# KaiserRuby - a Rockstar to Ruby transpiler This tool translates a file containing a program written in the [Rockstar language](https://github.com/dylanbeattie/rockstar) to Ruby code. This is still a work in progress. For details on that, see the TODO.md file. ## Installation Install the gem by issuing the following command. $ gem install kaiser-ruby ## Usage The most common usage of this gem is to transpile (or transpile and run immediately) Rockstar code into Ruby code. This gem provides a commandline tool for you to use: $ kaiser-ruby There are a few ways you can use it. First one will just output the result of the transpilation. ``` $ kaiser-ruby transpile ./examples/assignment.rock tommy = 15 puts tommy ``` The `--show-source` flag will output the Rockstar code along with the resulting Ruby code like this: This will have a following output: ``` $ kaiser-ruby transpile ./examples/assignment.rock --show-source Tommy is a rebel Shout Tommy ---------------------------------------- tommy = 15 puts tommy ``` You can also use the `--save=FILE` option to write the resulting transpiled code as a file instead of outputting it: ``` $ kaiser-ruby transpile ./examples/assignment.rock --save=a.rb Saved output in `a.rb` ``` Finally, you can also transpile and immediately execute the code, like this: ``` $ kaiser-ruby execute ./examples/assignment.rock 15 ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/marcinruszkiewicz/kaiser-ruby. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).