/** * Jasmine Reporter that outputs test results to the browser console. * Useful for running in a headless environment such as PhantomJs, ZombieJs etc. * * Usage (from your html file that loads jasmine): * jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new jasmine.ConsoleReporter()); * jasmine.getEnv().execute(); */ (function(jasmine, console) { if (!jasmine) { throw "jasmine library isn't loaded!"; } var ANSI = {} ANSI.color_map = { "green": 32, "red": 31 } ANSI.colorize_text = function(text, color) { var color_code = this.color_map[color]; return "\033[" + color_code + "m" + text + "\033[0m"; } var ConsoleReporter = function() { if (!console || !console.log) { throw "console isn't present!"; } this.status = this.statuses.stopped; }; var proto = ConsoleReporter.prototype; proto.statuses = { stopped : "stopped", running : "running", fail : "fail", success : "success" }; proto.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) { this.status = this.statuses.running; this.start_time = (new Date()).getTime(); this.executed_specs = 0; this.passed_specs = 0; this.log("Starting..."); }; proto.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) { var failed = this.executed_specs - this.passed_specs; var spec_str = this.executed_specs + (this.executed_specs === 1 ? " spec, " : " specs, "); var fail_str = failed + (failed === 1 ? " failure in " : " failures in "); var color = (failed > 0)? "red" : "green"; var dur = (new Date()).getTime() - this.start_time; this.log(""); this.log("Finished"); this.log("-----------------"); this.log(spec_str + fail_str + (dur/1000) + "s.", color); this.status = (failed > 0)? this.statuses.fail : this.statuses.success; /* Print something that signals that testing is over so that headless browsers like PhantomJs know when to terminate. */ this.log(""); this.log("ConsoleReporter finished"); }; proto.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) { this.executed_specs++; }; proto.reportSpecResults = function(spec) { if (spec.results().passed()) { this.passed_specs++; return; } var resultText = spec.suite.description + " : " + spec.description; this.log(resultText, "red"); var items = spec.results().getItems() for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var trace = items[i].trace.stack || items[i].trace; this.log(trace, "red"); } }; proto.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) { if (!suite.parentSuite) { return; } var results = suite.results(); var failed = results.totalCount - results.passedCount; var color = (failed > 0)? "red" : "green"; this.log(suite.description + ": " + results.passedCount + " of " + results.totalCount + " passed.", color); }; proto.log = function(str, color) { var text = (color != undefined)? ANSI.colorize_text(str, color) : str; console.log(text) }; jasmine.ConsoleReporter = ConsoleReporter; })(jasmine, console);