define( function(require) { 'use strict'; require( 'utils' ); var Api = require( 'football/api' ); // todo: check - use Football.Api or Football.Service why? why not?? var eventTpl = require( 'text!../../templates/event.html' ), roundsLongTpl = require( 'text!../../templates/rounds-long.html' ), roundsShortTpl = require( 'text!../../templates/rounds-short.html' ), gamesTpl = require( 'text!../../templates/games.html' ), roundsTodayTpl = require( 'text!../../templates/rounds-today.html'); var renderEventDef = _.template( eventTpl ), renderRoundsLongDef = _.template( roundsLongTpl ), renderRoundsShortDef = _.template( roundsShortTpl ), renderGamesDef = _.template( gamesTpl ), renderRoundsTodayDef = _.template( roundsTodayTpl ); var Widget = {}; Widget.create = function( id, opts ) { var $el, $event, // used for event header $rounds, // used for rounds $games; // used for round details (matches/games) var renderEvent, // compiled underscore templates - nb: a compiled template is just a js function renderRoundsLong, renderRoundsShort, renderGames, renderRoundsToday; var api; var defaults = { tplId: null, showRounds: true }; var settings; function init( id, opts ) { settings = _.extend( {}, defaults, opts ); debug( 'tplId: ' + settings.tplId ); debug( 'event: ' + settings.event ); debug( 'showRounds: ' + settings.showRounds ); debug( 'api: ' + (settings.api !== undefined) ); if( settings.api === undefined || settings.api === null ) api = Api.create(); else api = settings.api; if( settings.tplId === null ) // use builtin template renderGames = renderGamesDef; else // use user specified/supplied template renderGames = _.template( $( settings.tplId ).html() ); renderEvent = renderEventDef; renderRoundsShort = renderRoundsShortDef; renderRoundsLong = renderRoundsLongDef; renderRoundsToday = renderRoundsTodayDef; $el = $( id ); $el.addClass( 'football-widget' ); // for styling add always .football-widget class $event = $( '
' ).addClass( 'event' ); $rounds = $( '' ).addClass( 'rounds' ); $games = $( '' ).addClass( 'games' ); $el.append( $event, $rounds, $games ); if( settings.event === undefined || settings.event === null ) { // no event specified; display todays rounds updateRoundsToday(); } else { if( settings.showRounds ) { updateRounds(); updateRound( '1' ); } else { updateRound( 'today' ); } } } function update() { } function updateRoundsToday() { debug( 'update rounds for today' ); api.fetchRoundsToday( function( data ) { var snippet; if( data.rounds.length === 0 ) snippet = "No rounds scheduled today!
"; else snippet = renderRoundsToday( { rounds: data.rounds } ); $rounds.html( snippet ); }); } function updateRounds() { debug( 'update rounds' ); api.fetchRounds( settings.event, function( data ) { var snippet; if( data.rounds.length >= 16 ) snippet = renderRoundsShort( { rounds: data.rounds } ); else snippet = renderRoundsLong( { rounds: data.rounds } ); $rounds.html( snippet ); // add click funs - assumes links with data-round='3' etc. // - todo/check: is there a better way to add click handlers in templates? $rounds.find( 'a' ).click( function() { debug( 'click update round' ); var $link = $(this); var round = $ 'round' ); debug( 'data-round:' + round ); updateRound( round ); return false; }); }); } function updateRound( round ) { debug( 'update round: ' + round ); api.fetchRound( settings.event, round, function( data ) { var snippet = renderGames( { games: } ); $games.html( snippet ); var snippet2 = renderEvent( { event: data.event, round: data.round } ); $event.html( snippet2 ); }); } // fn update // call "c'tor/constructor" init( id, opts ); // return/export public api return { update: update } } // end fn Widget.create return Widget; }); // end define