module DeviseInvitable module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("../../templates", __FILE__) desc "Add DeviseInvitable config variables to the Devise initializer and copy DeviseInvitable locale files to your application." # def devise_install # invoke "devise:install" # end def add_config_options_to_initializer devise_initializer_path = "config/initializers/devise.rb" if File.exist?(devise_initializer_path) old_content = if old_content.match(^\s# ==> Configuration for :invitable\n/)) false else inject_into_file(devise_initializer_path, :before => " # ==> Configuration for :confirmable\n") do <<-CONTENT # ==> Configuration for :invitable # The period the generated invitation token is valid, after # this period, the invited resource won't be able to accept the invitation. # When invite_for is 0 (the default), the invitation won't expire. # config.invite_for = 2.weeks # Number of invitations users can send. # - If invitation_limit is nil, there is no limit for invitations, users can # send unlimited invitations, invitation_limit column is not used. # - If invitation_limit is 0, users can't send invitations by default. # - If invitation_limit n > 0, users can send n invitations. # You can change invitation_limit column for some users so they can send more # or less invitations, even with global invitation_limit = 0 # Default: nil # config.invitation_limit = 5 # The key to be used to check existing users when sending an invitation # and the regexp used to test it when validate_on_invite is not set. # config.invite_key = {:email => /\\A[^@]+@[^@]+\\z/} # config.invite_key = {:email => /\\A[^@]+@[^@]+\\z/, :username => nil} # Flag that force a record to be valid before being actually invited # Default: false # config.validate_on_invite = true # Resend invitation if user with invited status is invited again # Default: true # config.resend_invitation = false # The class name of the inviting model. If this is nil, # the #invited_by association is declared to be polymorphic. # Default: nil # config.invited_by_class_name = 'User' # The foreign key to the inviting model (if invited_by_class_name is set) # Default: :invited_by_id # config.invited_by_foreign_key = :invited_by_id # The column name used for counter_cache column. If this is nil, # the #invited_by association is declared without counter_cache. # Default: nil # config.invited_by_counter_cache = :invitations_count # Auto-login after the user accepts the invite. If this is false, # the user will need to manually log in after accepting the invite. # Default: true # config.allow_insecure_sign_in_after_accept = false CONTENT end end end end def copy_locale copy_file "../../../config/locales/en.yml", "config/locales/devise_invitable.en.yml" end end end end