require 'text_utils/spec_helper' describe "HtmlSanitizer" do include RSpec::TextUtilsHelper before do @processor = @options = {format: :html} end it_should_behave_like 'text processor' it "should escape restricted tags" do %w(script object).each do |tag| html = "<#{tag}}>some text#{tag}>" process(html).should_not include(tag) end end it "shouldn't escape non-restricted tags" do common_attr_names = %w(class style) { iframe: %w(height scrolling src width), a: %w(href title rel) }.each do |tag, attr_names| attrs = {}; (common_attr_names + attr_names).each{|n| attrs[n] = 'value'} attrs_html = ""; attrs.each{|n, v| attrs_html << "#{n}='#{v}'"} html = "<#{tag} #{attrs_html}}>some text#{tag}>" to_doc(html).css(tag.to_s).first.to_fuzzy_hash.should == attrs end end it "should allow image inside of link (from error)" do html = < HTML doc = to_doc html doc.css('a').first.to_fuzzy_hash.should == {href: "/some_image", class: "image_box"} doc.css('a img').first.to_fuzzy_hash.should == {src: "/some_image"} end it "should allow 'a' elements (from error)" do html = <Absolute Link Relative Link HTML doc = to_doc html doc.css("a").first[:href].should == "" doc.css("a").last[:href].should == "/some" end it "should allow div with any classes (from error)" do html = %{
} to_doc(html).css("div.col3.left a").size.should == 1 end it "should embed YouTube Videos" do html =< HTML doc = to_doc html obj = doc.css("object").first.to_fuzzy_hash.should == {width: '425', height: '344'} p1, p2, p3, embed = doc.css('object *') p1.to_fuzzy_hash.should == {name: 'movie', value: ''} p2.to_fuzzy_hash.should == {name: 'allowFullScreen', value: 'true'} p3.to_fuzzy_hash.should == {name: 'allowscriptaccess', value: 'always'} embed.to_fuzzy_hash.should == { src: '', type: 'application/x-shockwave-flash', allowscriptaccess: 'always', allowfullscreen: 'true', width: '425', height: '344' } end end