package org.embulk.executor.mapreduce; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import org.embulk.config.ModelManager; import org.embulk.config.TaskReport; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDiff; import org.embulk.config.TaskSource; import org.embulk.config.ConfigSource; import org.embulk.spi.Exec; import org.embulk.spi.ExecAction; import org.embulk.spi.ExecSession; import org.embulk.spi.Schema; import org.embulk.spi.Page; import org.embulk.spi.PageReader; import org.embulk.spi.PageOutput; import org.embulk.spi.BufferAllocator; import org.embulk.spi.InputPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.OutputPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.FilterPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.ProcessTask; import org.embulk.spi.TransactionalPageOutput; import org.embulk.spi.util.Filters; import org.embulk.spi.util.Executors; import org.embulk.executor.mapreduce.EmbulkMapReduce.SessionRunner; import org.embulk.executor.mapreduce.BufferedPagePartitioner.PartitionedPageOutput; import org.embulk.executor.mapreduce.EmbulkMapReduce.AttemptStateUpdateHandler; import static org.embulk.executor.mapreduce.MapReduceExecutor.newPartitioning; public class EmbulkPartitioningMapReduce { public static class EmbulkPartitioningMapper extends Mapper { private Context context; private SessionRunner runner; @Override public void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.context = context; this.runner = new SessionRunner(context); runner.execSession(new ExecAction() { // for Exec.getLogger public Void run() throws IOException { runner.readPluginArchive().restoreLoadPathsTo(runner.getScriptingContainer()); return null; } }); } @Override public void map(IntWritable key, NullWritable value, final Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final int taskIndex = key.get(); runner.execSession(new ExecAction() { public Void run() throws Exception { process(context, taskIndex); return null; } }); } private void process(final Context context, int taskIndex) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ProcessTask task = runner.getMapReduceExecutorTask().getProcessTask(); ExecSession exec = runner.getExecSession(); // input and filters run at mapper InputPlugin inputPlugin = exec.newPlugin(InputPlugin.class, task.getInputPluginType()); List filterPlugins = Filters.newFilterPlugins(exec, task.getFilterPluginTypes()); // output writes pages with partitioning key to the Context Partitioning partitioning = newPartitioning(runner.getMapReduceExecutorTask().getPartitioningType().get()); final Partitioner partitioner = partitioning.newPartitioner(runner.getMapReduceExecutorTask().getPartitioningTask().get()); OutputPlugin outputPlugin = new MapperOutputPlugin( runner.getBufferAllocator(), partitioner, 128, // TODO configurable new PartitionedPageOutput() { private final BufferWritable keyWritable = new BufferWritable(); private final PageWritable valueWritable = new PageWritable(); { keyWritable.set(partitioner.newKeyBuffer()); } @Override public void add(PartitionKey key, Page value) { try { key.dump(keyWritable.get()); valueWritable.set(value); context.write(keyWritable, valueWritable); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { value.release(); } } @Override public void finish() { } @Override public void close() { } }); AttemptStateUpdateHandler handler = new AttemptStateUpdateHandler(runner, new AttemptState(context.getTaskAttemptID(), Optional.of(taskIndex), Optional.absent())); try { Executors.process(exec, taskIndex, inputPlugin, task.getInputSchema(), task.getInputTaskSource(), filterPlugins, task.getFilterSchemas(), task.getFilterTaskSources(), outputPlugin, task.getOutputSchema(), task.getOutputTaskSource(), handler); } catch (Exception ex) { try { handler.setException(ex); } catch (Throwable e) { e.addSuppressed(ex); throw e; } // always throw this exception to not start reducers when input fails throw ex; } } } public static class EmbulkPartitioningReducer extends Reducer { private Context context; private SessionRunner runner; private boolean retryTasks; private AttemptStateUpdateHandler handler; private TransactionalPageOutput output; private boolean failed = false; @Override public void setup(final Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.context = context; this.runner = new SessionRunner(context); this.retryTasks = EmbulkMapReduce.getRetryTasks(context.getConfiguration()); runner.execSession(new ExecAction() { public Void run() throws Exception { runner.readPluginArchive().restoreLoadPathsTo(runner.getScriptingContainer()); int taskIndex = context.getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID().getId(); ProcessTask task = runner.getMapReduceExecutorTask().getProcessTask(); ExecSession exec = runner.getExecSession(); OutputPlugin outputPlugin = exec.newPlugin(OutputPlugin.class, task.getOutputPluginType()); handler = new AttemptStateUpdateHandler(runner, new AttemptState(context.getTaskAttemptID(), Optional.absent(), Optional.of(taskIndex))); output =, task.getExecutorSchema(), taskIndex); handler.started(); return null; } }); } @Override public void reduce(BufferWritable key, final Iterable values, final Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { runner.execSession(new ExecAction() { public Void run() throws Exception { process(context, values); return null; } }); } private void process(final Context context, Iterable values) throws IOException, InterruptedException { try { for (PageWritable value : values) { output.add(value.get()); } } catch (Exception ex) { failed = true; try { handler.setException(ex); } catch (Throwable e) { e.addSuppressed(ex); throw e; } if (retryTasks) { throw ex; } } } protected void cleanup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { runner.execSession(new ExecAction() { public Void run() throws Exception { try { if (!failed) { output.finish(); TaskReport report = output.commit(); handler.outputCommitted(report); } } finally { output.close(); } return null; } }); } } private static class MapperOutputPlugin implements OutputPlugin { private final BufferAllocator bufferAllocator; private final Partitioner partitioner; private final int maxPageBufferCount; private final PartitionedPageOutput output; public MapperOutputPlugin(BufferAllocator bufferAllocator, Partitioner partitioner, int maxPageBufferCount, PartitionedPageOutput output) { this.bufferAllocator = bufferAllocator; this.partitioner = partitioner; this.maxPageBufferCount = maxPageBufferCount; this.output = output; } @Override public ConfigDiff transaction(ConfigSource config, Schema schema, int taskCount, OutputPlugin.Control control) { // won't be called throw new RuntimeException(""); } @Override public ConfigDiff resume(TaskSource taskSource, Schema schema, int taskCount, OutputPlugin.Control control) { // won't be called throw new RuntimeException(""); } @Override public void cleanup(TaskSource taskSource, Schema schema, int taskCount, List successTaskReports) { // won't be called throw new RuntimeException(""); } @Override public TransactionalPageOutput open(TaskSource taskSource, final Schema schema, int taskIndex) { return new TransactionalPageOutput() { private final BufferedPagePartitioner bufferedPartitioner = new BufferedPagePartitioner( bufferAllocator, schema, partitioner, maxPageBufferCount, output); private final PageReader reader = new PageReader(schema); public void add(Page page) { reader.setPage(page); while (reader.nextRecord()) { bufferedPartitioner.add(reader); } } public void finish() { bufferedPartitioner.finish(); } public void close() { reader.close(); bufferedPartitioner.close(); } public void abort() { } public TaskReport commit() { return Exec.newTaskReport(); } }; } } }