require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'rspec/core/rake_task' do |spec| spec.rspec_path = 'bin/rspec' spec.pattern = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] end task :default => :spec desc 'update pom.xml with current versions from lib/pacer/version.rb' file 'pom.xml' => 'lib/pacer/version.rb' do pom = 'pom.xml' when_writing('Update pom.xml version number') do open 'pom.xml', 'w' do |f| pom.each_line do |line| line.sub!(%r{.*}, "#{ Pacer::VERSION }") line.sub!(%r{.*}, "#{ Pacer::BLUEPRINTS_VERSION }") line.sub!(%r{.*}, "#{ Pacer::PIPES_VERSION }") f << line end end end end file Pacer::JAR_PATH => 'pom.xml' do when_writing("Execute 'mvn package' task") do system 'mvn', 'clean' system 'mvn', 'package' end end task :check_18_mode do if RUBY_VERSION !~ /1\.8/ warn 'Releasing gems in 1.9 mode does not work as of JRuby 1.6.5' raise 'Nooooooo!' end end task :gemfile_devel do File.delete 'Gemfile' if File.exists? 'Gemfile' File.symlink 'Gemfile-dev', 'Gemfile' end desc 'Touch version.rb so that the jar rebuilds' task :touch do system 'touch', 'lib/pacer/version.rb' end desc "build the JAR at #{ Pacer::JAR_PATH }" task :jar => Pacer::JAR_PATH # Add dependency to bundler default tasks: task :build => Pacer::JAR_PATH task :install => Pacer::JAR_PATH task :release => Pacer::JAR_PATH