# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # See also https://openstudio.net/license # ******************************************************************************* require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'erb' require 'date' require_relative 'resources/va3c' # start the measure class ViewData < OpenStudio::Ruleset::ReportingUserScript # define the name that a user will see def name return 'ViewData' end # human readable description def description return 'Visualize energy simulation data plotted on an OpenStudio model in a web based viewer' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return 'Converts the OpenStudio model to vA3C JSON format and renders using Three.js, simulation data is applied to surfaces of the model' end def energyPlusOutputRequests(runner, user_arguments) super(runner, user_arguments) result = OpenStudio::IdfObjectVector.new # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments) return result end reporting_frequency = runner.getStringArgumentValue('reporting_frequency', user_arguments) variable1_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue('variable1_name', user_arguments) result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Variable,*,#{variable1_name},#{reporting_frequency};").get variable2_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue('variable2_name', user_arguments) result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Variable,*,#{variable2_name},#{reporting_frequency};").get variable3_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue('variable3_name', user_arguments) result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Variable,*,#{variable3_name},#{reporting_frequency};").get return result end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model = nil) args = OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSArgumentVector.new chs = OpenStudio::StringVector.new chs << 'Last OSM' chs << 'Last IDF' file_source = OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('file_source', chs, true) file_source.setDisplayName('Model Source') file_source.setDefaultValue('Last OSM') args << file_source chs = OpenStudio::StringVector.new chs << 'Timestep' chs << 'Hourly' reporting_frequency = OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('reporting_frequency', chs, true) reporting_frequency.setDisplayName('Reporting Frequency') reporting_frequency.setDefaultValue('Hourly') args << reporting_frequency variable1_name = OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('variable1_name', true) variable1_name.setDisplayName('Variable 1 Name') variable1_name.setDefaultValue('Surface Outside Face Temperature') args << variable1_name variable2_name = OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('variable2_name', true) variable2_name.setDisplayName('Variable 2 Name') variable2_name.setDefaultValue('Surface Inside Face Temperature') args << variable2_name variable3_name = OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('variable3_name', true) variable3_name.setDisplayName('Variable 3 Name') variable3_name.setDefaultValue('Zone Mean Radiant Temperature') args << variable3_name return args end def datetimes_to_array(dateTimes) result = [] dateTimes.each do |d| date = d.date time = d.time result << DateTime.new(date.year, date.monthOfYear.value, date.dayOfMonth, time.hours, time.minutes, time.seconds).strftime('%s').to_i end return result end def vector_to_array(vector) result = [] (0...vector.size).each do |i| result << vector[i] end return result end def format_array(vector) result = [] vector.each do |x| result << format('%.6g', x).to_f end return result end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(runner, user_arguments) super(runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments) return false end file_source = runner.getStringArgumentValue('file_source', user_arguments) from_idf = (file_source == 'Last IDF') reporting_frequency = runner.getStringArgumentValue('reporting_frequency', user_arguments) variable1_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue('variable1_name', user_arguments) variable2_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue('variable2_name', user_arguments) variable3_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue('variable3_name', user_arguments) # 'Timestep' is the key in the input file, 'Zone Timestep' is the key in the SqlFile if reporting_frequency == 'Timestep' reporting_frequency = 'Zone Timestep' end variable_names = [] if /Zone/.match(variable1_name) || /Surface/.match(variable1_name) variable_names << variable1_name else if !variable1_name.empty? runner.registerWarning("Variable '#{variable1_name}' is not a zone or surface variable, skipping") end end if variable_names.include?(variable2_name) runner.registerWarning("Variable '#{variable2_name}' already requested, skipping") elsif /Zone/.match(variable2_name) || /Surface/.match(variable2_name) variable_names << variable2_name else if !variable2_name.empty? runner.registerWarning("Variable '#{variable2_name}' is not a zone or surface variable, skipping") end end if variable_names.include?(variable3_name) runner.registerWarning("Variable '#{variable3_name}' already requested, skipping") elsif /Zone/.match(variable3_name) || /Surface/.match(variable3_name) variable_names << variable3_name else if !variable3_name.empty? runner.registerWarning("Variable '#{variable3_name}' is not a zone or surface variable, skipping") end end model = nil if from_idf # get the last workspace workspace = runner.lastEnergyPlusWorkspace if workspace.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last workspace.') return false end workspace = workspace.get rt = OpenStudio::EnergyPlus::ReverseTranslator.new model = rt.translateWorkspace(workspace) runner.registerInfo("Loaded model with '#{model.getSpaces.size}' spaces") else # get the last model model = runner.lastOpenStudioModel if model.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last model.') return false end model = model.get runner.registerInfo("Loaded model with '#{model.getSpaces.size}' spaces") end # get the last sql file sqlFile = runner.lastEnergyPlusSqlFile if sqlFile.