/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "pool.h" #include "posix.h" #ifndef GIT_WIN32 #include #endif struct git_pool_page { git_pool_page *next; size_t size; size_t avail; GIT_ALIGN(char data[GIT_FLEX_ARRAY], 8); }; static void *pool_alloc_page(git_pool *pool, size_t size); #ifndef GIT_DEBUG_POOL static size_t system_page_size = 0; int git_pool_global_init(void) { if (git__page_size(&system_page_size) < 0) system_page_size = 4096; /* allow space for malloc overhead */ system_page_size -= (2 * sizeof(void *)) + sizeof(git_pool_page); return 0; } int git_pool_init(git_pool *pool, size_t item_size) { assert(pool); assert(item_size >= 1); memset(pool, 0, sizeof(git_pool)); pool->item_size = item_size; pool->page_size = system_page_size; return 0; } void git_pool_clear(git_pool *pool) { git_pool_page *scan, *next; for (scan = pool->pages; scan != NULL; scan = next) { next = scan->next; git__free(scan); } pool->pages = NULL; } static void *pool_alloc_page(git_pool *pool, size_t size) { git_pool_page *page; const size_t new_page_size = (size <= pool->page_size) ? pool->page_size : size; size_t alloc_size; if (GIT_ADD_SIZET_OVERFLOW(&alloc_size, new_page_size, sizeof(git_pool_page)) || !(page = git__malloc(alloc_size))) return NULL; page->size = new_page_size; page->avail = new_page_size - size; page->next = pool->pages; pool->pages = page; return page->data; } static void *pool_alloc(git_pool *pool, size_t size) { git_pool_page *page = pool->pages; void *ptr = NULL; if (!page || page->avail < size) return pool_alloc_page(pool, size); ptr = &page->data[page->size - page->avail]; page->avail -= size; return ptr; } uint32_t git_pool__open_pages(git_pool *pool) { uint32_t ct = 0; git_pool_page *scan; for (scan = pool->pages; scan != NULL; scan = scan->next) ct++; return ct; } bool git_pool__ptr_in_pool(git_pool *pool, void *ptr) { git_pool_page *scan; for (scan = pool->pages; scan != NULL; scan = scan->next) if ((void *)scan->data <= ptr && (void *)(((char *)scan->data) + scan->size) > ptr) return true; return false; } #else int git_pool_global_init(void) { return 0; } static int git_pool__ptr_cmp(const void * a, const void * b) { if(a > b) { return 1; } if(a < b) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } int git_pool_init(git_pool *pool, size_t item_size) { assert(pool); assert(item_size >= 1); memset(pool, 0, sizeof(git_pool)); pool->item_size = item_size; pool->page_size = git_pool__system_page_size(); git_vector_init(&pool->allocations, 100, git_pool__ptr_cmp); return 0; } void git_pool_clear(git_pool *pool) { git_vector_free_deep(&pool->allocations); } static void *pool_alloc(git_pool *pool, size_t size) { void *ptr = NULL; if((ptr = git__malloc(size)) == NULL) { return NULL; } git_vector_insert_sorted(&pool->allocations, ptr, NULL); return ptr; } bool git_pool__ptr_in_pool(git_pool *pool, void *ptr) { size_t pos; return git_vector_bsearch(&pos, &pool->allocations, ptr) != GIT_ENOTFOUND; } #endif void git_pool_swap(git_pool *a, git_pool *b) { git_pool temp; if (a == b) return; memcpy(&temp, a, sizeof(temp)); memcpy(a, b, sizeof(temp)); memcpy(b, &temp, sizeof(temp)); } static size_t alloc_size(git_pool *pool, size_t count) { const size_t align = sizeof(void *) - 1; if (pool->item_size > 1) { const size_t item_size = (pool->item_size + align) & ~align; return item_size * count; } return (count + align) & ~align; } void *git_pool_malloc(git_pool *pool, size_t items) { return pool_alloc(pool, alloc_size(pool, items)); } void *git_pool_mallocz(git_pool *pool, size_t items) { const size_t size = alloc_size(pool, items); void *ptr = pool_alloc(pool, size); if (ptr) memset(ptr, 0x0, size); return ptr; } char *git_pool_strndup(git_pool *pool, const char *str, size_t n) { char *ptr = NULL; assert(pool && str && pool->item_size == sizeof(char)); if (n == SIZE_MAX) return NULL; if ((ptr = git_pool_malloc(pool, (n + 1))) != NULL) { memcpy(ptr, str, n); ptr[n] = '\0'; } return ptr; } char *git_pool_strdup(git_pool *pool, const char *str) { assert(pool && str && pool->item_size == sizeof(char)); return git_pool_strndup(pool, str, strlen(str)); } char *git_pool_strdup_safe(git_pool *pool, const char *str) { return str ? git_pool_strdup(pool, str) : NULL; } char *git_pool_strcat(git_pool *pool, const char *a, const char *b) { void *ptr; size_t len_a, len_b, total; assert(pool && pool->item_size == sizeof(char)); len_a = a ? strlen(a) : 0; len_b = b ? strlen(b) : 0; if (GIT_ADD_SIZET_OVERFLOW(&total, len_a, len_b) || GIT_ADD_SIZET_OVERFLOW(&total, total, 1)) return NULL; if ((ptr = git_pool_malloc(pool, total)) != NULL) { if (len_a) memcpy(ptr, a, len_a); if (len_b) memcpy(((char *)ptr) + len_a, b, len_b); *(((char *)ptr) + len_a + len_b) = '\0'; } return ptr; }