class GraphQL::Language::Parser rule target: document document: definitions_list { return make_node(:Document, definitions: val[0])} definitions_list: definition { return [val[0]]} | definitions_list definition { val[0] << val[1] } definition: operation_definition | fragment_definition | type_system_definition operation_definition: operation_type operation_name_opt variable_definitions_opt directives_list_opt selection_set { return make_node( :OperationDefinition, { operation_type: val[0], name: val[1], variables: val[2], directives: val[3], selections: val[4], position_source: val[0], } ) } | LCURLY selection_list RCURLY { return make_node( :OperationDefinition, { operation_type: "query", selections: val[1], position_source: val[0], } ) } | LCURLY RCURLY { return make_node( :OperationDefinition, { operation_type: "query", selections: [], position_source: val[0], } ) } operation_type: QUERY | MUTATION | SUBSCRIPTION operation_name_opt: /* none */ { return nil } | name variable_definitions_opt: /* none */ { return [] } | LPAREN variable_definitions_list RPAREN { return val[1] } variable_definitions_list: variable_definition { return [val[0]] } | variable_definitions_list variable_definition { val[0] << val[1] } variable_definition: VAR_SIGN name COLON type default_value_opt { return make_node(:VariableDefinition, { name: val[1], type: val[3], default_value: val[4], position_source: val[0], }) } type: name { return make_node(:TypeName, name: val[0])} | type BANG { return make_node(:NonNullType, of_type: val[0]) } | LBRACKET type RBRACKET { return make_node(:ListType, of_type: val[1]) } default_value_opt: /* none */ { return nil } | EQUALS input_value { return val[1] } selection_set: LCURLY RCURLY { return [] } | LCURLY selection_list RCURLY { return val[1] } selection_set_opt: /* none */ { return [] } | selection_set { return val[0] } selection_list: selection { return [result] } | selection_list selection { val[0] << val[1] } selection: field | fragment_spread | inline_fragment field: name arguments_opt directives_list_opt selection_set_opt { return make_node( :Field, { name: val[0], arguments: val[1], directives: val[2], selections: val[3], position_source: val[0], } ) } | name COLON name arguments_opt directives_list_opt selection_set_opt { return make_node( :Field, { alias: val[0], name: val[2], arguments: val[3], directives: val[4], selections: val[5], position_source: val[0], } ) } name: name_without_on | ON schema_keyword: SCHEMA | SCALAR | TYPE | IMPLEMENTS | INTERFACE | UNION | ENUM | INPUT | DIRECTIVE name_without_on: IDENTIFIER | FRAGMENT | TRUE | FALSE | operation_type | schema_keyword enum_name: /* any identifier, but not "true", "false" or "null" */ IDENTIFIER | FRAGMENT | ON | operation_type | schema_keyword name_list: name { return [make_node(:TypeName, name: val[0])] } | name_list name { val[0] << make_node(:TypeName, name: val[1]) } enum_value_definition: enum_name directives_list_opt { return make_node(:EnumValueDefinition, name: val[0], directives: val[1], description: get_description(val[0])) } enum_value_definitions: enum_value_definition { return [val[0]] } | enum_value_definitions enum_value_definition { return val[0] << val[1] } arguments_opt: /* none */ { return [] } | LPAREN RPAREN { return [] } | LPAREN arguments_list RPAREN { return val[1] } arguments_list: argument { return [val[0]] } | arguments_list argument { val[0] << val[1] } argument: name COLON input_value { return make_node(:Argument, name: val[0], value: val[2], position_source: val[0])} input_value: FLOAT { return val[0].to_f } | INT { return val[0].to_i } | STRING { return val[0].to_s } | TRUE { return true } | FALSE { return false } | null_value | variable | list_value | object_value | enum_value null_value: NULL { return make_node(:NullValue, name: val[0], position_source: val[0]) } variable: VAR_SIGN name { return make_node(:VariableIdentifier, name: val[1], position_source: val[0]) } list_value: LBRACKET RBRACKET { return [] } | LBRACKET list_value_list RBRACKET { return val[1] } list_value_list: input_value { return [val[0]] } | list_value_list input_value { val[0] << val[1] } object_value: LCURLY RCURLY { return make_node(:InputObject, arguments: [], position_source: val[0])} | LCURLY object_value_list RCURLY { return make_node(:InputObject, arguments: val[1], position_source: val[0])} object_value_list: object_value_field { return [val[0]] } | object_value_list object_value_field { val[0] << val[1] } object_value_field: name COLON input_value { return make_node(:Argument, name: val[0], value: val[2], position_source: val[0])} enum_value: enum_name { return make_node(:Enum, name: val[0], position_source: val[0]) } directives_list_opt: /* none */ { return [] } | directives_list directives_list: directive { return [val[0]] } | directives_list directive { val[0] << val[1] } directive: DIR_SIGN name arguments_opt { return make_node(:Directive, name: val[1], arguments: val[2], position_source: val[0]) } fragment_spread: ELLIPSIS name_without_on directives_list_opt { return make_node(:FragmentSpread, name: val[1], directives: val[2], position_source: val[0]) } inline_fragment: ELLIPSIS ON type directives_list_opt selection_set { return make_node(:InlineFragment, { type: val[2], directives: val[3], selections: val[4], position_source: val[0] }) } | ELLIPSIS directives_list_opt selection_set { return make_node(:InlineFragment, { type: nil, directives: val[1], selections: val[2], position_source: val[0] }) } fragment_definition: FRAGMENT fragment_name_opt ON type directives_list_opt selection_set { return make_node(:FragmentDefinition, { name: val[1], type: val[3], directives: val[4], selections: