps filtered by #{tags}" do expect(described_class.list(:tags => tags)).to eq(described_class.list.values_at(*ids)) end end end end describe 'name' do it 'returns file name' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').name).to eq('19650414065945.tgz') end end describe 'parts' do before do @time = Time.utc(1965, 4, 14, 6, 59, 45) end def dump_name_parts(name) dump = new_dump(name) [dump.time, dump.description, dump.tags, dump.ext] end %w[tmp tgz].each do |ext| it 'returns empty results for dump with wrong name' do expect(dump_name_parts("196504140659.#{ext}")).to eq([nil, '', [], nil]) expect(dump_name_parts("196504140659-lala.#{ext}")).to eq([nil, '', [], nil]) expect(dump_name_parts("196504140659@lala.#{ext}")).to eq([nil, '', [], nil]) expect(dump_name_parts('19650414065945.ops')).to eq([nil, '', [], nil]) end it 'returns tags for dump with tags' do expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945.#{ext}")).to eq([@time, '', [], ext]) expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945- Hello world &&& .#{ext}")).to eq([@time, 'Hello world _', [], ext]) expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945- Hello world &&& @ test , hello world , bad tag ~~~~.#{ext}")).to eq([@time, 'Hello world _', ['bad tag _', 'hello world', 'test'], ext]) expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945@test, test , hello world , bad tag ~~~~.#{ext}")).to eq([@time, '', ['bad tag _', 'hello world', 'test'], ext]) expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945-Hello world@test,super tag.#{ext}")).to eq([@time, 'Hello world', ['super tag', 'test'], ext]) end end end describe 'path' do it 'returns path' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').path).to eq(Pathname(File.join(Dump.rails_root, 'dump', '19650414065945.tgz'))) end end describe 'tgz_path' do it 'returns path if extension is already tgz' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').tgz_path).to eq(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').path) end it 'returns path with tgz extension' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tmp').tgz_path).to eq(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').path) end end describe 'tmp_path' do it 'returns path if extension is already tmp' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tmp').tmp_path).to eq(new_dump('19650414065945.tmp').path) end it 'returns path with tmp extension' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').tmp_path).to eq(new_dump('19650414065945.tmp').path) end end describe 'clean_description' do it "shortens string to 50 chars and replace special symblos with '-'" do expect('').send(:clean_description, 'Special Dump #12837192837 (before fixind *&^*&^ photos)')).to eq('Special Dump #12837192837 (before fixind _ photos)') expect('').send(:clean_description, "To#{'o' * 100} long description")).to eq("T#{'o' * 49}") end it 'accepts non string' do expect('').send(:clean_description, nil)).to eq('') end end describe 'clean_tag' do it "shortens string to 20 chars and replace special symblos with '-'" do expect('').send(:clean_tag, 'Very special tag #12837192837 (fixind *&^*&^)')).to eq('very special tag _12') expect('').send(:clean_tag, "To#{'o' * 100} long tag")).to eq("t#{'o' * 19}") end it "does not allow '-' or '+' to be first symbol" do expect('').send(:clean_tag, ' Very special tag')).to eq('very special tag') expect('').send(:clean_tag, '-Very special tag')).to eq('very special tag') expect('').send(:clean_tag, '-----------')).to eq('') expect('').send(:clean_tag, '+Very special tag')).to eq('_very special tag') expect('').send(:clean_tag, '+++++++++++')).to eq('_') end it 'accepts non string' do expect('').send(:clean_tag, nil)).to eq('') end end describe 'clean_tags' do it 'splits string and returns uniq non blank sorted tags' do expect('').send(:clean_tags, ' perfect tag , hello,Hello,this is (*^(*&')).to eq(['hello', 'perfect tag', 'this is _']) expect('').send(:clean_tags, "l#{'o' * 100}ng tag")).to eq(["l#{'o' * 19}"]) end it 'accepts non string' do expect('').send(:clean_tags, nil)).to eq([]) end end describe 'get_filter_tags' do it 'splits string and returns uniq non blank sorted tags' do expect('').send(:get_filter_tags, 'a,+b,+c,-d')).to eq({:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b c], :forbidden => %w[d]}) expect('').send(:get_filter_tags, ' a , + b , + c , - d ')).to eq({:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b c], :forbidden => %w[d]}) expect('').send(:get_filter_tags, ' a , + c , + b , - d ')).to eq({:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b c], :forbidden => %w[d]}) expect('').send(:get_filter_tags, ' a , + b , + , - ')).to eq({:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b], :forbidden => []}) expect('').send(:get_filter_tags, ' a , a , + b , + b , - d , - d ')).to eq({:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b], :forbidden => %w[d]}) expect{'').send(:get_filter_tags, 'a,+a') }.not_to raise_error expect{'').send(:get_filter_tags, 'a,-a') }.to raise_error expect{'').send(:get_filter_tags, '+a,-a') }.to raise_error end it 'accepts non string' do expect('').send(:get_filter_tags, nil)).to eq({:simple => [], :mandatory => [], :forbidden => []}) end end describe 'assets_root_link' do it 'creates temp dir, chdirs there, symlinks rails app root to assets, yields and unlinks assets even if something was raised' do expect(Dir).to receive(:mktmpdir).and_yield('/tmp/abc') expect(Dir).to receive(:chdir).with('/tmp/abc').and_yield expect(File).to receive(:symlink).with(Dump.rails_root, 'assets') expect(File).to receive(:unlink).with('assets') expect do'').send(:assets_root_link) do |dir, prefix| expect(dir).to eq('/tmp/abc') expect(prefix).to eq('assets') @yielded = true fail 'just test' end raise_error('just test') expect(@yielded).to eq(true) end end end