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How to write a Notification plugin ---------------------------------- require 'killbill' class MyNotificationPlugin < Killbill::Plugin::Notification # Overriding this method is optional, only if you need to do some initialization work def start_plugin puts "MyNotificationPlugin plugin starting" super puts "MyNotificationPlugin plugin started" end # Invoked each time an event is received def on_event(event) puts "Received Killbill event #{event}" end # Overriding this method is optional, only if you need to do some tear down work def stop_plugin puts "MyNotificationPlugin plugin stopping" super puts "MyNotificationPlugin plugin stopped" end end Make sure to create the corresponding killbill.properties file: mainClass=MyNotificationPlugin pluginType=NOTIFICATION How to write a Payment plugin ----------------------------- require 'killbill' class MyPaymentPlugin < Killbill::Plugin::Payment def start_plugin puts "MyPaymentPlugin plugin starting" super puts "MyPaymentPlugin plugin started" end def authorize_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end def capture_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end def purchase_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end def void_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) end def credit_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end def refund_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end def get_payment_info(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, properties, context) end def search_payments(search_key, offset, limit, properties, context) end def add_payment_method(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, payment_method_props, set_default, properties, context) end def delete_payment_method(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) end def get_payment_method_detail(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) end def set_default_payment_method(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) end def get_payment_methods(kb_account_id, refresh_from_gateway, properties, context) end def search_payment_methods(search_key, offset, limit, properties, context) end def reset_payment_methods(kb_account_id, payment_methods, properties, context) end def build_form_descriptor(kb_account_id, descriptor_fields, properties, context) end def process_notification(notification, properties, context) end # Overriding this method is optional, only if you need to do some tear down work def stop_plugin puts "MyPaymentPlugin plugin stopping" super puts "MyPaymentPlugin plugin stopped" end end Make sure to create the corresponding killbill.properties file: mainClass=MyPaymentPlugin pluginType=PAYMENT How to write a Payment plugin integrated with ActiveMerchant ------------------------------------------------------------ Use the plugin generator: ./script/generate active_merchant gateway_name /path/to/dir Replace `gateway_name` with the snake case of your ActiveMerchant gateway (e.g. `yandex`, `stripe`, `paypal`, etc.). This will generate a tree of files ready to be plugged into Kill Bill. To package the plugin, run: rake killbill:clean ; rake build ; rake killbill:package Most of the work consists of filling in the blank in `api.rb` (payment plugin API for ActiveMerchant gateways) and `application.rb` (sinatra application for ActiveMerchant integrations). Check the [Stripe plugin](https://github.com/killbill/killbill-stripe-plugin) for an example. In case the templates behind the generator change and you want to upgrade your plugin, you can re-run the above generate command on top of your existing code. For each file, you'll be prompted whether you want to overwrite it, show a diff, etc. How to write an Invoice plugin ------------------------------ See the [killbill-invoice-test-plugin](https://github.com/killbill/killbill-invoice-test-plugin). How to write a Currency plugin ------------------------------ See the [killbill-currency-plugin](https://github.com/killbill/killbill-currency-plugin). How to expose HTTP endpoints ---------------------------- Killbill exports a Rack handler that interfaces directly with the container in which killbill-server runs (e.g. Jetty). This basically means that Killbill will understand native Rack config.ru files placed in the root of your plugin, e.g. (using Sinatra): require 'sinatra' get "/plugins/myPlugin/ping" do status 200 "pong" end run Sinatra::Application Rake tasks ---------- The killbill gem also ships helpful Rake tasks to package Killbill-ready plugins. To access these tasks, add the following to your Rakefile: # Install tasks to package the plugin for Killbill require 'killbill/rake_task' Killbill::PluginHelper.install_tasks # (Optional) Install tasks to build and release your plugin gem require 'bundler/setup' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks You can verify these tasks are available by running `rake -T`. To build the artifacts into pkg/: # Cleanup output directories rake killbill:clean # Build your plugin gem in the pkg/ directory rake build # Build the Killbill plugin in the pkg/ directory # The -/ directory is used as a staging directory rake killbill:package For quick testing of your plugin, you can use the `deploy` task: # Deploy the plugin in /var/tmp/bundles rake killbill:deploy # Deploy the plugin and clobber a previous version if needed rake killbill:deploy[true] # You can also specify a custom plugins directory as such rake killbill:deploy[false,/path/to/bundles] To debug packaging issues, pass `true` as the third (optional) parameter: rake killbill:deploy[false,/path/to/bundles,true] Development ----------- To run unit and remote tests: rake rake test:remote:spec To change the database driver: AR_ADAPTER=mariadb AR_USERNAME=root AR_PASSWORD=root AR_DATABASE=kbtest rake