#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #========================== # svg_graph.rb #========================== # # Parses an element list into an SVG tree. # # This file is part of RSyntaxTree, which is a ruby port of Andre Eisenbach's # excellent program phpSyntaxTree. # # Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Yoichiro Hasebe <yohasebe@gmail.com> # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Andre Eisenbach <andre@ironcreek.net> require "tempfile" require 'graph' class SVGGraph < Graph def initialize(e_list, metrics, symmetrize, color, leafstyle, multibyte, fontstyle, font, font_cjk, font_size, margin, transparent) # Store class-specific parameters @font = multibyte ? font_cjk : font @font_size = font_size @transparent = transparent case fontstyle when /(?:sans|cjk)/ @fontstyle = "\"'Noto Sans JP', 'Noto Sans', sans-serif\"" @fontcss = "http://fonts.googleapis.com/earlyaccess/notosansjp.css" when /(?:serif)/ @fontstyle = "\"'Noto Serif JP', 'Noto Serif', serif\"" @fontcss = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Serif+JP" when /(?:math)/ @fontstyle = "\"Latin Modern Roman', sans-serif\"" @fontcss = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/sugina-dev/latin-modern-web@1.0.1/style/latinmodern-roman.css" end @margin = margin.to_i super(e_list, metrics, symmetrize, color, leafstyle, multibyte, @fontstyle, @font_size) @line_styles = "<line style='stroke:black; stroke-width:#{FONT_SCALING};' x1='X1' y1='Y1' x2='X2' y2='Y2' />\n" @polygon_styles = "<polygon style='fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width:#{FONT_SCALING};' points='X1 Y1 X2 Y2 X3 Y3' />\n" @text_styles = "<text letter-spacing='0' word-spacing='0' kerning='0' style='fill: COLOR; font-size: FONT_SIZE ST WA' x='X_VALUE' y='Y_VALUE' TD font-family=#{@fontstyle}>CONTENT</text>\n" @tree_data = String.new end def get_left_most(tree_data) xs = @tree_data.scan(/x1?=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/).map{|m| m.first.to_i} xs.min end def svg_data parse_list lm = get_left_most(@tree_data) width = @width - lm + @margin * 2 height = @height + @margin * 2 header =<<EOD <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> <svg width="#{width}" height="#{height}" viewBox="#{-@margin + lm}, -#{@margin}, #{@width - lm + @margin * 2}, #{@height + @margin * 2}" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <defs> <style> @import url(#{@fontcss}); </style> </defs> EOD rect =<<EOD <rect x="#{-@margin + lm}" y="-#{@margin}" width="#{@width - lm + @margin * 2}" height="#{@height + @margin * 2}" stroke="none" fill="white" />" EOD footer = "</svg>" if @transparent header + @tree_data + footer else header + rect + @tree_data + footer end end # Create a temporary file and returns only its filename def create_tempf(basename, ext, num = 10) flags = File::RDWR | File::CREAT | File::EXCL tfname = "" num.times do |i| begin tfname = "#{basename}.#{$$}.#{i}.#{ext}" tfile = File.open(tfname, flags, 0600) rescue Errno::EEXIST next end tfile.close return tfname end end :private # Add the element into the tree (draw it) def draw_element(x, y, w, string, type) string = string.sub(/\^\z/){""} # Calculate element dimensions and position if (type == ETYPE_LEAF) and @leafstyle == "nothing" top = row2px(y - 1) + (@font_size * 1.5) else top = row2px(y) end left = x + @m[:b_side] bottom = top + @e_height right = left + w # Split the string into the main part and the # subscript part of the element (if any) parts = string.split("_", 2) if(parts.length > 1 ) main = parts[0].strip sub = parts[1].gsub(/_/, " ").strip else main = parts[0].strip sub = "" end if /\A\=(.+)\=\z/ =~ main main = $1 main_decoration= "overline" elsif /\A\-(.+)\-\z/ =~ main main = $1 main_decoration= "underline" elsif /\A\~(.+)\~\z/ =~ main main = $1 main_decoration= "line-through" else main_decoration= "" end if /\A\*\*\*(.+)\*\*\*\z/ =~ main main = $1 main_style = "font-style: italic" main_weight = "font-weight: bold" elsif /\A\*\*(.+)\*\*\z/ =~ main main = $1 main_style = "" main_weight = "font-weight: bold" elsif /\A\*(.+)\*\z/ =~ main main = $1 main_style = "font-style: italic" main_weight = "" else main_style = "" main_weight = "" end if /\A#(.+)#\z/ =~ main main = $1 end # Calculate text size for the main and the # subscript part of the element # symbols for underline/overline removed temporarily main_width = 0 main_height = 0 main.split(/\\n/).each do |l| l_width = img_get_txt_width(l, @font, @font_size) main_width = l_width if main_width < l_width main_height += img_get_txt_height(l, @font, @font_size) end if sub != "" if /\A\=(.