require 'spec_helper' describe Bently::Base do before do @bently = @bently.stub(:`) @bently.stub(:run) @bently.stub(:create_file) @bently.stub(:append_to_file) @bently.stub(:prepend_to_file) @bently.stub(:gsub_file) @bently.stub(:insert_into_file) @bently.stub(:remove_file) @bently.stub(:yes?) @bently.stub(:ask) end describe "#read" do before do @recipe_class ={ def initialize; run 'echo knead the dough' end } Bently::Recipebook.stub(:find).and_return(@recipe_class) end it "triggers the operation" do @bently.should_receive(:run) 'recipe' end it "doesn't execute any commands" do @bently.should_receive(:`).exactly(0).times 'recipe' end end describe "#bake" do before do STDOUT.stub(:puts).and_return(true) end context "given a run operation" do before do @recipe_class ={ def initialize; run 'echo foobar' end } Bently::Recipebook.stub(:find).and_return(@recipe_class) end it "performs the operation" do @bently.should_receive(:run).with('echo foobar').and_return(nil) @bently.bake 'recipe' end end context "given a create operation" do before do @recipe_class ={ def initialize; create 'file.rb', 'abc' end } Bently::Recipebook.stub(:find).and_return(@recipe_class) end it "performs the operation" do @bently.should_receive(:create_file).with('file.rb','abc') @bently.bake 'recipe' end end context "given a modify operation" do before do @recipe_class ={ def initialize; modify 'file.rb', /dog/, 'abc' end } Bently::Recipebook.stub(:find).and_return(@recipe_class) end it "performs the operation" do @bently.should_receive(:gsub_file).with('file.rb', /dog/, 'abc') @bently.bake 'recipe' end end context "given an append operation" do before do @recipe_class ={ def initialize; append 'file.rb', 'abc' end } Bently::Recipebook.stub(:find).and_return(@recipe_class) end it "performs the operation" do @bently.should_receive(:append_to_file).with('file.rb',"abc") @bently.bake 'recipe' end end context "given a prepend operation" do before do @recipe_class ={ def initialize; prepend 'file.rb', 'abc' end } Bently::Recipebook.stub(:find).and_return(@recipe_class) end it "performs the operation" do @bently.should_receive(:prepend_to_file).with('file.rb',"abc") @bently.bake 'recipe' end end context "given an insert operation" do before do @recipe_class ={ def initialize; insert 'file.rb', 'abc', :after => 'whatever\n' end } Bently::Recipebook.stub(:find).and_return(@recipe_class) end it "performs the operation" do @bently.should_receive(:insert_into_file).with('file.rb','abc',:after => 'whatever\n') @bently.bake 'recipe' end end context "given a remove operation" do before do @recipe_class ={ def initialize; remove 'file.rb' end } Bently::Recipebook.stub(:find).and_return(@recipe_class) end it "performs the operation" do @bently.should_receive(:remove_file).with('file.rb') @bently.bake 'recipe' end end end describe "Recipes" do it "raises no errors" do 'action-mailer' 'active_admin' 'acts-as-taggable-on' 'better-errors' 'cancan' 'carrierwave' 'cucumber-rails' 'delayed-job-active-record' 'delayed-job-mongoid' 'devise' 'factory-girl-rails' 'foreman' 'foreman-thin' 'formtastic' 'gitignore-emacs' 'gitignore-linux' 'gitignore-osx' 'gitignore-rails' 'gitignore-ruby' 'gitignore-rubymine' 'gitignore-sass' 'gitignore-sublime-text' 'gitignore-textmate' 'gitignore-vim' 'gitignore-windows' 'guard' 'guard-coffeescript' 'guard-cucumber' 'guard-livereload' 'guard-minitest' 'guard-rails' 'guard-rspec' 'guard-spork' 'haml-rails' 'heroku-cleardb' 'heroku-rails' 'heroku-sendgrid' 'jasmine-rails' 'kaminari' 'minitest-rails' 'omniauth' 'omniauth-facebook' 'paperclip' 'resque-rails' 'rspec-rails' 'rvmrc' 'simple_form' 'twitter' 'twitter-bootstrap-rails' end end end