require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper') describe "DB#create_table" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should accept the table name" do @db.create_table(:cats) {} @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats ()'] end specify "should accept the table name in multiple formats" do @db.create_table(:cats__cats) {} @db.create_table("cats__cats1") {} @db.create_table(Sequel.identifier(:cats__cats2)) {} @db.create_table(Sequel.qualify(:cats3, :cats)) {} @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats.cats ()', 'CREATE TABLE cats__cats1 ()', 'CREATE TABLE cats__cats2 ()', 'CREATE TABLE cats3.cats ()'] end specify "should raise an error if the table name argument is not valid" do proc{@db.create_table(1) {}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{@db.create_table(, :c)) {}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should remove cached schema entry" do @db.instance_variable_set(:@schemas, {'cats'=>[]}) @db.create_table(:cats){Integer :a} @db.instance_variable_get(:@schemas).should be_empty end specify "should accept multiple columns" do @db.create_table(:cats) do column :id, :integer column :name, :text end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text)'] end specify "should accept method calls as data types" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text)'] end specify "should transform types given as ruby classes to database-specific types" do @db.create_table(:cats) do String :a Integer :b Fixnum :c Bignum :d Float :e BigDecimal :f Date :g DateTime :h Time :i Numeric :j File :k TrueClass :l FalseClass :m column :n, Fixnum primary_key :o, :type=>String foreign_key :p, :f, :type=>Date end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (o varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, a varchar(255), b integer, c integer, d bigint, e double precision, f numeric, g date, h timestamp, i timestamp, j numeric, k blob, l boolean, m boolean, n integer, p date REFERENCES f)'] end specify "should transform types given as ruby classes to database-specific types" do @db.default_string_column_size = 50 @db.create_table(:cats) do String :a String :a2, :size=>13 String :a3, :fixed=>true String :a4, :size=>13, :fixed=>true String :a5, :text=>true varchar :a6 varchar :a7, :size=>13 end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (a varchar(50), a2 varchar(13), a3 char(50), a4 char(13), a5 text, a6 varchar(50), a7 varchar(13))'] end specify "should allow the use of modifiers with ruby class types" do @db.create_table(:cats) do String :a, :size=>50 String :b, :text=>true String :c, :fixed=>true, :size=>40 Time :d, :only_time=>true BigDecimal :e, :size=>[11,2] end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (a varchar(50), b text, c char(40), d time, e numeric(11, 2))'] end specify "should raise an error if you use a ruby class that isn't handled" do proc{@db.create_table(:cats){column :a, Class}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should accept primary key definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do primary_key :id end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)'] @db.create_table(:cats) do primary_key :id, :serial, :auto_increment => false end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id serial PRIMARY KEY)'] @db.create_table(:cats) do primary_key :id, :type => :serial, :auto_increment => false end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id serial PRIMARY KEY)'] end specify "should allow naming primary key constraint with :primary_key_constraint_name option" do @db.create_table(:cats) do primary_key :id, :primary_key_constraint_name=>:foo end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer CONSTRAINT foo PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)'] end specify "should handling splitting named column constraints into table constraints if unsupported" do def @db.supports_named_column_constraints?; false end @db.create_table(:cats) do primary_key :id, :primary_key_constraint_name=>:foo foreign_key :cat_id, :cats, :unique=>true, :unique_constraint_name=>:bar, :foreign_key_constraint_name=>:baz, :deferrable=>true, :key=>:foo_id, :on_delete=>:cascade, :on_update=>:restrict end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer AUTOINCREMENT, cat_id integer, CONSTRAINT foo PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT baz FOREIGN KEY (cat_id) REFERENCES cats(foo_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, CONSTRAINT bar UNIQUE (cat_id))'] end specify "should accept and literalize default values" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id, :default => 123 text :name, :default => "abc'def" end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer DEFAULT 123, name text DEFAULT 'abc''def')"] end specify "should accept not null definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name, :null => false text :name2, :allow_null => false end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text NOT NULL, name2 text NOT NULL)"] end specify "should accept null definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name, :null => true text :name2, :allow_null => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text NULL, name2 text NULL)"] end specify "should accept unique definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name, :unique => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text UNIQUE)"] end specify "should allow naming unique constraint with :unique_constraint_name option" do @db.create_table(:cats) do text :name, :unique => true, :unique_constraint_name=>:foo end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name text CONSTRAINT foo UNIQUE)"] end specify "should handle not deferred unique constraints" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name unique :name, :deferrable=>false end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text, UNIQUE (name) NOT DEFERRABLE)"] end specify "should handle deferred unique constraints" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name unique :name, :deferrable=>true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text, UNIQUE (name) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED)"] end specify "should handle deferred initially immediate unique constraints" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name unique :name, :deferrable=>:immediate end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text, UNIQUE (name) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)"] end specify "should accept unsigned definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :value, :unsigned => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (value integer UNSIGNED)"] end specify "should accept [SET|ENUM](...) types" do @db.create_table(:cats) do set :color, :elements => ['black', 'tricolor', 'grey'] end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (color set('black', 'tricolor', 'grey'))"] end specify "should accept varchar size" do @db.create_table(:cats) do