# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'optparse' require 'fluent/env' require 'fluent/time' require 'fluent/msgpack_factory' op = OptionParser.new op.banner += " " port = 24224 host = '' unix = false socket_path = Fluent::DEFAULT_SOCKET_PATH config_path = Fluent::DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH format = 'json' message_key = 'message' time_as_integer = false op.on('-p', '--port PORT', "fluent tcp port (default: #{port})", Integer) {|i| port = i } op.on('-h', '--host HOST', "fluent host (default: #{host})") {|s| host = s } op.on('-u', '--unix', "use unix socket instead of tcp", TrueClass) {|b| unix = b } op.on('-s', '--socket PATH', "unix socket path (default: #{socket_path})") {|s| socket_path = s } op.on('-f', '--format FORMAT', "input format (default: #{format})") {|s| format = s } op.on('--json', "same as: -f json", TrueClass) {|b| format = 'json' } op.on('--msgpack', "same as: -f msgpack", TrueClass) {|b| format = 'msgpack' } op.on('--none', "same as: -f none", TrueClass) {|b| format = 'none' } op.on('--message-key KEY', "key field for none format (default: #{message_key})") {|s| message_key = s } op.on('--time-as-integer', "Send time as integer for v0.12 or earlier", TrueClass) { |b| time_as_integer = true } singleton_class.module_eval do define_method(:usage) do |msg| puts op.to_s puts "error: #{msg}" if msg exit 1 end end begin op.parse!(ARGV) if ARGV.length != 1 usage nil end tag = ARGV.shift rescue usage $!.to_s end require 'thread' require 'monitor' require 'socket' require 'yajl' require 'msgpack' class Writer include MonitorMixin class TimerThread def initialize(writer) @writer = writer end def start @finish = false @thread = Thread.new(&method(:run)) end def shutdown @finish = true @thread.join end def run until @finish sleep 1 @writer.on_timer end end end def initialize(tag, connector, time_as_integer: false) @tag = tag @connector = connector @socket = false @socket_time = Time.now.to_i @socket_ttl = 10 # TODO @error_history = [] @pending = [] @pending_limit = 1024 # TODO @retry_wait = 1 @retry_limit = 5 # TODO @time_as_integer = time_as_integer super() end def write(record) if record.class != Hash raise ArgumentError, "Input must be a map (got #{record.class})" end time = Fluent::EventTime.now time = time.to_i if @time_as_integer entry = [time, record] synchronize { unless write_impl([entry]) # write failed @pending.push(entry) while @pending.size > @pending_limit # exceeds pending limit; trash oldest record time, record = @pending.shift abort_message(time, record) end end } end def on_timer now = Time.now.to_i synchronize { unless @pending.empty? # flush pending records if write_impl(@pending) # write succeeded @pending.clear end end if @socket && @socket_time + @socket_ttl < now # socket is not used @socket_ttl seconds close end } end def close @socket.close @socket = nil end def start @timer = TimerThread.new(self) @timer.start self end def shutdown @timer.shutdown end private def write_impl(array) socket = get_socket unless socket return false end begin packer = Fluent::MessagePackFactory.packer socket.write packer.pack([@tag, array]) socket.flush rescue $stderr.puts "write failed: #{$!}" close return false end return true end def get_socket unless @socket unless try_connect return nil end end @socket_time = Time.now.to_i return @socket end def try_connect now = Time.now.to_i unless @error_history.empty? # wait before re-connecting wait = @retry_wait * (2 ** (@error_history.size-1)) if now <= @socket_time + wait return false end end begin @socket = @connector.call @error_history.clear return true rescue $stderr.puts "connect failed: #{$!}" @error_history << $! @socket_time = now if @retry_limit < @error_history.size # abort all pending records @pending.each {|(time, record)| abort_message(time, record) } @pending.clear @error_history.clear end return false end end def abort_message(time, record) $stdout.puts "!#{time}:#{Yajl.dump(record)}" end end if unix connector = Proc.new { UNIXSocket.open(socket_path) } else connector = Proc.new { TCPSocket.new(host, port) } end w = Writer.new(tag, connector, time_as_integer: time_as_integer) w.start case format when 'json' begin while line = $stdin.gets record = Yajl.load(line) w.write(record) end rescue $stderr.puts $! exit 1 end when 'msgpack' require 'fluent/engine' begin u = Fluent::Engine.msgpack_factory.unpacker($stdin) u.each {|record| w.write(record) } rescue EOFError rescue $stderr.puts $! exit 1 end when 'none' begin while line = $stdin.gets record = { message_key => line.chomp } w.write(record) end rescue $stderr.puts $! exit 1 end else $stderr.puts "Unknown format '#{format}'" exit 1 end