/************************************************************************* * * ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED * Copyright 2004-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the * terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a * source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior * written permission of Adobe. * **************************************************************************/ package fl.video { import flash.net.*; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.events.NetStatusEvent; import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.utils.getTimer; use namespace flvplayback_internal; /** * The NCManagerNative class is a subclass of the NCManager class and supports * native bandwidth detection, which some Flash Video Streaming Service providers * may support. Check with your FVSS provider to see whether they support native bandwidth * detection. Native bandwidth detection means that the bandwidth detection is built in * to the streaming server and performs better. * *

When an NCManagerNative object is * used, the main.asc file is not required on the server. If bandwidth detection is not required, * the NCManagerNative object allows * connection to any version of the Flash Media Server (FMS) without the main.asc file.

* *

To use this instead of the default fl.video.NCManager, put the following code * in Frame 1 of your FLA file:

* * * import fl.video.~~; * VideoPlayer.iNCManagerClass = fl.video.NCManagerNative; * * * @see NCManager * @tiptext NCManagerNative class * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ public class NCManagerNative extends NCManager implements INCManager { include "ComponentVersion.as" // for new bandwidth detection /** * Creates a new NCManagerNative instance. * @tiptext NCManagerNative constructor * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ public function NCManagerNative():void { } /** * Length of the stream, in milliseconds. After the VideoPlayer.ncConnected() method * is called, if it returns undefined, null or less than 0, * then the VideoPlayer object knows that there is no stream length information. * If stream length information is returned, it overrides any existing steam length information * including information set by the totalTime parameter of the * VideoPlayer.play() method, the * VideoPlayer.load() method or information received from the FLV file's metadata. * * @see INCManager#streamLength * @tiptext streamLength property * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ public override function get streamLength():Number { return NaN; } /** * Overridden to create ConnectClientNative instead of ConnectClient. * * @private * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ flvplayback_internal override function connectRTMP():Boolean { //ifdef DEBUG //debugTrace("connectRTMP()"); //endif // setup timeout _timeoutTimer.reset(); _timeoutTimer.start(); _tryNC = new Array(); var numXns:int = (_protocol == "rtmp:/" || _protocol == "rtmpe:/") ? 2 : 1; for (var i:uint = 0; i < numXns; i++) { //ifdef DEBUG //debugTrace("Creating connection " + i); //endif _tryNC[i] = new NetConnection(); _tryNC[i].objectEncoding = _objectEncoding; _tryNC[i].proxyType = _proxyType; if (!isNaN(_fpadZone)) { _tryNC[i].fpadZone = _fpadZone; } _tryNC[i].client = new ConnectClientNative(this, _tryNC[i], i); _tryNC[i].addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, connectOnStatus); } nextConnect(); return false; } /** * Overridden to avoid call to getStreamLength * @private * @tiptext onConnected method * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ flvplayback_internal override function onConnected(p_nc:NetConnection, p_bw:Number):void { //ifdef DEBUG //debugTrace("onConnected()"); //endif // avoid timeout _timeoutTimer.stop(); // ditch these now unneeded functions and listeners p_nc.removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, connectOnStatus); // store pointers to the successful xn and uri _nc = p_nc; _ncUri = _nc.uri; _ncConnected = true; if (_autoSenseBW) { _bitrate = p_bw * 1024; if (_streams != null) { bitrateMatch(); } else { var sSplit:Array = _streamName.split(","); // remove leading and trailing whitespace from string for (var i:uint = 0; i < sSplit.length; i+=2) { var sName:String = stripFrontAndBackWhiteSpace(sSplit[i]); if (i + 1 < sSplit.length) { // If we have less bw than the next threshold or if // there isn't another threshold (last string) if (p_bw <= Number(sSplit[i+1])) { _streamName = sName; break; } } else { _streamName = sName; break; } } // for // strip off .flv if included if (_streamName.slice(-4).toLowerCase() == ".flv") { _streamName = _streamName.slice(0, -4); } } } // if we need to get the stream length from the server, do it here _owner.ncConnected(); } /** * overriden to call run() when _autoSenseBW is on, and to immediately * call onConnected() if it is not, instead of waiting for a call to * onBWDone from the server, like NCManager does. * * @private * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ flvplayback_internal override function connectOnStatus(e:NetStatusEvent):void { //ifdef DEBUG //debugTrace("_tryNC["+e.target.client.connIndex+"].onStatus: " + e.info.code); //var stuff; //for (stuff in e.info) { // debugTrace("e.info[" + stuff + "] = " + e.info[stuff]); //} //endif e.target.client.pending = false; if (e.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") { //ifdef DEBUG //debugTrace( "Connection " + e.target.uri + " succeeded!" ); //endif _nc = _tryNC[e.target.client.connIndex]; cleanConns(); // start bandwidth detection if necessary, otherwise start if (_autoSenseBW) { _nc.call("_checkbw", null); } else { onConnected(_nc, 0); } } else if (e.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected" && e.info.ex != null && e.info.ex.code == 302) { _connTypeCounter = 0; cleanConns(); var parseResults:ParseResults = parseURL(e.info.ex.redirect); if (parseResults.isRTMP) { _protocol = parseResults.protocol; _serverName = parseResults.serverName; _wrappedURL = parseResults.wrappedURL; _portNumber = parseResults.portNumber; _appName = parseResults.appName; if (parseResults.streamName != null) { _appName += ("/" + parseResults.streamName); } connectRTMP(); } else { tryFallBack(); } } else if ( ( (e.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed") || (e.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected") ) && ( e.target.client.connIndex == (_tryNC.length - 1) ) ) { // Try rearranging the app URL, then the fallbackServer if (!connectAgain()) { tryFallBack(); } } else { //ifdef DEBUG //debugTrace( "Connection " + e.target.uri + " onStatus:" + e.info.code); //endif } } /** * netStatus event listener when reconnecting * * @private * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ flvplayback_internal override function reconnectOnStatus(e:NetStatusEvent):void { //ifdef DEBUG //debugTrace("reconnectOnStatus: " + e.info.code); //endif if (e.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") { onReconnected(); } else if ( (e.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed") || (e.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected") ) { _nc = null; _ncConnected = false; _owner.ncReconnected(); } } } // class NCManagerNative } // package fl.video