import ApplicationController from "satis/controllers/application_controller" /* * Tabs controller */ export default class TabsComponentController extends ApplicationController { static targets = ["tab", "content", "select"] static values = { persist: Boolean, key: String } connect() { super.connect() let firstErrorIndex this.tabTargets.forEach((tab, index) => { let hasErrors = this.contentTargets[index].querySelectorAll(".is-invalid") if (hasErrors.length > 0) { if (!firstErrorIndex) { firstErrorIndex = index } tab.classList.add("is-invalid") } }) if (this.keyValue) { this.getUserData(this.keyValue).then((data) => { || data?.tab_index || 0) }) } else { || 0) } } selectFromKeyboard(event) { const isNumber = isFinite(event.key) if (isNumber) { let index = Number(event.key) - 1 if (index === -1) { index = 9 }, true) } } select(event) { let index = null if (event.srcElement.tagName == "SELECT") { index = event.srcElement.selectedIndex } else { let clickedTab = event.srcElement.closest(".tab") index = this.tabTargets.findIndex((el) => { return el.attributes["id"] === clickedTab.attributes["id"] }) } //return if tab is already selected if (this.tabTargets[index].classList.contains("selected")) { return }, true) if (this.keyValue) { this.setUserData(this.keyValue, { tab_index: index }).then((data) => { //console.log(data) }) } // Cancel the this event (dont show the browser context menu) event.preventDefault() return false } open(index, focusFirstElement = false) { const self = this if (index == -1 || this.tabTargets[index] === undefined) { return } this.tabTargets.forEach(function (target) { target.classList.remove("selected") }) this.tabTargets[index].classList.add("selected") this.contentTargets.forEach(function (target) { target.classList.remove("selected") }) this.contentTargets[index].classList.add("selected") setTimeout(() => { let turboFrame = this.contentTargets[index].querySelector("turbo-frame") if (turboFrame && turboFrame.ariaBusy != "true") { let loading = turboFrame.getAttribute("loading") turboFrame.setAttribute("loading", "eager") turboFrame.reload() turboFrame.setAttribute("loading", loading) } }, 100) this.selectTarget.selectedIndex = index //focus first element in tab content for easy switching to another one tab if (focusFirstElement) { this.contentTargets[index] .querySelector("select:not(.hidden), input:not([type=hidden]), textarea:not(.hidden), button:not([disabled])") ?.focus() } } }