# Official language image. Look for the different tagged releases at: # https://hub.docker.com/r/library/ruby/tags/ # Caching: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/caching/#caching-ruby-dependencies cache: key: ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} paths: - vendor/ruby # cache gems in between builds before_script: - ruby -v # Print out ruby version for debugging - gem install bundler --no-document # Bundler is not installed with the image # install nproc (coreutils) for bundle -j # install git for building the gemspec # install make, gcc for building gem native extension (commonmarker) # libc-dev for musl-dev dependency (stdlib.h) needed by gcc - apk --no-cache add coreutils git make gcc libc-dev - bundle install -j $(nproc) --path vendor # Install dependencies into ./vendor/ruby - bundle exec rake install # install the gem # Anchors: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/README.html#anchors .test_template: &job_definition stage: test script: - bundle exec rubocop - bundle exec rake test #test:2.4: # <<: *job_definition # image: ruby:2.4-alpine test:3.1: <<: *job_definition image: ruby:3.1-alpine pages: stage: deploy image: ruby:3.1-alpine script: - bundle exec yard doc - mkdir public - mv doc/* public/ artifacts: paths: - public only: - master