# frozen_string_literal: true # typed: false # NB: This is not actually a decorator. It's just named that way for consistency # with DocumentDecorator and ModelDecorator (which both seem to have been written # with an incorrect understanding of the decorator pattern). These "decorators" # should really just be static methods on private modules (we'd also want/need to # replace decorator overrides in plugins with class methods that expose the necessary # functionality). class T::Props::Decorator extend T::Sig Rules = T.type_alias(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) DecoratedClass = T.type_alias(T.untyped) # T.class_of(T::Props), but that produces circular reference errors in some circumstances DecoratedInstance = T.type_alias(T.untyped) # Would be T::Props, but that produces circular reference errors in some circumstances PropType = T.type_alias(T.any(T::Types::Base, T::Props::CustomType)) PropTypeOrClass = T.type_alias(T.any(PropType, Module)) class NoRulesError < StandardError; end sig {params(klass: DecoratedClass).void} def initialize(klass) @class = klass klass.plugins.each do |mod| Private.apply_decorator_methods(mod, self) end end # prop stuff sig {returns(T::Hash[Symbol, Rules]).checked(:never)} def props @props ||= {}.freeze end # Try to avoid using this; post-definition mutation of prop rules is # surprising and hard to reason about. sig {params(prop: Symbol, key: Symbol, value: T.untyped).void} def mutate_prop_backdoor!(prop, key, value) @props = props.merge( prop => props.fetch(prop).merge(key => value).freeze ).freeze end sig {returns(T::Array[Symbol])} def all_props; props.keys; end sig {params(prop: T.any(Symbol, String)).returns(Rules).checked(:never)} def prop_rules(prop); props[prop.to_sym] || raise("No such prop: #{prop.inspect}"); end sig {params(prop: Symbol, rules: Rules).void} def add_prop_definition(prop, rules) prop = prop.to_sym override = rules.delete(:override) if props.include?(prop) && !override raise ArgumentError.new("Attempted to redefine prop #{prop.inspect} that's already defined without specifying :override => true: #{prop_rules(prop)}") elsif !props.include?(prop) && override raise ArgumentError.new("Attempted to override a prop #{prop.inspect} that doesn't already exist") end @props = @props.merge(prop => rules.freeze).freeze end sig {returns(T::Array[Symbol])} def valid_props %i{ enum foreign foreign_hint_only ifunset immutable override redaction sensitivity without_accessors clobber_existing_method! extra optional _tnilable } end sig {returns(DecoratedClass).checked(:never)} def decorated_class; @class; end # Accessors # For performance, don't use named params here. # Passing in rules here is purely a performance optimization. sig do params( instance: DecoratedInstance, prop: T.any(String, Symbol), rules: T.nilable(Rules) ) .returns(T.untyped) .checked(:never) end def get(instance, prop, rules=props[prop.to_sym]) # For backwards compatibility, fall back to reconstructing the accessor key # (though it would probably make more sense to raise in that case). instance.instance_variable_get(rules ? rules[:accessor_key] : '@' + prop.to_s) # rubocop:disable PrisonGuard/NoLurkyInstanceVariableAccess end # For performance, don't use named params here. # Passing in rules here is purely a performance optimization. sig do params( instance: DecoratedInstance, prop: Symbol, value: T.untyped, rules: T.nilable(Rules) ) .void .checked(:never) end def set(instance, prop, value, rules=props[prop.to_sym]) # For backwards compatibility, fall back to reconstructing the accessor key # (though it would probably make more sense to raise in that case). instance.instance_variable_set(rules ? rules[:accessor_key] : '@' + prop.to_s, value) # rubocop:disable PrisonGuard/NoLurkyInstanceVariableAccess end # Use this to validate that a value will validate for a given prop. Useful for knowing whether a value can be set on a model without setting it. sig {params(prop: Symbol, val: T.untyped).void.checked(:never)} def validate_prop_value(prop, val) # This implements a 'public api' on document so that we don't allow callers to pass in rules # Rules seem like an implementation detail so it seems good to now allow people to specify them manually. check_prop_type(prop, val) end # Passing in rules here is purely a performance optimization. sig {params(prop: Symbol, val: T.untyped, rules: Rules).void.checked(:never)} private def check_prop_type(prop, val, rules=prop_rules(prop)) type_object = rules.fetch(:type_object) type = rules.fetch(:type) # TODO: ideally we'd add `&& rules[:optional] != :existing` to this check # (it makes sense to treat those props required in this context), but we'd need # to be sure that doesn't break any existing code first. if val.nil? if !T::Props::Utils.need_nil_write_check?