// ttf2eot for ruby // just using ruby Module with singleton method instead of cli // Orignial code: // http://code.google.com/p/ttf2eot/ // Include the Ruby headers and goodies #include "ruby.h" #include "OpenTypeUtilities.h" #ifndef SIZE_MAX # define SIZE_MAX UINT_MAX #endif VALUE Reot = Qnil; extern "C" void Init_reot(); extern "C" VALUE method_convert(VALUE self, VALUE filepath, VALUE destination); extern "C" void Init_reot() { Reot = rb_define_module("Reot"); rb_define_singleton_method(Reot, "convert!", (VALUE(*)(...))&method_convert, 2); } extern "C" VALUE method_convert(VALUE self, VALUE filepath, VALUE destination) { const size_t kFontInitSize = 8192; vector eotHeader(512); size_t overlayDst = 0; size_t overlaySrc = 0; size_t overlayLength = 0; size_t fontSize = kFontInitSize; size_t fontOff = 0; FILE *input, *output; unsigned char *fontData; char *input_file, *output_file; input_file = StringValuePtr(filepath); output_file = StringValuePtr(destination); input = fopen(input_file, "rb"); output = fopen(output_file, "wb"); if ((fontData = (unsigned char *) malloc(fontSize)) == NULL) { return Qfalse; } if(!input && !output) { return Qfalse; } do { size_t ret = fread(fontData + fontOff, 1, fontSize - fontOff, input); if (ret && fontSize <= SIZE_MAX / 2) { fontOff += ret; if ((fontData = (unsigned char *) realloc(fontData, fontSize *= 2)) == NULL) { return Qfalse; } } else if (ret) { return Qfalse; } else { fontData = (unsigned char *) realloc(fontData, fontSize = fontOff); break; } } while (true); if (getEOTHeader(fontData, fontSize, eotHeader, overlayDst, overlaySrc, overlayLength)) { fwrite(&eotHeader[0], eotHeader.size(), 1, output); fwrite(fontData, fontSize, 1, output); fclose(output); fclose(input); return Qtrue; } else { fclose(output); fclose(input); return Qfalse; } }