#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "rubygems" require "rubigen" require "rubigen/scripts/generate" require 'optparse' if %w(-v --version).include? ARGV.first require 'lockdown/version' puts "#{File.basename($0)} #{Lockdown::VERSION::STRING}" exit(0) end # # Created on 2008-4-21. # Copyright (c) 2008. All rights reserved. MERB_CONFIG = 'config/init.rb' RAILS_CONFIG = 'config/environment.rb' if File.exists?(MERB_CONFIG) @framework = "merb" elsif File.exists?(RAILS_CONFIG) @framework = "rails" else raise NotImplementedError, "Configuration file not found. Looking for init.rb (Merb) or environment.rb (Rails)" end def merb_app? @framework == "merb" end def rails_app? @framework == "rails" end # # Right now we only have the two and we raise an exception # if we don't know prior to getting here.. # def config_file if merb_app? MERB_CONFIG else RAILS_CONFIG end end begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError # no rubygems to load, so we fail silently end OPTIONS = { :path => File.expand_path('.') } parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER Lockdown will add init.rb and session.rb to the lib/lockdown directory and require them in #{config_file}. Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] Options are: BANNER opts.separator "" opts.on("-p", "--path=PATH", String, "The root path for selecting files", "Default: [current directory]") { |OPTIONS[:path]| } opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit } opts.parse!(ARGV) end # # Load up the config file contents # @configuration = File.open config_file do |f| f.map {|line| line.chomp} end def configuration_file_has?(req) @configuration.include?(req) end puts <<-MSG \n------------------------------------------------------------ Installing Lockdown MSG begin source = RubiGen::PathSource.new(:application, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../app_generators")) RubiGen::Base.reset_sources RubiGen::Base.append_sources source RubiGen::Scripts::Generate.new.run(ARGV, :generator => 'lockdown', :framework => @framework) File.open(config_file, "a") do |f| require_lockdown = %Q(require "lockdown/init") f << %Q(\n\n#{require_lockdown}\n\n) unless configuration_file_has?(require_lockdown) end rescue Exception => e puts e.backtrace.join("\n") raise e end puts <<-MSG ------------------------------------------------------------\n MSG puts <<-MSG \n------------------------------------------------------------ Modified #{config_file} by adding: require "lockdown/init" ------------------------------------------------------------\n MSG puts <<-MSG \n------------------------------------------------------------ You are now locked down. To open up access to your application please modify lib/lockdown/init.rb. This is where you'll add permissions and create user groups. To modify the contents of your session and to add access methods, modify lib/lockdown/session.rb. If you want to know more, please visit: http://lockdown.rubyforge.org If you have any suggestions, comments or issues please visit the Lockdown Google group: http://groups.google.com/group/stonean_lockdown?hl=en ------------------------------------------------------------\n MSG