(rules) || (rules.key?(:default) && rules[:default].nil?) return end if rules[:raise_on_nil_write] raise T::Props::InvalidValueError.new("Can't set #{@class.name}.#{prop} to #{val.inspect} " \ "(instance of #{val.class}) - need a #{type}") end end # T::Props::CustomType is not a real object based class so that we can not run real type check call. # T::Props::CustomType.valid?() is only a helper function call. valid = if type.is_a?(T::Props::CustomType) && T::Props::Utils.optional_prop?(rules) type.valid?(val) else type_object.valid?(val) end if !valid raise T::Props::InvalidValueError.new("Can't set #{@class.name}.#{prop} to #{val.inspect} " \ "(instance of #{val.class}) - need a #{type_object}") end end # For performance, don't use named params here. # Passing in rules here is purely a performance optimization. # Unlike the other methods that take rules, this one calls prop_rules for # the default, which raises if the prop doesn't exist (this maintains # preexisting behavior). sig do params( instance: DecoratedInstance, prop: Symbol, val: T.untyped, rules: T.nilable(Rules) ) .void .checked(:never) end def prop_set(instance, prop, val, rules=prop_rules(prop)) check_prop_type(prop, val, T.must(rules)) set(instance, prop, val, rules) end # For performance, don't use named params here. # Passing in rules here is purely a performance optimization. sig do params( instance: DecoratedInstance, prop: T.any(String, Symbol), rules: T.nilable(Rules) ) .returns(T.untyped) .checked(:never) end def prop_get(instance, prop, rules=props[prop.to_sym]) val = get(instance, prop, rules) # NB: Do NOT change this to check `val.nil?` instead. BSON::ByteBuffer overrides `==` such # that `== nil` can return true while `.nil?` returns false. Tests will break in mysterious # ways. A special thanks to Ruby for enabling this type of bug. # # One side effect here is that _if_ a class (like BSON::ByteBuffer) defines == # in such a way that instances which are not `nil`, ie are not NilClass, nevertheless # are `== nil`, then we will transparently convert such instances to `nil` on read. # Yes, our code relies on this behavior (as of writing). :thisisfine: if val != nil # rubocop:disable Style/NonNilCheck val else raise NoRulesError.new if !rules d = rules[:ifunset] if d T::Props::Utils.deep_clone_object(d) else nil end end end sig do params( instance: DecoratedInstance, prop: Symbol, foreign_class: Module, rules: Rules, opts: Hash ) .returns(T.untyped) .checked(:never) end def foreign_prop_get(instance, prop, foreign_class, rules=props[prop.to_sym], opts={}) return if !(value = prop_get(instance, prop, rules)) foreign_class.load(value, {}, opts) end sig do params( name: Symbol, cls: Module, rules: Rules, type: PropTypeOrClass ) .void end def prop_validate_definition!(name, cls, rules, type) validate_prop_name(name) if rules.key?(:pii) raise ArgumentError.new("The 'pii:' option for props has been renamed " \ "to 'sensitivity:' (in prop #{@class.name}.#{name})") end if !(rules.keys - valid_props).empty? raise ArgumentError.new("At least one invalid prop arg supplied in #{self}: #{rules.keys.inspect}") end if (array = rules[:array]) unless array.is_a?(Module) raise ArgumentError.new("Bad class as subtype in prop #{@class.name}.#{name}: #{array.inspect}") end end if !(rules[:clobber_existing_method!]) && !(rules[:without_accessors]) # TODO: we should really be checking all the methods on `cls`, not just Object if Object.instance_methods.include?(name.to_sym) raise ArgumentError.new( "#{name} can't be used as a prop in #{@class} because a method with " \ "that name already exists (defined by #{@class.instance_method(name).owner} " \ "at #{@class.instance_method(name).source_location || ''}). " \ "(If using this name is unavoidable, try `without_accessors: true`.)" ) end end extra = rules[:extra] if !extra.nil? && !extra.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError.new("Extra metadata must be a Hash in prop #{@class.name}.#{name}") end nil end private def validate_prop_name(name) if name !~ /\A[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_-]*\z/ raise ArgumentError.new("Invalid prop name in #{@class.name}: #{name}") end end # Check if this cls represents a T.nilable(type) sig {params(type: PropTypeOrClass).returns(T::Boolean)} private def is_nilable?(type) return false if !type.is_a?