varchar :name end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name varchar(255))"] @db.create_table(:cats) do varchar :name, :size => 51 end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name varchar(51))"] end specify "should use double precision for double type" do @db.create_table(:cats) do double :name end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name double precision)"] end specify "should accept foreign keys without options" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer)"] end specify "should accept foreign keys with options" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects)"] end specify "should accept foreign keys with separate table argument" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :projects, :default=>3 end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer DEFAULT 3 REFERENCES projects)"] end specify "should allowing naming foreign key constraint with :foreign_key_constraint_name option" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :projects, :foreign_key_constraint_name=>:foo end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer CONSTRAINT foo REFERENCES projects)"] end specify "should raise an error if the table argument to foreign_key isn't a hash, symbol, or nil" do proc{@db.create_table(:cats){foreign_key :project_id,, :default=>3}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should accept foreign keys with arbitrary keys" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :key => :id end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects(id))"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :key => :zzz end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects(zzz))"] end specify "should accept foreign keys with ON DELETE clause" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :restrict end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE RESTRICT)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :cascade end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE CASCADE)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :no_action end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE NO ACTION)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :set_null end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE SET NULL)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :set_default end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE SET DEFAULT)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => 'NO ACTION FOO' end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE NO ACTION FOO)"] end specify "should accept foreign keys with ON UPDATE clause" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_update => :restrict end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON UPDATE RESTRICT)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_update => :cascade end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON UPDATE CASCADE)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_update => :no_action end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON UPDATE NO ACTION)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_update => :set_null end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON UPDATE SET NULL)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_update => :set_default end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_update => 'SET DEFAULT FOO' end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT FOO)"] end specify "should accept foreign keys with deferrable option" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :projects, :deferrable=>true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED)"] end specify "should accept collation" do @db.create_table(:cats) do varchar :name, :collate => :utf8_bin end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin)"] end specify "should accept inline index definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id, :index => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)"] end specify "should accept inline index definition with a hash of options" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id, :index => {:unique=>true} end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)"] end specify "should accept inline index definition for foreign keys" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :cascade, :index => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE CASCADE)", "CREATE INDEX cats_project_id_index ON cats (project_id)"] end specify "should accept inline index definition for foreign keys with a hash of options" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :cascade, :index => {:unique=>true} end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE CASCADE)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cats_project_id_index ON cats (project_id)"] end specify "should accept index definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)"] end specify "should accept unique constraint definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do text :name unique :name end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name text, UNIQUE (name))"] end specify "should accept partial index definitions" do def @db.supports_partial_indexes?() true end @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id, :where=>proc{id > 1} end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id) WHERE (id > 1)"] end specify "should raise an error if partial indexes are not supported" do proc do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id, :where=>proc{id > 1} end end.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should not raise on index error for unsupported index definitions if ignore_index_errors is used" do proc { @db.create_table(:cats, :ignore_index_errors=>true) do text :name full_text_index :name end }.should_not raise_error end specify "should raise on full-text index definitions" do proc { @db.create_table(:cats) do text :name full_text_index :name end }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise on spatial index definitions" do proc { @db.create_table(:cats) do point :geom spatial_index :geom end }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise on partial index definitions" do proc { @db.create_table(:cats) do text :name index :name, :where => {:something => true} end }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise index definitions with type" do proc { @db.create_table(:cats) do text :name index :name, :type => :hash end }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should ignore errors if the database raises an error on an index creation statement and the :ignore_index_errors option is used" do meta_def(@db, :execute_ddl){|*a| raise Sequel::DatabaseError if /blah/.match(a.first); super(*a)} lambda{@db.create_table(:cats){Integer :id; index :blah; index :id}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)'] lambda{@db.create_table(:cats, :ignore_index_errors=>true){Integer :id; index :blah; index :id}}.should_not raise_error @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)', 'CREATE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)'] end specify "should accept multiple index definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id index :name end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)", "CREATE INDEX cats_name_index ON cats (name)"] end specify "should accept functional indexes" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index Sequel.function(:lower, :name) end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX cats_lower_name__index ON cats (lower(name))"] end specify "should accept indexes with identifiers" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index Sequel.identifier(:lower__name) end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX cats_lower__name_index ON cats (lower__name)"] end specify "should accept custom index names" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id, :name => 'abc' end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX abc ON cats (id)"] end specify "should accept unique index definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id, :unique => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)"] end specify "should accept composite index definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index [:id, :name], :unique => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cats_id_name_index ON cats (id, name)"] end specify "should accept unnamed constraint definitions with blocks" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :score check{(x > 0) & (y < 1)} end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (score integer, CHECK ((x > 0) AND (y < 1)))"] end specify "should accept unnamed constraint definitions with function calls" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :score check{f(x)} end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (score integer, CHECK (f(x)))"] end specify "should accept unnamed constraint definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do check 'price < ?', 100 end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (CHECK (price < 100))"] end specify "should accept arrays of pairs constraints" do @db.create_table(:cats) do check [[:price, 100]] end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (CHECK (price = 100))"] end specify "should accept hash constraints" do @db.create_table(:cats) do check :price=>100 end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (CHECK (price = 100))"] end specify "should accept array constraints" do @db.create_table(:cats) do check [Sequel.expr(:x) > 0, Sequel.expr(:y) < 1] end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (CHECK ((x > 0) AND (y < 1)))"] end specify "should accept named constraint definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :score constraint :valid_score, 'score <= 100' end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (score integer, CONSTRAINT valid_score CHECK (score <= 100))"] end specify "should accept named constraint definitions with options" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :score constraint({:name=>:valid_score, :deferrable=>true}, 'score <= 100') end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (score integer, CONSTRAINT valid_score CHECK (score <= 100) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED)"] end specify "should accept named constraint definitions with block" do @db.create_table(:cats) do constraint(:blah_blah){(x.sql_number > 0) & (y.sql_number < 1)} end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (CONSTRAINT blah_blah CHECK ((x > 0) AND (y < 1)))"] end specify "should raise an error if an invalid constraint type is used" do proc{@db.create_table(:cats){unique [:a, :b], :type=>:bb}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should accept composite primary keys" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b primary_key [:a, :b] end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"] end specify "should accept named composite primary keys" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b primary_key [:a, :b], :name => :cpk end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, CONSTRAINT cpk PRIMARY KEY (a, b))"] end specify "should accept composite foreign keys" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b foreign_key [:a, :b], :abc end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, FOREIGN KEY (a, b) REFERENCES abc)"] end specify "should accept named composite foreign keys" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b foreign_key [:a, :b], :abc, :name => :cfk end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, CONSTRAINT cfk FOREIGN KEY (a, b) REFERENCES abc)"] end specify "should accept composite foreign keys with arbitrary keys" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b foreign_key [:a, :b], :abc, :key => [:real_a, :real_b] end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, FOREIGN KEY (a, b) REFERENCES abc(real_a, real_b))"] @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b foreign_key [:a, :b], :abc, :key => [:z, :x] end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, FOREIGN KEY (a, b) REFERENCES abc(z, x))"] end specify "should accept composite foreign keys with on delete and on update clauses" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b foreign_key [:a, :b], :abc, :on_delete => :cascade end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, FOREIGN KEY (a, b) REFERENCES abc ON DELETE CASCADE)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b foreign_key [:a, :b], :abc, :on_update => :no_action end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, FOREIGN KEY (a, b) REFERENCES abc ON UPDATE NO ACTION)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b foreign_key [:a, :b], :abc, :on_delete => :restrict, :on_update => :set_default end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, FOREIGN KEY (a, b) REFERENCES abc ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT)"] @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :a integer :b foreign_key [:a, :b], :abc, :key => [:x, :y], :on_delete => :set_null, :on_update => :set_null end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (a integer, b integer, FOREIGN KEY (a, b) REFERENCES abc(x, y) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL)"] end specify "should accept an :as option to create a table from the results of a dataset" do @db.create_table(:cats, :as=>@db[:a]) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats AS SELECT * FROM a'] end specify "should accept an :as option to create a table from a SELECT string" do @db.create_table(:cats, :as=>'SELECT * FROM a') @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats AS SELECT * FROM a'] end specify "should raise an Error if both a block and an :as argument are given" do proc{@db.create_table(:cats, :as=>@db[:a]){}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe "DB#create_table!" