module MCollective # A parser and scanner that creates a stack machine for a simple # fact and class matching language used on the CLI to facilitate # a rich discovery language # # Language EBNF # # compound = ["("] expression [")"] {["("] expression [")"]} # expression = [!|not]statement ["and"|"or"] [!|not] statement # char = A-Z | a-z | < | > | => | =< | _ | - |* | / { A-Z | a-z | < | > | => | =< | _ | - | * | / | } # int = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9{|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0} module Matcher require "mcollective/matcher/parser" require "mcollective/matcher/scanner" # Helper creates a hash from a function call string def self.create_function_hash(function_call) func_hash = {} f = "" func_parts = function_call.split(/(!=|>=|<=|<|>|=)/) func_hash["r_compare"] = func_parts.pop func_hash["operator"] = func_parts.pop func = func_parts.join # Deal with dots in function parameters and functions without dot values if func.match(/^.+\(.*\)$/) f = func else func_parts = func.split(".") func_hash["value"] = func_parts.pop f = func_parts.join(".") end # Deal with regular expression matches if func_hash["r_compare"] =~ /^\/.*\/$/ func_hash["operator"] = "=~" if func_hash["operator"] == "=" func_hash["operator"] = "!=~" if func_hash["operator"] == "!=" func_hash["r_compare"] =["r_compare"].gsub(/^\/|\/$/, "")) # Convert = operators to == so they can be propperly evaluated elsif func_hash["operator"] == "=" func_hash["operator"] = "==" end # Grab function name and parameters from left compare string func_hash["name"], func_hash["params"] = f.split("(") if func_hash["params"] == ")" func_hash["params"] = nil else # Walk the function parameters from the front and from the # back removing the first and last instances of single of # double qoutes. We do this to handle the case where params # contain escaped qoutes. func_hash["params"] = func_hash["params"].gsub(")", "") func_quotes = func_hash["params"].split(/('|")/) func_quotes.each_with_index do |item, i| if item.match(/'|"/) func_quotes.delete_at(i) break end end func_quotes.reverse.each_with_index do |item,i| if item.match(/'|"/) func_quotes.delete_at(func_quotes.size - i - 1) break end end func_hash["params"] = func_quotes.join end func_hash end # Returns the result of an executed function def self.execute_function(function_hash) # In the case where a data plugin isn't present there are two ways we can handle # the raised exception. The function result can either be false or the entire # expression can fail. # # In the case where we return the result as false it opens us op to unexpected # negation behavior. # # !foo('bar').name = bar # # In this case the user would expect discovery to match on all machines where # the name value of the foo function does not equal bar. If a non existent function # returns false then it is posible to match machines where the name value of the # foo function is bar. # # Instead we raise a DDLValidationError to prevent this unexpected behavior from # happening. result = Data.send(function_hash["name"], function_hash["params"]) if function_hash["value"] begin eval_result = result.send(function_hash["value"]) rescue # If data field has not been set we set the comparison result to nil eval_result = nil end return eval_result else return result end rescue NoMethodError Log.debug("cannot execute discovery function '#{function_hash["name"]}'. data plugin not found") raise DDLValidationError end # Evaluates a compound statement def self.eval_compound_statement(expression) if expression.values.first =~ /^\// return Util.has_cf_class?(expression.values.first) elsif expression.values.first =~ />=|<=|=|<|>/ optype = expression.values.first.match(/>=|<=|=|<|>/) name, value = expression.values.first.split(optype[0]) unless value.split("")[0] == "/" optype[0] == "=" ? optype = "==" : optype = optype[0] else optype = "=~" end return Util.has_fact?(name,value, optype).to_s else return Util.has_cf_class?(expression.values.first) end end # Returns the result of an evaluated compound statement that # includes a function def self.eval_compound_fstatement(function_hash) l_compare = execute_function(function_hash) # Break out early and return false if the function returns nil return false unless l_compare # Prevent unwanted discovery by limiting comparison operators # on Strings and Booleans if((l_compare.is_a?(String) || l_compare.is_a?(TrueClass) || l_compare.is_a?(FalseClass)) && function_hash["operator"].match(/<|>/)) Log.debug "Cannot do > and < comparison on Booleans and Strings '#{l_compare} #{function_hash["operator"]} #{function_hash["r_compare"]}'" return false end # Prevent backticks in function parameters if function_hash["params"] =~ /`/ Log.debug("Cannot use backticks in function parameters") return false end # Escape strings for evaluation function_hash["r_compare"] = "\"#{function_hash["r_compare"]}\"" if(l_compare.is_a?(String) && !(function_hash["operator"] =~ /=~|!=~/)) # Do a regex comparison if right compare string is a regex if function_hash["operator"] =~ /(=~|!=~)/ # Fail if left compare value isn't a string unless l_compare.is_a?(String) Log.debug("Cannot do a regex check on a non string value.") return false else compare_result = l_compare.match(function_hash["r_compare"]) # Flip return value for != operator if function_hash["operator"] == "!=~" !((compare_result.nil?) ? false : true) else (compare_result.nil?) ? false : true end end # Otherwise evaluate the logical comparison else l_compare = "\"#{l_compare}\"" if l_compare.is_a?(String) result = eval("#{l_compare} #{function_hash["operator"]} #{function_hash["r_compare"]}") (result.nil?) ? false : result end end # Creates a callstack to be evaluated from a compound evaluation string def self.create_compound_callstack(call_string) callstack = callstack.each_with_index do |statement, i| if statement.keys.first == "fstatement" callstack[i]["fstatement"] = create_function_hash(statement.values.first) end end callstack end end end