Given /^a feature file named "([^"]*)" with the contents:$/ do |filename, contents| @contents = contents create_feature("project", filename, @contents) end When /^I visit the project page$/ do visit "/projects/project" end When /^I visit the sample feature page$/ do visit "/projects/project/features/sample-feature" end When /^I select "([^"]*)"$/ do |text| click_link text end Then /^I see a link to "([^"]*)" with the url "([^"]*)"$/ do |text, url| page.should have_link text, :href => url end Then /^I see "([^"]*)"$/ do |text| page.should have_content(text) end Then /^the total tag count is displayed$/ do save_and_open_page end Then /^I see each tag has an individual colour$/ do find('a.tag-tag1').should be_visible find('a.tag-tag2').should be_visible find('a.tag-tag3').should be_visible end