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should create the table if it does not exist" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| false} @db.create_table!(:cats){|*a|} @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats ()'] end specify "should drop the table before creating it if it already exists" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| true} @db.create_table!(:cats){|*a|} @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats', 'CREATE TABLE cats ()'] end specify "should use IF EXISTS if the database supports it" do meta_def(@db, :supports_drop_table_if_exists?){true} @db.create_table!(:cats){|*a|} @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cats', 'CREATE TABLE cats ()'] end end describe "DB#create_table?" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should not create the table if the table already exists" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| true} @db.create_table?(:cats){|*a|} @db.sqls.should == [] end specify "should create the table if the table doesn't already exist" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| false} @db.create_table?(:cats){|*a|} @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats ()'] end specify "should use IF NOT EXISTS if the database supports that" do meta_def(@db, :supports_create_table_if_not_exists?){true} @db.create_table?(:cats){|*a|} @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cats ()'] end specify "should not use IF NOT EXISTS if the indexes are created" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| false} meta_def(@db, :supports_create_table_if_not_exists?){true} @db.create_table?(:cats){|*a| Integer :a, :index=>true} @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (a integer)', 'CREATE INDEX cats_a_index ON cats (a)'] meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| true} @db.create_table?(:cats){|*a| Integer :a, :index=>true} @db.sqls.should == [] end end describe "DB#create_join_table" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should take a hash with foreign keys and table name values" do @db.create_join_table(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX cats_dogs_dog_id_cat_id_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] end specify "should be able to have values be a hash of options" do @db.create_join_table(:cat_id=>{:table=>:cats, :null=>true}, :dog_id=>{:table=>:dogs, :default=>0}) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX cats_dogs_dog_id_cat_id_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] end specify "should be able to pass a second hash of table options" do @db.create_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}, :temp=>true) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX cats_dogs_dog_id_cat_id_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] end specify "should recognize :name option in table options" do @db.create_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}, :name=>:f) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE f (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX f_dog_id_cat_id_index ON f (dog_id, cat_id)'] end specify "should recognize :index_options option in table options" do @db.create_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}, :index_options=>{:name=>:foo_index}) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX foo_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] end specify "should recognize :no_index option in table options" do @db.create_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}, :no_index=>true) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))'] end specify "should recognize :no_primary_key option in table options" do @db.create_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}, :no_primary_key=>true) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs)', 'CREATE INDEX cats_dogs_dog_id_cat_id_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] end specify "should raise an error if the hash doesn't have 2 entries with table names" do proc{@db.create_join_table({})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{@db.create_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{@db.create_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :human_id=>:humans, :dog_id=>:dog})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{@db.create_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>{}})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe "DB#create_join_table?" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should create the table if it does not already exist" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| false} @db.create_join_table?(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX cats_dogs_dog_id_cat_id_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] end specify "should not create the table if it already exists" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| true} @db.create_join_table?(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) @db.sqls.should == [] end specify "should not use IF NOT EXISTS" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| false} meta_def(@db, :supports_create_table_if_not_exists?){true} @db.create_join_table?(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX cats_dogs_dog_id_cat_id_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| true} @db.create_join_table?(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) @db.sqls.should == [] end specify "should not use IF NOT EXISTS if no_index is used" do meta_def(@db, :supports_create_table_if_not_exists?){true} @db.create_join_table?({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}, :no_index=>true) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))'] end end describe "DB#create_join_table!" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should drop the table first if it already exists" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| true} @db.create_join_table!(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats_dogs', 'CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX cats_dogs_dog_id_cat_id_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] end specify "should not drop the table if it doesn't exists" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| false} @db.create_join_table!(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX cats_dogs_dog_id_cat_id_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] end specify "should use IF EXISTS if the database supports it" do meta_def(@db, :supports_drop_table_if_exists?){true} @db.create_join_table!