beforeEach ->
window.JST = {}
@ground = $('body #ground')
@seedGround = ->
toBeSequenced: () ->
if !Object.isArray(@actual) || @actual.length == 0
console.log 'toBeSequenced: not array or empty array given'
return false
i = 0
for spy in @actual
unless spy.callCount == 1
console.log "toBeSequenced: spy ##{i} was called #{spy.callCount} times"
return false
if @actual.length > 1
for spy in @actual.from(1)
i = @actual.indexOf spy
previous = @actual[i - 1]
unless spy.calledAfter previous
console.log "toBeSequenced: spy ##{i} wasn't called after spy ##{i - 1}"
return false
return true
toBeTag: (tagName, content, attrs) ->
@message = =>
"Expected #{@actual} to be a tag #{tagName} with attributes #{JSON.stringify attrs} and content #{content}"
tag = $ @actual
flag = true
flag = flag && tag.length == 1
flag = flag && tag[0].nodeName == tagName.toUpperCase()
if content != false
flag = flag && tag.html() == content
for name, val of attrs
flag = flag && !!(if val.constructor == RegExp then tag.attr(name).match(val) else tag.attr(name) == val)
flag = flag && tag[0].attributes.length == Object.keys(attrs).length
afterEach ->
@ground.remove() unless @polluteGround