require 'spec_helper' describe FrontMatterParser do let(:sample_fm) { {'title' => 'hello'} } let(:sample_c) { 'Content' } it 'has a version number' do expect(FrontMatterParser::VERSION).to_not be_nil end describe "#parse" do context "when the string has both front matter and content" do let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse(string) } it "parses the front matter as a hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "parses the content as a string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq(sample_c) end end context "when the string only has front matter" do let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse(string_no_content) } it "parses the front matter as a hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "parses the content as an empty string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq('') end end context "when an empty front matter is supplied" do let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse(string_no_front_matter) } it "parses the front matter as an empty hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq({}) end it "parses the content as the whole string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq(sample_c) end end context "when an empty string is supplied" do let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse('') } it "parses the front matter as an empty hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq({}) end it "parses the content as an empty string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq('') end end context "when :comment option is given" do it "takes it as the single line comment mark for the front matter" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse(string_comment('#'), comment: '#') expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end context "when :start_comment is given" do it "raises an ArgumentError" do expect { FrontMatterParser.parse(string_comment('#'), comment: '#', start_comment: '/')}.to raise_error ArgumentError end end end context "when :start_comment option is given" do context "when :end_comment option is not given" do it "takes :start_comment as the mark for a multiline comment closed by indentation for the front matter" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse(string_start_comment('/'), start_comment: '/') expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end end context "when :end_comment option is provided" do it "takes :start_comment and :end_comment as the multiline comment mark delimiters for the front matter" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse(string_start_end_comment(''), start_comment: '') expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end end end context "when :end_comment option is given but :start_comment is not" do it "raises an ArgumentError" do expect {FrontMatterParser.parse(string_start_end_comment, end_comment: '-->')}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "when :syntax is given" do context "when :comment and :start_comment are not given" do syntaxs.each_pair do |name, value| it "can detect a #{name} syntax when its value is #{value}" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse("../fixtures/example.#{value}", __FILE__)), syntax: value) expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end end it "raises an ArgumentError if syntax is not whithin COMMENT_DELIMITERS keys" do expect { FrontMatterParser.parse(string, syntax: :foo) }.to raise_error ArgumentError end end context "when :comment is given" do it ":syntax is ignored" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse("../fixtures/", __FILE__)), syntax: :slim, comment: '#' ) expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end end context "when :start_comment is given" do it ":syntax is ignored" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse("../fixtures/example.slim", __FILE__)), syntax: :coffee, start_comment: '/' ) expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end end end end describe "#parse_file" do context "when the file has both front matter and content" do let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse_file(file_fixture(string), comment: '') } it "parses the front matter as a hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "parses the content as a string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq(sample_c) end end context "when the file only has front matter" do let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse_file(file_fixture(string_no_content), comment: '') } it "parses the front matter as a hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "parses the content as an empty string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq('') end end context "when the file has an empty front matter is supplied" do let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse_file(file_fixture(string_no_front_matter), comment: '') } it "parses the front matter as an empty hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq({}) end it "parses the content as the whole string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq(sample_c) end end context "when the file has no content" do let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse_file(file_fixture(''), comment: '') } it "parses the front matter as an empty hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq({}) end it "parses the content as an empty string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq('') end end context "when :comment option is given" do it "takes it as the single line comment mark for the front matter" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse_file(file_fixture(string_comment('#')), comment: '#') expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end context "when :start_comment is given" do it "raises an ArgumentError" do expect { FrontMatterParser.parse_file(file_fixture(string_comment('#')), comment: '#', start_comment: '/')}.to raise_error ArgumentError end end end context "when :start_comment option is given" do context "when :end_comment option is not given" do it "takes :start_comment as the mark for a multiline comment closed by indentation for the front matter" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse_file(file_fixture(string_start_comment('/')), start_comment: '/') expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end end context "when :end_comment option is provided" do it "takes :start_comment and :end_comment as the multiline comment mark delimiters for the front matter" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse_file(file_fixture(string_start_end_comment('')), start_comment: '') expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end end end context "when :end_comment option is given but :start_comment is not" do it "raises an ArgumentError" do expect {FrontMatterParser.parse_file(file_fixture(string_start_end_comment), end_comment: '-->')}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "when :comment and :start_comment are not given" do syntaxs.each_pair do |name, value| it "can detect a #{name} syntax file when its extension is #{value}" do parsed = FrontMatterParser.parse_file(File.expand_path("../fixtures/example.#{value}", __FILE__)) expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end end it "raises an ArgumentError if the file extension is not whithin COMMENT_DELIMITERS keys" do expect { FrontMatterParser.parse_file(File.expand_path("../fixtures/, __FILE__")) }.to raise_error RuntimeError end it "raises an ArgumentError if the file has no extension" do expect { FrontMatterParser.parse_file(File.expand_path("../fixtures/example, __FILE__")) }.to raise_error RuntimeError end end end end describe "the front matter" do let(:sample_fm) { {'title' => 'hello'} } it "can be indented" do string = %Q( --- title: hello --- Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string).front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "can have each line commented" do string = %Q( #--- #title: hello #--- Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, comment: '#').front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "can be indented after the comment delimiter" do string = %Q( # --- # title: hello # --- Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, comment: '#').front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "can be between a multiline comment" do string = %Q( Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, start_comment: '').front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "can have the multiline comment delimiters indented" do string = %Q( Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, start_comment: '').front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "can have empty lines between the multiline comment delimiters and the front matter" do string = %Q( Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, start_comment: '').front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end it "can have multiline comment delimited by indentation" do string = %Q( / --- title: hello --- Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, start_comment: '/').front_matter).to eq(sample_fm) end end