(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cats_dogs', 'CREATE TABLE cats_dogs (cat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cats, dog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES dogs, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id, dog_id))', 'CREATE INDEX cats_dogs_dog_id_cat_id_index ON cats_dogs (dog_id, cat_id)'] end end describe "DB#drop_join_table" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should take a hash with foreign keys and table name values and drop the table" do @db.drop_join_table(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats_dogs'] end specify "should be able to have values be a hash of options" do @db.drop_join_table(:cat_id=>{:table=>:cats, :null=>true}, :dog_id=>{:table=>:dogs, :default=>0}) @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats_dogs'] end specify "should respect a second hash of table options" do @db.drop_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}, :cascade=>true) @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats_dogs CASCADE'] end specify "should respect :name option for table name" do @db.drop_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}, :name=>:f) @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE f'] end specify "should raise an error if the hash doesn't have 2 entries with table names" do proc{@db.drop_join_table({})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{@db.drop_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{@db.drop_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :human_id=>:humans, :dog_id=>:dog})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{@db.drop_join_table({:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>{}})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe "DB#drop_table" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should generate a DROP TABLE statement" do @db.drop_table :cats @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats'] end specify "should drop multiple tables at once" do @db.drop_table :cats, :dogs @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats', 'DROP TABLE dogs'] end specify "should take an options hash and support the :cascade option" do @db.drop_table :cats, :dogs, :cascade=>true @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats CASCADE', 'DROP TABLE dogs CASCADE'] end end describe "DB#drop_table?" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should drop the table if it exists" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| true} @db.drop_table?(:cats) @db.sqls.should == ["DROP TABLE cats"] end specify "should do nothing if the table does not exist" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| false} @db.drop_table?(:cats) @db.sqls.should == [] end specify "should operate on multiple tables at once" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| a == :cats} @db.drop_table? :cats, :dogs @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats'] end specify "should take an options hash and support the :cascade option" do meta_def(@db, :table_exists?){|a| true} @db.drop_table? :cats, :dogs, :cascade=>true @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats CASCADE', 'DROP TABLE dogs CASCADE'] end specify "should use IF NOT EXISTS if the database supports that" do meta_def(@db, :supports_drop_table_if_exists?){true} @db.drop_table? :cats, :dogs @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cats', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dogs'] end specify "should use IF NOT EXISTS with CASCADE if the database supports that" do meta_def(@db, :supports_drop_table_if_exists?){true} @db.drop_table? :cats, :dogs, :cascade=>true @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cats CASCADE', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dogs CASCADE'] end end describe "DB#alter_table" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should allow adding not null constraint via set_column_allow_null with false argument" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do set_column_allow_null :score, false end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score SET NOT NULL"] end specify "should allow removing not null constraint via set_column_allow_null with true argument" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do set_column_allow_null :score, true end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score DROP NOT NULL"] end specify "should allow adding not null constraint via set_column_not_null" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do set_column_not_null :score end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score SET NOT NULL"] end specify "should allow removing not null constraint via set_column_allow_null without argument" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do set_column_allow_null :score end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score DROP NOT NULL"] end specify "should support add_column" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_column :score, :integer end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD COLUMN score integer"] end specify "should support add_constraint" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_constraint :valid_score, 'score <= 100' end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD CONSTRAINT valid_score CHECK (score <= 100)"] end specify "should support add_constraint with options" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_constraint({:name=>:valid_score, :deferrable=>true}, 'score <= 100') end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD CONSTRAINT valid_score CHECK (score <= 100) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED"] end specify "should support add_constraint with block" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_constraint(:blah_blah){(x.sql_number > 0) & (y.sql_number < 1)} end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD CONSTRAINT blah_blah CHECK ((x > 0) AND (y < 1))"] end specify "should support add_unique_constraint" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_unique_constraint [:a, :b] end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD UNIQUE (a, b)"] @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_unique_constraint [:a, :b], :name => :ab_uniq end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD CONSTRAINT ab_uniq UNIQUE (a, b)"] end specify "should support add_foreign_key" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_foreign_key :node_id, :nodes end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD COLUMN node_id integer REFERENCES nodes"] end specify "should support add_foreign_key with composite foreign keys" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id], :nodes_props end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD FOREIGN KEY (node_id, prop_id) REFERENCES nodes_props"] @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id], :nodes_props, :name => :cfk end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD CONSTRAINT cfk FOREIGN KEY (node_id, prop_id) REFERENCES nodes_props"] @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id], :nodes_props, :key => [:nid, :pid] end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD FOREIGN KEY (node_id, prop_id) REFERENCES nodes_props(nid, pid)"] @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id], :nodes_props, :on_delete => :restrict, :on_update => :cascade end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD FOREIGN KEY (node_id, prop_id) REFERENCES nodes_props ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE"] end specify "should support add_index" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_index :name end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE INDEX cats_name_index ON cats (name)"] end specify "should ignore errors if the database raises an error on an add_index call and the :ignore_errors option is used" do meta_def(@db, :execute_ddl){|*a| raise Sequel::DatabaseError} lambda{@db.add_index(:cats, :id)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) lambda{@db.add_index(:cats, :id, :ignore_errors=>true)}.should_not raise_error @db.sqls.should == [] end specify "should support add_primary_key" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_primary_key :id end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD COLUMN id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"] end specify "should support add_primary_key with composite primary keys" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_primary_key [:id, :type] end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD PRIMARY KEY (id, type)"] @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_primary_key [:id, :type], :name => :cpk end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD CONSTRAINT cpk PRIMARY KEY (id, type)"] end specify "should support drop_column" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_column :score end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats DROP COLUMN score"] end specify "should support drop_column with :cascade=>true option" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_column :score, :cascade=>true end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats DROP COLUMN score CASCADE"] end specify "should support drop_constraint" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_constraint :valid_score end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats DROP CONSTRAINT valid_score"] end specify "should support drop_constraint with :cascade=>true option" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_constraint :valid_score, :cascade=>true end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats DROP CONSTRAINT valid_score CASCADE"] end specify "should support drop_foreign_key" do def @db.foreign_key_list(table_name) [{:name=>:cats_node_id_fkey, :columns=>[:node_id]}] end @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_foreign_key :node_id end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats DROP CONSTRAINT cats_node_id_fkey", "ALTER TABLE cats DROP COLUMN node_id"] end specify "should support drop_foreign_key with composite foreign keys" do def @db.foreign_key_list(table_name) [{:name=>:cats_node_id_prop_id_fkey, :columns=>[:node_id, :prop_id]}] end @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id] end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats DROP CONSTRAINT cats_node_id_prop_id_fkey"] @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id], :name => :cfk end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats DROP CONSTRAINT cfk"] end specify "should have drop_foreign_key raise Error if no name is found" do def @db.foreign_key_list(table_name) [{:name=>:cats_node_id_fkey, :columns=>[:foo_id]}] end lambda{@db.alter_table(:cats){drop_foreign_key :node_id}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should have drop_foreign_key raise Error if multiple foreign keys found" do def @db.foreign_key_list(table_name) [{:name=>:cats_node_id_fkey, :columns=>[:node_id]}, {:name=>:cats_node_id_fkey2, :columns=>[:node_id]}] end lambda{@db.alter_table(:cats){drop_foreign_key :node_id}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should support drop_index" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_index :name end @db.sqls.should == ["DROP INDEX cats_name_index"] end specify "should support drop_index with a given name" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_index :name, :name=>:blah_blah end @db.sqls.should == ["DROP INDEX blah_blah"] end specify "should support rename_column" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do rename_column :name, :old_name end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats RENAME COLUMN name TO old_name"] end specify "should support set_column_default" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do set_column_default :score, 3 end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score SET DEFAULT 3"] end specify "should support set_column_type" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do set_column_type :score, :real end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score TYPE real"] end specify "should support set_column_type with options" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do set_column_type :score, :integer, :unsigned=>true set_column_type :score, :varchar, :size=>30 set_column_type :score, :enum, :elements=>['a', 'b'] end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score TYPE integer UNSIGNED", "ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score TYPE varchar(30)", "ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score TYPE enum('a', 'b')"] end specify "should combine operations into a single query if the database supports it" do meta_def(@db, :supports_combining_alter_table_ops?){true} @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_column :a, Integer drop_column :b set_column_not_null :c rename_column :d, :e set_column_default :f, 'g' set_column_type :h, Integer add_constraint(:i){a > 1} drop_constraint :j end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD COLUMN a integer, DROP COLUMN b, ALTER COLUMN c SET NOT NULL, RENAME COLUMN d TO e, ALTER COLUMN f SET DEFAULT 'g', ALTER COLUMN h TYPE integer, ADD CONSTRAINT i CHECK (a > 1), DROP CONSTRAINT j"] end specify "should combine operations into consecutive groups of combinable operations if the database supports combining operations" do meta_def(@db, :supports_combining_alter_table_ops?){true} @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_column :a, Integer drop_column :b set_column_not_null :c rename_column :d, :e add_index :e set_column_default :f, 'g' set_column_type :h, Integer add_constraint(:i){a > 1} drop_constraint :j end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD COLUMN a integer, DROP COLUMN b, ALTER COLUMN c SET NOT NULL, RENAME COLUMN d TO e", "CREATE INDEX cats_e_index ON cats (e)", "ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN f SET DEFAULT 'g', ALTER COLUMN h TYPE integer, ADD CONSTRAINT i CHECK (a > 1), DROP CONSTRAINT j"] end end describe "Database#create_table" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.create_table :test do primary_key :id, :integer, :null => false column :name, :text index :name, :unique => true end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE test (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name text)', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_name_index ON test (name)'] end specify "should create a temporary