= ECM Module Template = End-User documentation Please look at the[link:doc] Folder. = Prerequisites = Installation Add it to your bundle: # Gemfile: gem 'ecm_cms2' Install your bundle: > bundle install Install the intializer: > rails g ecm:cms:install Install the locales > rails g ecm:cms:locales Generate migrations and migrate: > rake ecm_cms_engine:install:migrations > rake db:migrate = Configuring localized routing Add the routes to your routing file: # config/routes.rb: localized do Ecm::Cms::Routing.routes(self) end root to: redirect("/#{I18n.locale}") = Optional: Generating example/default data There is a task to prepopulate your database tables with example data. Warning: *RUNNING THIS WILL DELETE ALL OF YOUR CMS DATA AND REPLACE IT WITH EXAMPLE DATA!* > rake ecm:cms:db:populate! = Linking to pages <%= link_to 'My Page', page_path(i18n_locale: I18n.locale, page: 'my-page') %> = Using partials form the database in other controllers # app/controllers/application_controller.rb class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base prepend_view_path ::Ecm::Cms::PartialResolver.instance ... end = License This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.