# frozen_string_literal: true module Mongoid module Tasks module Database extend self # Create collections for each model given the provided globs and the class is # not embedded. # # @param [ Array ] models. Array of document classes for # which collections should be created. Defaulted to all document classes # in the application. # @param [ true | false ] force If true, the method will drop existing # collections before creating new ones. If false, the method will create # only new collection (that do not exist in the database). def create_collections(models = ::Mongoid.models, force: false) models.each do |model| if !model.embedded? || model.cyclic? model.create_collection(force: force) logger.info("MONGOID: Created collection for #{model}:") else logger.info("MONGOID: collection options ignored on: #{model}, please define in the root model.") end end end # Create indexes for each model given the provided globs and the class is # not embedded. # # @example Create all the indexes. # Mongoid::Tasks::Database.create_indexes # # @return [ Array ] The indexed models. def create_indexes(models = ::Mongoid.models) models.each do |model| next if model.index_specifications.empty? if !model.embedded? || model.cyclic? model.create_indexes logger.info("MONGOID: Created indexes on #{model}:") model.index_specifications.each do |spec| logger.info("MONGOID: Index: #{spec.key}, Options: #{spec.options}") end model else logger.info("MONGOID: Index ignored on: #{model}, please define in the root model.") nil end end.compact end # Return the list of indexes by model that exist in the database but aren't # specified on the models. # # @example Return the list of unused indexes. # Mongoid::Tasks::Database.undefined_indexes # # @return [ Array ] The list of undefined indexes by model. def undefined_indexes(models = ::Mongoid.models) undefined_by_model = {} models.each do |model| unless model.embedded? begin model.collection.indexes(session: model.send(:_session)).each do |index| # ignore default index unless index['name'] == '_id_' key = index['key'].symbolize_keys spec = model.index_specification(key, index['name']) unless spec # index not specified undefined_by_model[model] ||= [] undefined_by_model[model] << index end end end rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure; end end end undefined_by_model end # Remove indexes that exist in the database but aren't specified on the # models. # # @example Remove undefined indexes. # Mongoid::Tasks::Database.remove_undefined_indexes # # @return [ Hash{Class => Array(Hash)}] The list of indexes that were removed by model. def remove_undefined_indexes(models = ::Mongoid.models) undefined_indexes(models).each do |model, indexes| indexes.each do |index| key = index['key'].symbolize_keys collection = model.collection collection.indexes(session: model.send(:_session)).drop_one(key) logger.info( "MONGOID: Removed index '#{index['name']}' on collection " + "'#{collection.name}' in database '#{collection.database.name}'." ) end end end # Remove indexes for each model given the provided globs and the class is # not embedded. # # @example Remove all the indexes. # Mongoid::Tasks::Database.remove_indexes # # @return [ Array ] The un-indexed models. def remove_indexes(models = ::Mongoid.models) models.each do |model| next if model.embedded? begin model.remove_indexes rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure next end model end.compact end # Shard collections for models that declare shard keys. # # Returns the model classes that have had their collections sharded, # including model classes whose collections had already been sharded # prior to the invocation of this method. # # @example Shard all collections # Mongoid::Tasks::Database.shard_collections # # @return [ Array ] The sharded models def shard_collections(models = ::Mongoid.models) models.map do |model| next if model.shard_config.nil? if model.embedded? && !model.cyclic? logger.warn("MONGOID: #{model} has shard config but is embedded") next end unless model.collection.cluster.sharded? logger.warn("MONGOID: #{model} has shard config but is not persisted in a sharded cluster: #{model.collection.cluster.summary}") next end # Database of the collection must exist in order to run collStats. # Depending on server version, the collection itself must also # exist. # MongoDB does not have a command to create the database; the best # approximation of it is to create the collection we want. # On older servers, creating a collection that already exists is # an error. # Additionally, 3.6 and potentially older servers do not provide # the error code when they are asked to collStats a non-existent # collection (https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-50070). begin stats = model.collection.database.command(collStats: model.collection.name).first rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure => exc # Code 26 is database does not exist. # Code 8 is collection does not exist, as of 4.0. # On 3.6 and earlier match the text of exception message. if exc.code == 26 || exc.code == 8 || exc.code.nil? && exc.message =~ /not found/ then model.collection.create stats = model.collection.database.command(collStats: model.collection.name).first else raise end end stats = model.collection.database.command(collStats: model.collection.name).first if stats[:sharded] logger.info("MONGOID: #{model.collection.namespace} is already sharded for #{model}") next model end admin_db = model.collection.client.use(:admin).database begin admin_db.command(enableSharding: model.collection.database.name) rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure => exc # Server 2.6 fails if sharding is already enabled if exc.code == 23 || exc.code.nil? && exc.message =~ /already enabled/ # Nothing else raise end end begin admin_db.command(shardCollection: model.collection.namespace, **model.shard_config) rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure => e logger.error("MONGOID: Failed to shard collection #{model.collection.namespace} for #{model}: #{e.class}: #{e}") next end logger.info("MONGOID: Sharded collection #{model.collection.namespace} for #{model}") model end.compact end private def logger Mongoid.logger end end end end