table" do @db.create_table :test_tmp, :temp => true do primary_key :id, :integer, :null => false column :name, :text index :name, :unique => true end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test_tmp (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name text)', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_tmp_name_index ON test_tmp (name)'] end end describe "Database#alter_table" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.alter_table :xyz do add_column :aaa, :text, :null => false, :unique => true drop_column :bbb rename_column :ccc, :ddd set_column_type :eee, :integer set_column_default :hhh, 'abcd' add_index :fff, :unique => true drop_index :ggg end @db.sqls.should == ['ALTER TABLE xyz ADD COLUMN aaa text NOT NULL UNIQUE', 'ALTER TABLE xyz DROP COLUMN bbb', 'ALTER TABLE xyz RENAME COLUMN ccc TO ddd', 'ALTER TABLE xyz ALTER COLUMN eee TYPE integer', "ALTER TABLE xyz ALTER COLUMN hhh SET DEFAULT 'abcd'", 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xyz_fff_index ON xyz (fff)', 'DROP INDEX xyz_ggg_index'] end end describe "Database#add_column" do specify "should construct proper SQL" do db = Sequel.mock db.add_column :test, :name, :text, :unique => true db.sqls.should == ['ALTER TABLE test ADD COLUMN name text UNIQUE'] end end describe "Database#drop_column" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.drop_column :test, :name @db.sqls.should == ['ALTER TABLE test DROP COLUMN name'] end specify "should use CASCADE for :cascade=>true option" do @db.drop_column :test, :name, :cascade=>true @db.sqls.should == ['ALTER TABLE test DROP COLUMN name CASCADE'] end end describe "Database#rename_column" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.rename_column :test, :abc, :def @db.sqls.should == ['ALTER TABLE test RENAME COLUMN abc TO def'] end end describe "Database#set_column_type" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.set_column_type :test, :name, :integer @db.sqls.should == ['ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN name TYPE integer'] end end describe "Database#set_column_default" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.set_column_default :test, :name, 'zyx' @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN name SET DEFAULT 'zyx'"] end end describe "Database#add_index" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.add_index :test, :name, :unique => true @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_name_index ON test (name)'] end specify "should accept multiple columns" do @db.add_index :test, [:one, :two] @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE INDEX test_one_two_index ON test (one, two)'] end end describe "Database#drop_index" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.drop_index :test, :name @db.sqls.should == ['DROP INDEX test_name_index'] end end describe "Database#drop_table" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.drop_table :test @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE test'] end specify "should accept multiple table names" do @db.drop_table :a, :bb, :ccc @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE a', 'DROP TABLE bb', 'DROP TABLE ccc'] end end describe "Database#rename_table" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.rename_table :abc, :xyz @db.sqls.should == ['ALTER TABLE abc RENAME TO xyz'] end end describe "Database#create_view" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL with raw SQL" do @db.create_view :test, "SELECT * FROM xyz" @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM xyz'] @db.create_view Sequel.identifier(:test), "SELECT * FROM xyz" @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM xyz'] end specify "should construct proper SQL with dataset" do @db.create_view :test, @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c'] end specify "should handle :columns option" do @db.create_view :test, @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c), :columns=>[:d, :e] @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test (d, e) AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c'] @db.create_view :test, @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c), :columns=>%w'd e' @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test (d, e) AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c'] @db.create_view :test, @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c), :columns=>[Sequel.identifier('d'), Sequel.lit('e')] @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test (d, e) AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c'] end specify "should handle :check option" do @db.create_view :test, @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c), :check=>true @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c WITH CHECK OPTION'] @db.create_view :test, @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c), :check=>:local @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION'] end specify "should handle create_or_replace_view" do @db.create_or_replace_view :sch__test, "SELECT * FROM xyz" @db.sqls.should == ['DROP VIEW sch.test', 'CREATE VIEW sch.test AS SELECT * FROM xyz'] @db.create_or_replace_view :test, @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c) @db.sqls.should == ['DROP VIEW test', 'CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c'] @db.create_or_replace_view Sequel.identifier(:test), @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c) @db.sqls.should == ['DROP VIEW test', 'CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c'] end specify "should use CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW if such syntax is supported" do def @db.supports_create_or_replace_view?() true end @db.create_or_replace_view :test, @db[:items] @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM items'] end end describe "Database#drop_view" do before do @db = Sequel.mock end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.drop_view :test @db.drop_view Sequel.identifier(:test) @db.drop_view :sch__test @db.drop_view Sequel.qualify(:sch, :test) @db.sqls.should == ['DROP VIEW test', 'DROP VIEW test', 'DROP VIEW sch.test', 'DROP VIEW sch.test'] end specify "should drop multiple views at once" do @db.drop_view :cats, :dogs @db.sqls.should == ['DROP VIEW cats', 'DROP VIEW dogs'] end specify "should support the :cascade option" do @db.drop_view :cats, :dogs, :cascade=>true @db.sqls.should == ['DROP VIEW cats CASCADE', 'DROP VIEW dogs CASCADE'] end specify "should support the :if_exists option" do @db.drop_view :cats, :dogs, :if_exists=>true @db.sqls.should == ['DROP VIEW IF EXISTS cats', 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dogs'] end end describe "Database#alter_table_sql" do specify "should raise error for an invalid op" do proc {Sequel.mock.send(:alter_table_sql, :mau, :op => :blah)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe "Schema Parser" do before do @sqls = [] @db = end specify "should raise an error if there are no columns" do meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table) do |t, opts| [] end proc{@db.schema(:x)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should cache data by default" do meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table) do |t, opts| [[:a, {}]] end @db.schema(:x).should equal(@db.schema(:x)) end specify "should not cache data if :reload=>true is given" do meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table) do |t, opts| [[:a, {}]] end @db.schema(:x).should_not equal(@db.schema(:x, :reload=>true)) end specify "should not cache schema metadata if cache_schema is false" do @db.cache_schema = false meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table) do |t, opts| [[:a, {}]] end @db.schema(:x).should_not equal(@db.schema(:x)) end specify "should provide options if given a table name" do c = nil meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table) do |t, opts| c = [t, opts] [[:a, {:db_type=>t.to_s}]] end @db.schema(:x) c.should == ["x", {}] @db.schema(:s__x) c.should == ["x", {:schema=>"s"}] ds = @db[:s__y] @db.schema(ds) c.should == ["y", {:schema=>"s", :dataset=>ds}] end specify "should parse the schema correctly for a single table" do sqls = @sqls proc{@db.schema(:x)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table) do |t, opts| sqls << t [[:a, {:db_type=>t.to_s}]] end @db.schema(:x).should == [[:a, {:db_type=>"x", :ruby_default=>nil}]] @sqls.should == ['x'] @db.schema(:x).should == [[:a, {:db_type=>"x", :ruby_default=>nil}]] @sqls.should == ['x'] @db.schema(:x, :reload=>true).should == [[:a, {:db_type=>"x", :ruby_default=>nil}]] @sqls.should == ['x', 'x'] end specify "should set :auto_increment to true by default if unset and a single integer primary key is used" do meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table){|*| [[:a, {:primary_key=>true, :db_type=>'integer'}]]} @db.schema(:x).first.last[:auto_increment].should == true end specify "should not set :auto_increment if already set" do meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table){|*| [[:a, {:primary_key=>true, :db_type=>'integer', :auto_increment=>false}]]} @db.schema(:x).first.last[:auto_increment].should == false end specify "should set :auto_increment to false by default if unset and a single nonintegery primary key is used" do meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table){|*| [[:a, {:primary_key=>true, :db_type=>'varchar'}]]} @db.schema(:x).first.last[:auto_increment].should == false end specify "should set :auto_increment to false by default if unset and a composite primary key" do meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table){|*| [[:a, {:primary_key=>true, :db_type=>'integer'}], [:b, {:primary_key=>true, :db_type=>'integer'}]]} @db.schema(:x).first.last[:auto_increment].should == false @db.schema(:x).last.last[:auto_increment].should == false end specify "should convert various types of table name arguments" do meta_def(@db, :schema_parse_table) do |t, opts| [[t, opts]] end s1 = @db.schema(:x) s1.should == [['x', {:ruby_default=>nil}]] @db.schema(:x).object_id.should == s1.object_id @db.schema(Sequel.identifier(:x)).object_id.should == s1.object_id s2 = @db.schema(:x__y) s2.should == [['y', {:schema=>'x', :ruby_default=>nil}]] @db.schema(:x__y).object_id.should == s2.object_id @db.schema(Sequel.qualify(:x, :y)).object_id.should == s2.object_id s2 = @db.schema(Sequel.qualify(:v, :x__y)) s2.should == [['y', {:schema=>'x', :ruby_default=>nil, :information_schema_schema=>Sequel.identifier('v')}]] @db.schema(Sequel.qualify(:v, :x__y)).object_id.should == s2.object_id @db.schema(Sequel.qualify(:v__x, :y)).object_id.should == s2.object_id s2 = @db.schema(Sequel.qualify(:u__v, :x__y)) s2.should == [['y', {:schema=>'x', :ruby_default=>nil, :information_schema_schema=>Sequel.qualify('u', 'v')}]] @db.schema(Sequel.qualify(:u__v, :x__y)).object_id.should == s2.object_id @db.schema(Sequel.qualify(Sequel.qualify(:u, :v), Sequel.qualify(:x, :y))).object_id.should == s2.object_id end specify "should correctly parse all supported data types" do sm = do def schema_parse_table(t, opts) [[:x, {:db_type=>t.to_s, :type=>schema_column_type(t.to_s)}]] end end @db.extend(sm) @db.schema(:tinyint).first.last[:type].should == :integer @db.schema(:int).first.last[:type].should == :integer @db.schema(:integer).first.last[:type].should == :integer @db.schema(:bigint).first.last[:type].should == :integer @db.schema(:smallint).first.last[:type].should == :integer @db.schema(:character).first.last[:type].should == :string @db.schema(:"character varying").first.last[:type].should == :string @db.schema(:varchar).first.last[:type].should == :string @db.schema(:"varchar(255)").first.last[:type].should == :string @db.schema(:"varchar(255)").first.last[:max_length].should == 255 @db.schema(:text).first.last[:type].should == :string @db.schema(:date).first.last[:type].should == :date @db.schema(:datetime).first.last[:type].should == :datetime @db.schema(:timestamp).first.last[:type].should == :datetime @db.schema(:"timestamp with time zone").first.last[:type].should == :datetime @db.schema(:"timestamp without time zone").first.last[:type].should == :datetime @db.schema(:time).first.last[:type].should == :time @db.schema(:"time with time zone").first.last[:type].should == :time @db.schema(:"time without time zone").first.last[:type].should == :time @db.schema(:boolean).first.last[:type].should == :boolean @db.schema(:real).first.last[:type].should == :float @db.schema(:float).first.last[:type].should == :float @db.schema(:double).first.last[:type].should == :float @db.schema(:"double(1,2)").first.last[:type].should == :float @db.schema(:"double precision").first.last[:type].should == :float @db.schema(:number).first.last[:type].should == :decimal @db.schema(:numeric).first.last[:type].should == :decimal @db.schema(:decimal).first.last[:type].should == :decimal @db.schema(:"number(10,0)").first.last[:type].should == :integer @db.schema(:"numeric(10, 10)").first.last[:type].should == :decimal @db.schema(:"decimal(10,1)").first.last[:type].should == :decimal @db.schema(:bytea).first.last[:type].should == :blob @db.schema(:blob).first.last[:type].should == :blob @db.schema(:image).first.last[:type].should == :blob @db.schema(:nchar).first.last[:type].should == :string @db.schema(:nvarchar).first.last[:type].should == :string @db.schema(:ntext).first.last[:type].should == :string @db.schema(:smalldatetime).first.last[:type].should == :datetime @db.schema(:binary).first.last[:type].should == :blob @db.schema(:varbinary).first.last[:type].should == :blob @db.schema(:enum).first.last[:type].should == :enum @db = Sequel.mock(:host=>'postgres') @db.extend(sm) @db.schema(:interval).first.last[:type].should == :interval @db.schema(:citext).first.last[:type].should == :string @db = Sequel.mock(:host=>'mysql') @db.extend(sm) @db.schema(:set).first.last[:type].should == :set @db.schema(:mediumint).first.last[:type].should == :integer @db.schema(:mediumtext).first.last[:type].should == :string end end