Cmor::Legal.configure do |config| # Set the resources, that will be shown in the backend menu. # # Default: config.registered_controllers = -> {[ # Cmor::Legal::PrivacyPoliciesController, # Cmor::Legal::PersonalDataController # ]} # config.resources_controllers = -> {[ Cmor::Legal::PrivacyPoliciesController, Cmor::Legal::PersonalDataController ]} # Add these attributes to the rails logging filter # # default: config.filter_personal_data_attributes = [:email, :firstname, :lastname, :birthdate] # config.filter_personal_data_attributes = [:email, :firstname, :lastname, :birthdate] # If set to true and force_ssl is not set to true in production it will raise # an exception when trying to boot rails. # # default: config.enforce_ssl = true # config.enforce_ssl = true # Enables or disables the cookie message. # # default: config.enable_cookie_consent_banner = true # config.enable_cookie_consent_banner = true config.cookies = ->(cookie_store ={})) {[ :basic, adjustable: false, default: true, cookie_store: cookie_store), :analytics, adjustable: true, default: true, cookie_store: cookie_store), :marketing, adjustable: true, default: true, cookie_store: cookie_store), :social_media, adjustable: true, default: false, cookie_store: cookie_store) ]} # Sets the prefix to use for the consent cookies # # default: config.cookie_prefix = "#{}-eu_gdpr-" # config.cookie_prefix = "#{}-eu_gdpr-" # Sets the cookie storage method. Can be either :session or :cookies # # default: config.cookie_storage = :cookies # config.cookie_storage = :cookies # config.personal_data.register('User', log_removals: true, forget_with: :anonymization) do |u| # u.attribute(:email, anonymize_with: :scrambler) # u.attribute(:firstname, anonymize_with: :scrambler) # u.attribute(:lastname, anonymize_with: :scrambler) # u.attribute(:last_ip, anonymize_with: :nullifier) # u.association(:posts) do |p| # p.attribute(:title) # p.attribute(:body) # p.association(:gallery) do |g| # g.attribute(:name) # g.association(:pictures) do |p| # p.attribute(:title) # p.attribute(:asset) { |r| r.base64_encoded_asset } # end # end # end # end end