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last sql file.') return false end sqlFile = sqlFile.get model.setSqlFile(sqlFile) # find the environment period env_period = nil sqlFile.availableEnvPeriods.each do |p| if 'WeatherRunPeriod'.to_EnvironmentType == sqlFile.environmentType(p).get env_period = p break end end if !env_period runner.registerError('No WeatherRunPeriods found in results') return false end runner.registerInfo("Gathering results for run period '#{env_period}'") start_time = Time.now # puts "printing variables" # print all variables for reference sqlFile.availableVariableNames(env_period, reporting_frequency).each do |variable| runner.registerInfo("Available variable name '#{variable}'") end # puts "done printing variables, elapsed time #{Time.now-start_time}" # start_time = Time.now # puts "computing surface_data" # list surface and thermal zone name for each surface # surface_data is a temporary variable, it is not written to JSON surface_data = [] model.getPlanarSurfaces.each do |surface| surface_name = surface.name.to_s.upcase thermal_zone_name = nil if (space = surface.space) && !space.empty? if from_idf # if we translated from IDF, the space name will be the E+ zone name thermal_zone_name = space.get.name.to_s.upcase else if (thermal_zone = space.get.thermalZone) && !thermal_zone.empty? thermal_zone_name = thermal_zone.get.name.to_s.upcase end end end surface_data << { surface_name: surface_name, thermal_zone_name: thermal_zone_name, variables: [] } end # puts "done computing surface_data, elapsed time #{Time.now-start_time}" # same across all variables for given timestep times = nil hoursPerInterval = nil intervalsPerHour = nil intervalsPerDay = nil numDays = nil # changes for each variable start_time = Time.now meta_variables = [] variables = [] variable_names.each do |variable_name| units = nil values = [] data_range = [Float::MAX, Float::MIN] # data max, data min # puts "getting keys for variable, #{variable_name}" keys = sqlFile.availableKeyValues(env_period, reporting_frequency, variable_name) # puts "done getting #{keys.size} keys, elapsed time #{Time.now-start_time}" if keys.empty? runner.registerWarning("No data available for variable '#{variable_name}', skipping") next end keys.each do |key| runner.registerInfo("Available key '#{key}' for variable name '#{variable_name}'") # puts "getting timeseries for key, #{key}" ts = sqlFile.timeSeries(env_period, reporting_frequency, variable_name, key).get units = ts.units # puts "done getting timeseries, elapsed time #{Time.now-start_time}" if times.nil? times = datetimes_to_array(ts.dateTimes) if !ts.intervalLength.empty? hoursPerInterval = ts.intervalLength.get.totalHours intervalsPerHour = 1.0 / hoursPerInterval.to_f intervalsPerDay = 1.0 / ts.intervalLength.get.totalDays numDays = times.size * ts.intervalLength.get.totalDays end end this_values = vector_to_array(ts.values) min = this_values.min max = this_values.max if min < data_range[0] data_range[0] = min end if max > data_range[1] data_range[1] = max end valueIndex = values.length values << format_array(this_values) if i = surface_data.index { |s| s[:surface_name] == key } surface_data[i][:variables] << { name: variable_name, valueIndex: valueIndex, keyName: key } else surface_data.each do |s| if s[:thermal_zone_name] == key s[:variables] << { name: variable_name, valueIndex: valueIndex, keyName: key } end end end # puts "finished with key #{key}, elapsed time #{Time.now-start_time}" end meta_variables << { name: variable_name, intervalsPerHour: intervalsPerHour, intervalsPerDay: intervalsPerDay, hoursPerInterval: hoursPerInterval, numDays: numDays, units: units, valueMin: data_range[0], valueMax: data_range[1] } variables << { name: variable_name, intervalsPerHour: intervalsPerHour, intervalsPerDay: intervalsPerDay, hoursPerInterval: hoursPerInterval, numDays: numDays, units: units, valueMin: data_range[0], valueMax: data_range[1], timeIndex: 0, values: values } # puts "finished with variable #{variable_name}, elapsed time #{Time.now-start_time}" end # convert the model to vA3C JSON format start_time = Time.now # puts "converting model to vA3C" json = nil model_clone = model.clone(true).to_Model begin # try to use new implementation ft = OpenStudio::Model::ThreeJSForwardTranslator.new three_scene = ft.modelToThreeJS(model_clone, true) json = JSON.parse(three_scene.toJSON(false), symbolize_names: true) runner.registerInfo('Used new ThreeScene translator.') rescue NameError, StandardError # use old Ruby implementation runner.registerInfo('Using Ruby VA3C translator.') json = VA3C.convert_model(model_clone) end # puts "finished converting model, elapsed time #{Time.now-start_time}" json[:metadata][:variables] = meta_variables json[:times] = [times] json[:variables] = variables json[:object][:children].each do |child| name = child[:userData][:name].upcase surface = surface_data.find { |x| x[:surface_name] == name } valueIndex = nil keyName = nil if surface child[:userData][:variables] = surface[:variables] end end # write json file # start_time = Time.now # puts "writing JSON" json_out_path = './report.json' File.open(json_out_path, 'w') do |file| file << JSON.generate(json, object_nl: "\n", array_nl: '', indent: ' ') # file << JSON::generate(json, {:object_nl=>"", :array_nl=>"", :indent=>""}) # make sure data is written to the disk one way or the other begin file.fsync rescue StandardError file.flush end end # puts "finished writing JSON, elapsed time #{Time.now-start_time}" # read in template # start_time = Time.now # puts "writing html" html_in_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/report.html.in" if File.exist?(html_in_path) html_in_path = html_in_path else html_in_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/report.html.in" end html_in = '' File.open(html_in_path, 'r') do |file| html_in = file.read end # configure template with variable values os_data = JSON.generate(json, object_nl: '', array_nl: '', indent: '') title = 'View Data' renderer = ERB.new(html_in) html_out = renderer.result(binding) # write html file html_out_path = './report.html' File.open(html_out_path, 'w') do |file| file << html_out # make sure data is written to the disk one way or the other begin file.fsync rescue StandardError file.flush end end # puts "finished writing html, elapsed time #{Time.now-start_time}" # closing the sql file # sqlFile.close() # reporting final condition # runner.registerFinalCondition("Model written.") return true end # end the run method end # end the measure # this allows the measure to be use by the application ViewData.new.registerWithApplication