<%# # HasMany Show Partial This partial renders a has_many relationship, to be displayed on a resource's show page. By default, the relationship is rendered as a table of the first few associated resources. The columns of the table are taken from the associated resource class's dashboard. ## Local variables: - `field`: An instance of [Administrate::Field::HasMany][1]. Contains methods to help display a table of associated resources. [1]: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/administrate/Administrate/Field/HasMany %> <% if field.resources.any? %> <% order = field.order_from_params(params.fetch(field.name, {})) %> <% page_number = params.fetch(field.name, {}).fetch(:page, nil) %> <%= render( "collection", collection_presenter: field.associated_collection(order), collection_field_name: field.name, page: page, resources: field.resources(page_number, order), table_title: field.name, ) %> <% if field.more_than_limit? %> <%= t( 'administrate.fields.has_many.more', count: field.limit, total_count: field.data.count, ) %> <% end %> <% else %> <%#= t("administrate.fields.has_many.none", default: "–") %> <% end %>