require 'thor' require 'proptax' require 'proptax/generators/report' module Proptax class CLI < Thor check_unknown_options! # 2016-2-29 shared_options = [:ylimit, { :type => :string, :default => "10000", :description => "Expand y-axis limits"}] report_options = [:template, { :type => :string, :default => "default", :description => "Apply specific template: [default, cherry-picked]"}] # consolidate_options = [:consolidate, { # :type => :boolean, # :default => true, # :description => "Consolidate the PDFs before generating the report"}] desc "consolidate DIR", "Outputs CSV data extracted from 2018 property assessment reports" def consolidate(dir) Proptax::Consolidator.process(dir) end desc "reports CSV_FILE", "Generate assessment reports" method_option *shared_options method_option *report_options # method_option *consolidate_options def reports(dir) csv_file = 'consolidated.csv' if options.consolidate? `proptax consolidate #{dir} > #{csv_file}` else csv_file = "#{dir}/consolidated.csv" end Proptax::Generators::Report.start([csv_file, options]) generate_material("reports") end desc "auto DIR", "Automatically create CSV file and reports" method_option *shared_options method_option *report_options def auto(dir) `proptax consolidate #{dir} > consolidated.csv` Proptax::Generators::Report.start(['consolidated.csv', options]) generate_material("reports") end desc "filter CSV_FILE", "Calculate and display assessment discrepancies" method_option :csv, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :description => "Output in CSV format" method_option :header, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Include header row in CSV format" def filter(csv) data_frame = `Rscript "#{__dir__}"/../R/filter_csv.R "#{csv}"` if options[:csv] lines = data_frame.split("\n") # Print header puts lines[0].squeeze(' ').split(' ').to_csv if options[:header] # Print data (minus R-inserted integer row name) lines[1..-1].each do |line| puts line.squeeze(' ').split(' ')[1..-1].to_csv end else puts data_frame end end no_commands do def generate_material(dir) Dir.foreach(dir) do |file| if /\.Rmd/.match(file) puts "#{file}" `cd "#{dir}" && Rscript -e "library('knitr'); knit('#{file}');"` file.gsub!('.Rmd', '.md') `cd "#{dir}" && Rscript -e "library('knitr'); pandoc('#{file}', format = 'latex');"` end end end end end end