Qwery - The Tiny Selector Engine
Qwery is a small *blazing fast* query selector engine allowing you to select elements with CSS1|2|3 queries
##Acceptable selectors
``` css
/* basic */
#foo {} /* id */
.bar {} /* class */
a#foo.bar {} /* element attribute combinations */
/* attributes */
#foo a[href] {} /* simple */
#foo a[href=bar] {} /* attribute values */
#foo a[lang|=en] {} /* subcodes */
#foo a[title~=hello] {} /* attribute contains */
#foo a[href^="http://"] {} /* attribute starts with */
#foo a[href$=com] {} /* attribute ends with */
#foo a[href*=twitter] /* {} attribute wildcards */
/* descendants */
#foo a {} /* all descendants */
ul#list > li {} /* direct children */
/* siblings */
span ~ strong {} /* all adjacent */
p + p {} /* immediate adjacent */
/* combos */
div,p {}
/* variations */
#foo.bar.baz {}
div#baz.thunk a[-data-info*="hello world"] span + strong {}
#thunk[title$='huzza'] {}
Each query can optionally pass in a context
``` js
qwery('div', node); // existing DOM node or...
qwery('div', '#foo'); // another query
pseudo selector API
Optionally, Qwery provides a [pseudo selector interface](https://github.com/ded/qwery/blob/master/src/pseudos.js) allowing you to extend into advanced CSS3 matchers. It looks like this:
``` js
qwery.pseudos['first-child'] = function (el, val) {
var p;
return el.parentNode && (p = el.parentNode) && (childs = p.getElementsByTagName('*')) && childs[0] == el;
To create a new pseudo matcher you must set a property on `qwery.psuedos` with a boolean method that is passed back a candidate element, and a value (if any). For example:
``` js
qwery('#content p.surprise:foo(bar)')
qwery.pseudos.foo = function (el, val) {
// val == 'bar'
return el.getAttribute(val)
Configuring Qwery
The `configure()` method takes an options object allowing you to adjust the way that Qwery works internally. Currently only the `useNativeQSA` option is available to turn on and off the use of native `querySelectorAll()` where available.
``` js
useNativeQSA: false
Browser Support
Qwery attempts to stay up to date with Yahoo's [Grade A Browser Support](http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/articles/gbs) in addition to future browser candidates.
- IE6+
- Chrome 1+
- Safari 3+
- Firefox 2+
- Opera
Dev Env & Testing
$ npm install smoosh sink-test
$ make
$ open tests/index.html
Qwery uses querySelectorAll
when available. All querySelectorAll
default behavior then applies.
Ender support
Qwery is the recommended selector engine for [Ender](http://ender.no.de). If you don't have Ender, install it, and don't ever look back.
$ npm install ender -g
To include Query in a custom build of Ender you can include it as such:
$ ender build qwery[,mod2,mod3,...]
Or add it to an existing Ender installation
$ ender add qwery
Ender bridge additions
Assuming you already know the happs on Ender -- Qwery provides some additional niceties when included with Ender:
``` js
// the context finder - find all p elements descended from a div element
// join one set with another
// test nodes against selectors
$('#foo').is('div.bar'); // => true if any nodes match
// element creation
hello world
'); // => [HTMLParagraphElement "hello world"] ``` Recommended sibling modules ---------- In most cases, if you're hunting for a selector engine, you probably want to pair Qwery with a DOM module. In that case qwery pairs quite nicely with [Bonzo](https://github.com/ded/bonzo) (a DOM util) and [Bean](https://github.com/fat/bean) (an event util). Add them to your Ender installation as such: $ ender -b qwery bonzo bean Then write code like a boss: ``` js $('a.boosh') .css({ color: 'red', background: 'white' }) .after('√') .bind({ 'click.button': function () { $(this).hide().unbind('click.button') } }) ``` Qwery Mobile! ------------ If you're building a Webkit (iPhone / Android / Chrome OS) application, you may be interested in qwery-mobile! Include this (instead of qwery) in your Ender build and get a full qwery interface for just 600 bytes :) $ ender add qwery-mobile Contributors ------- * [Dustin Diaz](https://github.com/ded/qwery/commits/master?author=ded) * [Rod Vagg](https://github.com/ded/qwery/commits/master?author=rvagg) * [Jacob Thornton](https://github.com/ded/qwery/commits/master?author=fat) * [Andrew McCollum](https://github.com/ded/qwery/commits/master?author=amccollum)