# RorVsWild [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/rorvswild.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/rorvswild) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/2c4805cf658d7af794fe/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/BaseSecrete/rorvswild/maintainability) *RoRvsWild* is a ruby gem to monitor performances and exceptions in Ruby on Rails applications. This gem has a double mode, development and production. It can be used without an account to monitor your requests performances in your development environment. It can also be used in your production and staging environments with an account on https://rorvswild.com. With such an account you also get extra benefits such as 30 day trace, background jobs monitoring, exceptions monitoring and notifications. ## Installation #### Install the gem * Add in your Gemfile `gem "rorvswild"` * Run `bundle install` in you terminal * Restart your local server and you’ll see a small button in the bottom left corner of your page. ![RoRvsWild Local Button](/images/rorvswild_local_button.jpg) This is all what you need to do to monitor your local environment requests. #### API key **To monitor your production or staging environment, you need an API key.** Signup on https://www.rorvswild.com and create an app to get one. * Add in your Gemfile `gem "rorvswild"` * Run `bundle install` in you terminal * Run `rorvswild-install API_KEY` in you terminal * Deploy/Restart your app * Make a few requests and refresh your app page on rorvswild.com to view the dashboard. The `rorvswild-install` command creates a `config/rorvswild.yml` file. If you prefer to use an initializer, you can do the following: ```ruby # config/initializers/rorvswild.rb RorVsWild.start(api_key: API_KEY) ``` You can create unlimited apps on *rorvswild.com*. If you want to monitor your staging environment, create a new app and edit your rorvswild.yml to add the API key. ## Development mode: *RoRvsWild Local* ![RoRvsWild Local](/images/rorvswild_local.jpg) *RorVsWild Local* monitors the performances of requests in development environment. It shows most of the requests performances insights *RoRvsWild.com* displays. **A big difference is everything works locally and no data is sent and recorded on our servers**. You don’t even need an account to use it. *RoRvsWild Local* renders a small button in the bottom left corner of your page showing the runtime of the current request. If you click on it, you get all the profiled sections ordered by impact, which is depending on the sections average runtime and the calls count. As on RoRvsWild.com, the bottleneck is always on the top of the list. Be aware that the performances on your development machine may vary from the production server. Obviously because of the different hardware and database size. Also, Rails is reloading all the code in development environment and this takes quite a lot of time. To prevent this behaviour and better match the production, turn on cache_classes in your config/environments/development.rb: ``` Rails.application.configure do config.cache_classes = true end ``` If you are using `Rack::Deflater` middleware you won't see the small button in the corner. Because of the compression it is not possible to inject some JavaScript into the page. In that case visit http://localhost:3000/rorvswild to see the profiler. ## Production mode: *RoRvsWild.com* ![RoRvsWild.com](/images/rorvswild_prod.jpg) *RoRvsWild.com* makes it easy to monitor requests, background jobs and errors in your production and staging environment. It also comes with some extra options listed below. #### Measure any code You can measure any code like this (useful to monitor cronjobs): ```ruby RorVsWild.measure_code("User.all.do_something_great") ``` Or like that: ```ruby RorVsWild.measure_block("A great job name") { User.all.do_something_great } ``` Then it will appear in the jobs page. Note that Calling `measure_code` or `measure_block` inside or a request or a job will add a section. That is convenient to profile finely parts of your code. #### Send errors manually When you already have a begin / rescue block, this manner suits well: ```ruby begin # Your code ... rescue => exception RorVsWild.record_error(exception) end ``` If you prefer to be concise, just run the code from a block: ```ruby RorVsWild.catch_error { 1 / 0 } # => # ``` Moreover, you can provide extra details when capturing errors: ```ruby RorVsWild.record_error(exception, {something: "important"}) ``` ```ruby RorVsWild.catch_error(something: "important") { 1 / 0 } ``` #### Ignore requests, jobs, exceptions and plugins From the configuration file, you can tell RorVsWild to skip monitoring some requests, jobs, exceptions and plugins. ```yaml # config/rorvswild.yml production: api_key: API_KEY ignore_requests: - SecretController#index ignore_jobs: - SecretJob ignore_exceptions: - ActionController::RoutingError # Ignore by default any 404 - ZeroDivisionError ignore_plugins: - Sidekiq # If you don't want to monitor your Sidekiq jobs ``` Here is the equivalent if you prefer initialising RorVsWild manually. ```ruby # config/initializers/rorvswild.rb RorVsWild.start( api_key: "API_KEY", ignore_requests: ["SecretController#index"], ignore_jobs: ["SecretJob"], ignore_exceptions: ["ActionController::RoutingError", "ZeroDivisionError"], ignore_plugins: ["Sidekiq"]) ``` Finally here is the list of all plugins you can ignore : - ActionController - ActionMailer - ActionView - ActiveJob - ActiveRecord - DelayedJob - Elasticsearch - Mongo - NetHttp - Redis - Resque - Sidekiq #### Change logger By default RorVsWild uses `Rails.logger` or standard output. However in some cases you want to isolate RorVsWild's logs. To do that, you have to specifiy the log destination via the `logger` option : ```yaml # config/rorvswild.yml production: api_key: API_KEY logger: log/rorvswild.yml ``` Here is the equivalent if you prefer initialising RorVsWild manually : ```ruby # config/initializers/rorvswild.rb RorVsWild.start(api_key: "API_KEY", logger: "log/rorvswild.log") ``` In the case you want a custom logger such as Syslog, you can only do it by initialising it manually : ```ruby # config/initializers/rorvswild.rb RorVsWild.start(api_key: "API_KEY", logger: Logger::Syslog.new) ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/rorvswild/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request