val[5], position_source: val[0], } ) } fragment_name_opt: /* none */ { return nil } | name_without_on type_system_definition: schema_definition | type_definition | directive_definition schema_definition: SCHEMA LCURLY operation_type_definition_list RCURLY { return make_node(:SchemaDefinition, position_source: val[0], **val[2]) } operation_type_definition_list: operation_type_definition | operation_type_definition_list operation_type_definition { return val[0].merge(val[1]) } operation_type_definition: operation_type COLON name { return { val[0].to_s.to_sym => val[2] } } type_definition: scalar_type_definition | object_type_definition | interface_type_definition | union_type_definition | enum_type_definition | input_object_type_definition scalar_type_definition: SCALAR name directives_list_opt { return make_node(:ScalarTypeDefinition, name: val[1], directives: val[2], description: get_description(val[0]), position_source: val[0]) } object_type_definition: TYPE name implements_opt directives_list_opt LCURLY field_definition_list RCURLY { return make_node(:ObjectTypeDefinition, name: val[1], interfaces: val[2], directives: val[3], fields: val[5], description: get_description(val[0]), position_source: val[0]) } implements_opt: /* none */ { return [] } | IMPLEMENTS name_list { return val[1] } input_value_definition: name COLON type default_value_opt directives_list_opt { return make_node(:InputValueDefinition, name: val[0], type: val[2], default_value: val[3], directives: val[4], description: get_description(val[0])) } input_value_definition_list: input_value_definition { return [val[0]] } | input_value_definition_list input_value_definition { val[0] << val[1] } arguments_definitions_opt: /* none */ { return [] } | LPAREN input_value_definition_list RPAREN { return val[1] } field_definition: name arguments_definitions_opt COLON type directives_list_opt { return make_node(:FieldDefinition, name: val[0], arguments: val[1], type: val[3], directives: val[4], description: get_description(val[0])) } field_definition_list: field_definition { return [val[0]] } | field_definition_list field_definition { val[0] << val[1] } interface_type_definition: INTERFACE name directives_list_opt LCURLY field_definition_list RCURLY { return make_node(:InterfaceTypeDefinition, name: val[1], directives: val[2], fields: val[4], description: get_description(val[0]), position_source: val[0]) } union_members: name { return [make_node(:TypeName, name: val[0])]} | union_members PIPE name { val[0] << make_node(:TypeName, name: val[2]) } union_type_definition: UNION name directives_list_opt EQUALS union_members { return make_node(:UnionTypeDefinition, name: val[1], directives: val[2], types: val[4], description: get_description(val[0]), position_source: val[0]) } enum_type_definition: ENUM name directives_list_opt LCURLY enum_value_definitions RCURLY { return make_node(:EnumTypeDefinition, name: val[1], directives: val[2], values: val[4], description: get_description(val[0]), position_source: val[0]) } input_object_type_definition: INPUT name directives_list_opt LCURLY input_value_definition_list RCURLY { return make_node(:InputObjectTypeDefinition, name: val[1], directives: val[2], fields: val[4], description: get_description(val[0]), position_source: val[0]) } directive_definition: DIRECTIVE DIR_SIGN name arguments_definitions_opt ON directive_locations { return make_node(:DirectiveDefinition, name: val[2], arguments: val[3], locations: val[5], description: get_description(val[0]), position_source: val[0]) } directive_locations: name { return [val[0].to_s] } | directive_locations PIPE name { val[0] << val[2].to_s } end ---- header ---- ---- inner ---- def initialize(query_string, filename:) @query_string = query_string @filename = filename end def parse_document @document ||= begin # Break the string into tokens GraphQL::Tracing.trace("lex", {query_string: @query_string}) do @tokens ||= GraphQL.scan(@query_string) end # From the tokens, build an AST GraphQL::Tracing.trace("parse", {query_string: @query_string}) do if @tokens.none? make_node(:Document, definitions: [], filename: @filename) else do_parse end end end end def self.parse(query_string, filename: nil), filename: filename).parse_document end private def next_token lexer_token = @tokens.shift if lexer_token.nil? nil else [, lexer_token] end end def get_description(token) comments = [] loop do prev_token = token token = token.prev_token break if token.nil? break if != :COMMENT break if prev_token.line != token.line + 1 comments.unshift(token.to_s.sub(/^#\s*/, "")) end return nil if comments.empty? comments.join("\n") end def on_error(parser_token_id, lexer_token, vstack) if lexer_token == "$" raise"Unexpected end of document", nil, nil, @query_string, filename: @filename) else parser_token_name = token_to_str(parser_token_id) if parser_token_name.nil? raise"Parse Error on unknown token: {token_id: #{parser_token_id}, lexer_token: #{lexer_token}} from #{@query_string}", nil, nil, @query_string, filename: @filename) else line, col = lexer_token.line_and_column if == :BAD_UNICODE_ESCAPE raise"Parse error on bad Unicode escape sequence: #{lexer_token.to_s.inspect} (#{parser_token_name}) at [#{line}, #{col}]", line, col, @query_string, filename: @filename) else raise"Parse error on #{lexer_token.to_s.inspect} (#{parser_token_name}) at [#{line}, #{col}]", line, col, @query_string, filename: @filename) end end end end def make_node(node_name, assigns) assigns.each do |key, value| if key != :position_source && value.is_a?(GraphQL::Language::Token) assigns[key] = value.to_s end end assigns[:filename] = @filename GraphQL::Language::Nodes.const_get(node_name).new(assigns) end