== 0.4.3
* Fix to support ruby 2.0
* Fix to support objects with invalid .class
* Fix mocha dev ependency issue

== 0.4.2
* Start also releasing java version of gem
* Put tests on travis
* Fix tests for jruby

== 0.4.1
* Fix install on jruby 1.6

== 0.4.0
* Improve extconf.rb: support --without-readline, fail hard, detect windows
* Add rb-readline support for windows and non-readline users
* Rename :readline_plugin option to :readline
* Allow :readline option to take a symbol

== 0.3.5
* Move yard-related functionality to bond-yard gem
== 0.3.4
* Add gem plugin completion
* Add jruby support thanks to @headius
* Add bare option to Bond.start

== 0.3.3
* Add Bond.restart

== 0.3.2
* Add Bond.started?

== 0.3.1
* Fix install for non-readline platforms
* Fix install for rubinius

== 0.3.0
* Fixes for tests to pass in rubinius and 1.9.2.
* Add support for a proc :eval_binding.
* Add instance variables to default completion.
* Add DefaultMission.completions to make default completions reusable
* Remove unused Mission#eval_binding.

== 0.2.2
* Moved documentation to yard.
* Better extconf.rb thanks to @timcharper
* Better error when failing to require extension.

== 0.2.1
* Added Bond.load_yard_gems which generates argument completions from yard documentation.
* Added Bond.load_gems which loads completions from gem's directory.
* Added compatibility within emacs' inf-ruby mode (thanks to @pd).
* Added :eval_debug to Bond.config for debugging completions.
* Doesn't build or load c extension for ruby 1.9.2.
* Fixed argument completion of object containing method names bug.
* Fixed nested constants completion bug.
* Updated completions for Kernel#system, Module#public, Module#protected and Module#private.

== 0.2.0
* Added comprehensive argument completion per module, method and argument.
* Added 60+ default method argument completions.
* Added configuration system and DSL.
* Added user-friendly completion error handling.
* Improved Bond.spy.
* Fixed several 1.9 bugs.
* Replaced require 'bond/completion' with Bond.start.
* Changed underscore_search to use '_' instead of '-'.
* Removed Bond.debrief and Bond.reset.
* Switched to bacon for tests.

== 0.1.4
* Added Bond.recomplete to make redefinition of completion missions easy.
* Added flag to readline extension building so that installing bond doesn't fail for
  users without readline.
* bond/completion allows require to autocomplete gems and within gems.

== 0.1.3
* Fixing deployment mistake

== 0.1.2
* Added bond/completion which is a drop-in enhancement of irb/completion
* Added ability to define predefined actions in Bond::Actions
* Fixed underscore search bug
* Fixed word breaking completion bug
* Fixed irb's completion inconsistencies
* Added ability to specify :default_search for Bond.debrief
* Added placement of completions with :place for Bond.complete

== 0.1.1
* Added Bond.spy to debug completions
* Fixed object completion failing in irbrc
* Allow regex characters in completions

== 0.1.0
* Intial release. Whoop!