crumb :basic do link "About", about_path end crumb :with_root do link "About", about_path parent :root end crumb :with_parent do link "Contact", contact_path parent :basic end crumb :object do |project| link, project end crumb :with_autopath do |project| link, project end crumb :with_parent_object do |issue| link issue.title, project_issue_path(issue.project, issue) parent :object, issue.project end crumb :multiple_links do link "Contact", contact_path link "Contact form", contact_form_path end crumb :multiple_links_with_parent do link "Contact", contact_path link "Contact form", contact_form_path parent :basic end crumb :with_proc do link { "Name from proc" }, { "URL from proc" } end crumb :with_multiple_arguments do |a, b, c| link "#{a} and #{b} and #{c}", contact_path parent :parent_with_multiple_arguments, a * 2, b * 2, c * 2 end crumb :parent_with_multiple_arguments do |d, e, f| link "First #{d} then #{e} then #{f}", about_path end crumb :with_unsafe_html do link "Test bold text", about_path end crumb :with_safe_html do link "Test bold text".html_safe, about_path end crumb :without_link do link "Without link" parent :parent_without_link end crumb :parent_without_link do link "Also without link" end crumb :using_view_helper do link times_two("Test"), about_path end crumb :project do |project| link, project end crumb :with_link_options do link "Test", about_path, title: "My Title", other: "Other Option" link "Other Link", some_option: "Test" end