module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # The Check object is a plain old Ruby object, similar to CreditCard. It supports validation # of necessary attributes such as checkholder's name, routing and account numbers, but it is # not backed by any database. # # You may use Check in place of CreditCard with any gateway that supports it. Currently, only # +BrainTreeGateway+ supports the Check object. class Check include Validateable attr_accessor :name, :routing_number, :account_number, :account_holder_type, :account_type def initialize(args={}) args = args.with_indifferent_access = args[:name] self.routing_number = args[:routing_number] self.account_number = args[:account_number] self.account_holder_type = args[:account_holder_type] self.account_type = args[:account_type] end def validate for attr in [:name, :routing_number, :account_number] errors.add(attr, "cannot be empty") if self.send(attr).blank? end errors.add(:routing_number, "is invalid") unless valid_routing_number? errors.add(:account_holder_type, "must be personal or business") if !account_holder_type.blank? && !%w[business personal].include?(account_holder_type.to_s) errors.add(:account_type, "must be checking or savings") if !account_type.blank? && !%w[checking savings].include?(account_type.to_s) end def type 'check' end # Routing numbers may be validated by calculating a checksum and dividing it by 10. The # formula is: # (3(d1 + d4 + d7) + 7(d2 + d5 + d8) + 1(d3 + d6 + d9))mod 10 = 0 # See def valid_routing_number? d = routing_number.to_s.split('').map(&:to_i).select { |d| (0..9).include?(d) } case d.size when 9 then checksum = ((3 * (d[0] + d[3] + d[6])) + (7 * (d[1] + d[4] + d[7])) + (d[2] + d[5] + d[8])) % 10 case checksum when 0 then true else false end else false end end end end end