module EnumeratedAttribute class MethodDefinition attr_accessor :method_name, :negated, :argument def initialize(name, arg, negated=false) @method_name, @negated, @argument = name, negated, arg end def is_predicate_method?; @method_name[-1, 1] == '?'; end def has_method_name?; !!@method_name; end def has_argument?; !!@argument; end end class MethodDefinitionDSL attr_reader :initial_value, :pluralized_name, :decrementor_name, :incrementor_name def initialize(class_obj, descriptor) @class_obj = class_obj @attr_name = @attr_descriptor = descriptor #this is the enums array end #we'll by pass this - they can use it if it helps make code more readable - not enforced - should it be?? def define end def is_not(*args) arg = args.first if args.length > 0, arg, true) end alias :isnt :is_not def is(*args) arg = args.first if args.length > 0, arg) end def method_missing(methId, *args, &block) meth_name = methId.id2name meth_def = nil if args.size > 0 arg = args.first if arg.instance_of?(EnumeratedAttribute::MethodDefinition) if arg.has_method_name? raise_method_syntax_error(meth_name, arg.method_name) end meth_def = arg meth_def.method_name = meth_name else meth_def =, arg) end elsif block_given? meth_def =, block) else raise_method_syntax_error(meth_name) end evaluate_method_definition(meth_def) end def init(value) if (!@attr_descriptor.empty? && !@attr_descriptor.include?(value.to_sym)) raise(InvalidDefinition, "'#{value}' in method 'init' is not an enumeration value for :#{@attr_name} attribute", caller) end @initial_value = value end def decrementor(value); @decrementor_name = value; end def incrementor(value); @incrementor_name = value; end def enums_accessor(value); @pluralized_name = value; end alias_method :inc, :incrementor alias_method :dec, :decrementor alias_method :enums, :enums_accessor alias_method :plural, :enums_accessor def label(hash) raise(InvalidDefinition, "label or labels keyword should be followed by a hash of :enum_value=>'label'", caller) unless hash.is_a?(Hash) hash.each do |k,v| raise(InvalidDefinition, "#{k} is not an enumeration value for :#{@attr_name} attribute", caller) unless (k.is_a?(Symbol) && @attr_descriptor.include?(k)) raise(InvalidDefinition, "#{v} is not a string. Labels should be strings", caller) unless v.is_a?(String) @attr_descriptor.set_label(k, v) end end alias_method :labels, :label private def raise_method_syntax_error(meth_name, offending_token=nil) suffix = offending_token ? "found '#{offending_token}'" : "found nothing" followed_by = (meth_name[-1,1] == '?' ? "is_not, an enumeration value, an array of enumeration values, " : "") + "a proc, lambda or code block" raise InvalidDefinition, "'#{meth_name}' should be followed by #{followed_by} -- but #{suffix}" end def evaluate_method_definition(mdef) unless mdef.has_argument? return raise_method_syntax_error(mdef.method_name) end if mdef.is_predicate_method? case mdef.argument when String return create_custom_method_for_symbol_or_string(mdef) when Symbol return create_custom_method_for_symbol_or_string(mdef) when Array return create_custom_method_for_array_of_enums(mdef) when Proc return create_custom_method_for_proc(mdef) end else #action method if mdef.argument.instance_of?(Proc) return create_custom_method_for_proc(mdef) end end raise_method_syntax_error(mdef.method_name, mdef.argument) end def create_custom_method_for_proc(mdef) @class_obj.send(:define_method, mdef.method_name, mdef.argument) end def create_custom_method_for_symbol_or_string(mdef) if (!@attr_descriptor.empty? && !@attr_descriptor.include?(mdef.argument.to_sym)) raise(InvalidDefinition, "'#{mdef.argument}' in method '#{mdef.method_name}' is not an enumeration value for :#{@attr_name} attribute", caller) end @class_obj.class_eval("def #{mdef.method_name}; @#{@attr_name} #{mdef.negated ? '!=' : '=='} :#{mdef.argument}; end") end def create_custom_method_for_array_of_enums(mdef) if !@attr_descriptor.empty? mdef.argument.each do |m| if !@attr_descriptor.include?(m.to_sym) raise(InvalidDefinition, "'#{m}' in method '#{mdef.method_name}' is not an enumeration value for :#{@attr_name} attribute", caller) end end end @class_obj.class_eval("def #{mdef.method_name}; #{mdef.negated ? '!' : ''}[:#{mdef.argument.join(',:')}].include?(@#{@attr_name}); end") end end end