require 'securerandom' require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe SimCtl, order: :defined do before(:all) do @name = SecureRandom.hex @devicetype = SimCtl.devicetype(name: 'iPhone 5') @runtime = SimCtl::Runtime.latest(:ios) @device = SimCtl.create_device @name, @devicetype, @runtime @device.wait {|d| d.state == :shutdown} end after(:all) do with_rescue { @device.kill } with_rescue { @device.wait {|d| d.state == :shutdown} } with_rescue { @device.delete } end describe 'creating a device' do it 'raises exception if devicetype lookup failed' do expect { SimCtl.create_device @name, 'invalid devicetype', @runtime }.to raise_error SimCtl::DeviceTypeNotFound end it 'raises exception if runtime lookup failed' do expect { SimCtl.create_device @name, @devicetype, 'invalid runtime' }.to raise_error SimCtl::RuntimeNotFound end end describe 'device properties' do it 'is a device' do expect(@device).to be_kind_of SimCtl::Device end it 'has a name property' do expect( be == @name end it 'has a devicetype property' do expect(@device.devicetype).to be == @devicetype end it 'has a runtime property' do expect(@device.runtime).to be == @runtime end it 'has a availability property' do expect(@device.availability).not_to be_nil end it 'has a os property' do expect(@device.os).not_to be_nil end it 'state is shutdown' do expect(@device.state).to be == :shutdown end describe '#path' do it 'has a device plist' do expect(File).to exist(@device.path.device_plist) end it 'has a global preferences plist' do expect(File).to exist(@device.path.global_preferences_plist) end it 'has a home' do expect(File).to exist(@device.path.home) end it 'has a launchctl' do expect(File).to exist(@device.path.launchctl) end end end describe 'device settings' do describe 'update hardware keyboard' do it 'creates the preferences plist' do File.delete(@device.path.preferences_plist) if File.exists?(@device.path.preferences_plist) @device.settings.update_hardware_keyboard(false) expect(File).to exist(@device.path.preferences_plist) end end describe 'disable keyboard helpers' do it 'creates the preferences plist' do File.delete(@device.path.preferences_plist) if File.exists?(@device.path.preferences_plist) @device.settings.disable_keyboard_helpers expect(File).to exist(@device.path.preferences_plist) end end describe 'setting the device language' do it 'sets the device language' do @device.settings.set_language('de') end end end describe 'finding the device' do it 'finds the device by udid' do expect(SimCtl.device(udid: @device.udid)).to be == @device end it 'finds the device by name' do expect(SimCtl.device(name: be == @device end unless SimCtl.device_set_path.nil? it 'finds the device by runtime' do expect(SimCtl.device(runtime: @device.runtime)).to be == @device end it 'finds the device by devicetype' do expect(SimCtl.device(devicetype: @device.devicetype)).to be == @device end it 'finds the device by all given properties' do expect(SimCtl.device(udid: @device.udid, name:, runtime: @device.runtime, devicetype: @device.devicetype)).to be == @device end end end describe 'renaming the device' do it 'renames the device' do @device.rename('new name') expect( be == 'new name' expect(SimCtl.device(udid: @device.udid).name).to be == 'new name' end end describe 'erasing the device' do it 'erases the device' do @device.erase end end describe 'launching the device' do it 'launches the device' do @device.launch @device.wait {|d| d.state == :booted} expect(@device.state).to be == :booted end it 'is ready' do @device.wait {|d| d.ready?} expect(@device).to be_ready end end describe 'launching a system app' do it 'launches Safari' do @device.launch_app('') end end describe 'taking a screenshot' do if SimCtl::Xcode::Version.gte? '8.2' it 'takes a screenshot' do file = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir, 'screenshot.png') @device.screenshot(file) expect(File).to exist(file) end else it 'raises exception' do expect { @device.screenshot('/tmp/foo.png') }.to raise_error SimCtl::UnsupportedCommandError end end end describe 'spawning a process' do it 'spawns launchctl list' do output = @device.spawn(@device.path.launchctl, ['list']) expect(output.length).to be > 0 end end describe 'installing an app' do before(:all) do system 'cd spec/SampleApp && xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator >/dev/null 2>&1' end it 'installs SampleApp' do @device.install('spec/SampleApp/build/Release-iphonesimulator/') end end describe 'launching an app' do it 'launches SampleApp' do @device.launch_app('com.github.plu.simctl.SampleApp') end end describe 'uninstall an app' do it 'uninstalls SampleApp' do @device.uninstall('com.github.plu.simctl.SampleApp') end end describe 'opening a url' do it 'opens some url' do @device.open_url('') end end describe 'killing the device' do it 'state is booted' do expect(@device.state).to be == :booted end it 'kills the device' do @device.kill @device.wait {|d| d.state == :shutdown} end it 'state is shutdown' do expect(@device.state).to be == :shutdown end end describe 'booting the device' do it 'state is shutdown' do expect(@device.state).to be == :shutdown end it 'boots the device' do @device.boot @device.wait {|d| d.state == :booted} expect(@device.state).to be == :booted end it 'state is booted' do expect(@device.state).to be == :booted end it 'is ready' do @device.wait {|d| d.ready?} expect(@device).to be_ready end end describe 'shutting down the device' do it 'state is booted' do expect(@device.state).to be == :booted end it 'shuts down the device' do @device.shutdown @device.wait {|d| d.state == :shutdown} end it 'state is shutdown' do expect(@device.state).to be == :shutdown end end describe 'resetting the device' do it 'deletes the old device and creates a new one' do new_device = @device.reset expect( be == expect(new_device.devicetype).to be == @device.devicetype expect(new_device.runtime).to be == @device.runtime expect(new_device.udid).not_to be == @device.udid expect(SimCtl.device(udid: @device.udid)).to be_nil @device = new_device end end describe 'deleting the device' do it 'deletes the device' do device = SimCtl.create_device @name, @devicetype, @runtime device.delete expect(SimCtl.device(udid: @device.udid)).to be_nil end end end