+)\=\z/ =~ sub sub = $1 sub_decoration= "overline" elsif /\A\-(.+)\-\z/ =~ sub sub = $1 sub_decoration= "underline" elsif /\A\~(.+)\~\z/ =~ sub sub = $1 sub_decoration= "line-through" else sub_decoration= "" end if /\A\*\*\*(.+)\*\*\*\z/ =~ sub sub = $1 sub_style = "font-style: italic" sub_weight = "font-weight: bold" elsif /\A\*\*(.+)\*\*\z/ =~ sub sub = $1 sub_style = "" sub_weight = "font-weight: bold" elsif /\A\*(.+)\*\z/ =~ sub sub = $1 sub_style = "font-style: italic" sub_weight = "" else sub_style = "" sub_weight = "" end sub_height = img_get_txt_height(sub, @font, @font_size) sub_width = img_get_txt_width(sub.to_s, @font, @sub_size) else sub_width = 0 sub_height = 0 end if /\A#(.+)#\z/ =~ sub sub = $1 end # Center text in the element txt_pos = left + (right - left) / 2 # Select apropriate color if(type == ETYPE_LEAF) col = @col_leaf else col = @col_node end if(main[0].chr == "<" && main[-1].chr == ">") col = @col_trace end # Draw main text main_data = @text_styles.sub(/COLOR/, col) main_data = main_data.sub(/FONT_SIZE/, @font_size.to_s + "px;") main_x = txt_pos - (main_width + sub_width) / 2 main_y = top + @e_height - @m[:e_padd] main_data = main_data.sub(/X_VALUE/, main_x.to_s) main_data = main_data.sub(/Y_VALUE/, main_y.to_s) if /\\n/ =~ main lines = main.split(/\\n/) new_main = "" dy = 0 lines.each_with_index do |l, idx| if idx == 0 dy = 0 else dy = 1 main_y += img_get_txt_height(l, @font, @font_size) end this_width = img_get_txt_width(l, @font, @font_size) this_x = txt_pos - (this_width + sub_width) / 2 new_main << "<tspan x='#{this_x}' y='#{main_y}'>#{l}</tspan>" @height = main_y if main_y > @height end main = new_main end @tree_data += main_data.sub(/TD/, "text-decoration='#{main_decoration}'") .sub(/ST/, main_style + ";") .sub(/WA/, main_weight + ";") .sub(/CONTENT/, main) # Draw subscript text if sub && sub != "" sub_data = @text_styles.sub(/COLOR/, col) sub_data = sub_data.sub(/FONT_SIZE/, @sub_size.to_s) sub_x = txt_pos + (main_width / 2) - (sub_width / 2) sub_y = main_y + sub_height / 6 sub_data = sub_data.sub(/X_VALUE/, sub_x.to_s) sub_data = sub_data.sub(/Y_VALUE/, sub_y.to_s) @tree_data += sub_data.sub(/TD/, "text-decoration='#{sub_decoration}'") .sub(/ST/, sub_style) .sub(/WA/, sub_weight) .sub(/CONTENT/, sub) @height += sub_height / 4 end end # Draw a line between child/parent elements def line_to_parent(fromX, fromY, fromW, toX, toW) if (fromY == 0 ) return end fromTop = row2px(fromY) fromLeft = (fromX + fromW / 2 + @m[:b_side]) toBot = (row2px(fromY - 1 ) + @e_height) toLeft = (toX + toW / 2 + @m[:b_side]) line_data = @line_styles.sub(/X1/, fromLeft.to_s) line_data = line_data.sub(/Y1/, fromTop.to_s) line_data = line_data.sub(/X2/, toLeft.to_s) @tree_data += line_data.sub(/Y2/, toBot.to_s) end # Draw a triangle between child/parent elements def triangle_to_parent(fromX, fromY, fromW, textW, symmetrize = true) if (fromY == 0) return end toX = fromX fromCenter = (fromX + fromW / 2 + @m[:b_side]) fromTop = row2px(fromY) fromLeft1 = (fromCenter + textW / 2) fromLeft2 = (fromCenter - textW / 2) toBot = (row2px(fromY - 1) + @e_height) if symmetrize toLeft = (toX + textW / 2 + @m[:b_side]) else toLeft = (toX + textW / 2 + @m[:b_side] * 3) end polygon_data = @polygon_styles.sub(/X1/, fromLeft1.to_s) polygon_data = polygon_data.sub(/Y1/, fromTop.to_s) polygon_data = polygon_data.sub(/X2/, fromLeft2.to_s) polygon_data = polygon_data.sub(/Y2/, fromTop.to_s) polygon_data = polygon_data.sub(/X3/, toLeft.to_s) @tree_data += polygon_data.sub(/Y3/, toBot.to_s) end # If a node element text is wider than the sum of it's # child elements, then the child elements need to # be resized to even out the space. This function # recurses down the a child tree and sizes the # children appropriately. def fix_child_size(id, current, target) children = @e_list.get_children(id) @e_list.set_element_width(id, target) if(children.length > 0 ) delta = target - current target_delta = delta / children.length children.each do |child| child_width = @e_list.get_element_width(child) fix_child_size(child, child_width, child_width + target_delta) end end end def img_get_txt_width(text, font, font_size, multiline = true) parts = text.split("_", 2) main_before = parts[0].strip sub = parts[1] main = get_txt_only(main_before) main_metrics = img_get_txt_metrics(main, font, font_size, multiline) width = main_metrics.width if sub sub_metrics = img_get_txt_metrics(sub.strip, font, font_size * SUBSCRIPT_CONST, multiline) width += sub_metrics.width end return width end def img_get_txt_height(text, font, font_size) main_metrics = img_get_txt_metrics(text, font, font_size, false) main_metrics.height end end