//= require_self /** This is a collection of javascript functions and whatnot under the spree namespace that do stuff we find helpful. Hopefully, this will evolve into a propper class. **/ $(document).ajaxStart(function(){ $("#progress").slideDown(); }); $(document).ajaxStop(function(){ $("#progress").slideUp(); }); $.fn.visible = function(cond) { this[cond ? 'show' : 'hide' ]() }; show_flash_error = function(message) { error_div = $('.flash.error'); if (error_div.length > 0) { error_div.html(message); error_div.show(); } else { if ($("#content .toolbar").length > 0) { $("#content .toolbar").before('
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" + product['name'] + "

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" + name + "

"; html += "Sku: " + variant['sku'] + ""; html += "On Hand: " + variant['count_on_hand'] + "
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