require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. properties calendar.rb]) module RiCal class Component #- ©2009 Rick DeNatale, All rights reserved. Refer to the file README.txt for the license # # to see the property accessing methods for this class see the RiCal::Properties::Calendar module class Calendar < Component include RiCal::Properties::Calendar attr_reader :tz_source #:nodoc: def initialize(parent=nil, &init_block) #:nodoc: @tz_source = 'TZINFO' # Until otherwise told super end def self.entity_name #:nodoc: "VCALENDAR" end def tz_info_source? #:nodoc: @tz_source == 'TZINFO' end def required_timezones # :nodoc: @required_timezones ||= end def subcomponent_class # :nodoc: { :event => Event, :todo => Todo, :journal => Journal, :freebusy => Freebusy, :timezone => Timezone, } end def export_properties_to(export_stream) # :nodoc: prodid_property.params["X-RICAL-TZSOURCE"] = @tz_source export_prop_to(export_stream, "PRODID", prodid_property) export_prop_to(export_stream, "CALSCALE", calscale_property) export_prop_to(export_stream, "VERSION", version_property) export_prop_to(export_stream, "METHOD", method_property) end def prodid_property_from_string(line) # :nodoc: result = super @tz_source = prodid_property.params["X-RICAL-TZSOURCE"] result end # Return the default time zone identifier for this calendar def default_tzid @default_tzid || PropertyValue::DateTime.default_tzid end # Set the default time zone identifier for this calendar # To set the default to floating times use a value of :floating def default_tzid=(value) @default_tzid=value end # return an array of event components contained within this Calendar def events subcomponents["VEVENT"] end # add an event to the calendar def add_subcomponent(component) super(component) component.add_date_times_to(required_timezones) if tz_info_source? end # return an array of todo components contained within this Calendar def todos subcomponents["VTODO"] end # return an array of journal components contained within this Calendar def journals subcomponents["VJOURNAL"] end # return an array of freebusy components contained within this Calendar def freebusys subcomponents["VFREEBUSY"] end class TimezoneID #:nodoc: attr_reader :identifier, :calendar def initialize(identifier, calendar) self.identifier, self.calendar = identifier, calendar end def tzinfo_timezone nil end def resolved calendar.find_timezone(identifier) end def local_to_utc(local) resolved.local_to_utc(date_time_prop) end end # return an array of timezone components contained within this calendar def timezones subcomponents["VTIMEZONE"] end class TZInfoWrapper #:nodoc: attr_reader :tzinfo, :calendar #:nodoc: def initialize(tzinfo, calendar) #:nodoc: @tzinfo = tzinfo @calendar = calendar end def identifier #:nodoc: tzinfo.identifier end def local_date_time(ruby_time, tzid) #:nodoc:, :value => ruby_time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"), :params => {'TZID' => tzid}) end def utc_date_time(ruby_time) #:nodoc, :value => ruby_time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")) end def local_to_utc(utc) #:nodoc: utc_date_time(tzinfo.local_to_utc(utc.to_ri_cal_ruby_value)) end def utc_to_local(local) #:nodoc: local_date_time(tzinfo.utc_to_local(local.to_ri_cal_ruby_value), tzinfo.identifier) end def rational_utc_offset(local) Rational(tzinfo.period_for_local(local, true).utc_total_offset, 3600) / 24 end end def find_timezone(identifier) #:nodoc: if tz_info_source? begin, self) rescue ::TZInfo::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier => ex raise RiCal::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier.invalid_tzinfo_identifier(identifier) end else result = timezones.find {|tz| tz.tzid == identifier} raise RiCal::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier.not_found_in_calendar(identifier) unless result result end end def export_required_timezones(export_stream) # :nodoc: required_timezones.export_to(export_stream) end class FoldingStream #:nodoc: attr_reader :stream #:nodoc: def initialize(stream) #:nodoc: @stream = stream || end def string #:nodoc: stream.string end def valid_utf8?(string) string.unpack("U") rescue nil end def utf8_safe_split(string, n) if string.length <= n [string, nil] else before = string[0, n] after = string[n..-1] until valid_utf8?(after) n = n - 1 before = string[0, n] after = string[n..-1] end [before, after.empty? ? nil : after] end end def fold(string) #:nodoc: line, remainder = *utf8_safe_split(string, 73) stream.puts(line) while remainder line, remainder = *utf8_safe_split(remainder, 72) stream.puts(" #{line}") end end def puts(*strings) #:nodoc: strings.each do |string| string.split("\n").each do |line| fold(line) end end end end # Export this calendar as an iCalendar file. # if to is nil (the default) then this method will return a string, # otherwise to should be an IO to which the iCalendar file contents will be written def export(to=nil) export_stream = export_stream.puts("BEGIN:VCALENDAR") #TODO: right now I'm assuming that all timezones are internal what happens when we export # an imported calendar. export_properties_to(export_stream) export_x_properties_to(export_stream) export_required_timezones(export_stream) export_subcomponent_to(export_stream, events) export_subcomponent_to(export_stream, todos) export_subcomponent_to(export_stream, journals) export_subcomponent_to(export_stream, freebusys) export_stream.puts("END:VCALENDAR") if to nil else export_stream.string end end end end end