(T::Types::Union) type.types.any? {|t| t == T::Utils.coerce(NilClass)} end # This converts the type from a T::Type to a regular old ruby class. sig {params(type: T::Types::Base).returns(Module)} private def convert_type_to_class(type) case type when T::Types::TypedArray, T::Types::FixedArray Array when T::Types::TypedHash, T::Types::FixedHash Hash when T::Types::TypedSet Set when T::Types::Union # The below unwraps our T.nilable types for T::Props if we can. # This lets us do things like specify: const T.nilable(String), foreign: Opus::DB::Model::Merchant non_nil_type = T::Utils.unwrap_nilable(type) if non_nil_type convert_type_to_class(non_nil_type) else Object end when T::Types::Simple type.raw_type else # This isn't allowed unless whitelisted_for_underspecification is # true, due to the check in prop_validate_definition Object end end sig do params( name: T.any(Symbol, String), cls: PropTypeOrClass, rules: Rules, ) .void end def prop_defined(name, cls, rules={}) if rules[:optional] == true T::Configuration.hard_assert_handler( 'Use of `optional: true` is deprecated, please use `T.nilable(...)` instead.', storytime: { name: name, cls_or_args: cls.to_s, args: rules, klass: decorated_class.name, }, ) elsif rules[:optional] == false T::Configuration.hard_assert_handler( 'Use of `optional: :false` is deprecated as it\'s the default value.', storytime: { name: name, cls_or_args: cls.to_s, args: rules, klass: decorated_class.name, }, ) elsif rules[:optional] == :on_load T::Configuration.hard_assert_handler( 'Use of `optional: :on_load` is deprecated. You probably want `T.nilable(...)` with :raise_on_nil_write instead.', storytime: { name: name, cls_or_args: cls.to_s, args: rules, klass: decorated_class.name, }, ) elsif rules[:optional] == :existing T::Configuration.hard_assert_handler( 'Use of `optional: :existing` is not allowed: you should use use T.nilable (http://go/optional)', storytime: { name: name, cls_or_args: cls.to_s, args: rules, klass: decorated_class.name, }, ) end if T::Utils::Nilable.is_union_with_nilclass(cls) # :_tnilable is introduced internally for performance purpose so that clients do not need to call # T::Utils::Nilable.is_tnilable(cls) again. # It is strictly internal: clients should always use T::Props::Utils.required_prop?() or # T::Props::Utils.optional_prop?() for checking whether a field is required or optional. rules[:_tnilable] = true end name = name.to_sym type = cls if !cls.is_a?(Module) cls = convert_type_to_class(cls) end type_object = type if !(type_object.singleton_class < T::Props::CustomType) type_object = smart_coerce(type_object, array: rules[:array], enum: rules[:enum]) end prop_validate_definition!(name, cls, rules, type_object) # Retrive the possible underlying object with T.nilable. underlying_type_object = T::Utils::Nilable.get_underlying_type_object(type_object) type = T::Utils::Nilable.get_underlying_type(type) array_subdoc_type = array_subdoc_type(underlying_type_object) hash_value_subdoc_type = hash_value_subdoc_type(underlying_type_object) hash_key_custom_type = hash_key_custom_type(underlying_type_object) sensitivity_and_pii = {sensitivity: rules[:sensitivity]} if defined?(Opus) && defined?(Opus::Sensitivity) && defined?(Opus::Sensitivity::Utils) sensitivity_and_pii = Opus::Sensitivity::Utils.normalize_sensitivity_and_pii_annotation(sensitivity_and_pii) end # We check for Class so this is only applied on concrete # documents/models; We allow mixins containing props to not # specify their PII nature, as long as every class into which they # are ultimately included does. # if defined?(Opus) && defined?(Opus::Sensitivity) && defined?(Opus::Sensitivity::PIIable) if sensitivity_and_pii[:pii] && @class.is_a?(Class) && !@class.contains_pii? raise ArgumentError.new( 'Cannot include a pii prop in a class that declares `contains_no_pii`' ) end end needs_clone = if cls <= Array || cls <= Hash || cls <= Set shallow_clone_ok(underlying_type_object) ? :shallow : true else false end rules = rules.merge( # TODO: The type of this element is confusing. We should refactor so that # it can be always `type_object` (a PropType) or always `cls` (a Module) type: type, # These are precomputed for performance # TODO: A lot of these are only needed by T::Props::Serializable or T::Struct # and can/should be moved accordingly. type_is_custom_type: cls.singleton_class < T::Props::CustomType, type_is_serializable: cls < T::Props::Serializable, type_is_array_of_serializable: !array_subdoc_type.nil?, type_is_hash_of_serializable_values: !hash_value_subdoc_type.nil?, type_is_hash_of_custom_type_keys: !hash_key_custom_type.nil?, type_object: type_object, type_needs_clone: needs_clone, accessor_key: "@#{name}".to_sym, sensitivity: sensitivity_and_pii[:sensitivity], pii: sensitivity_and_pii[:pii], # extra arbitrary metadata attached by the code defining this property extra: rules[:extra]&.freeze, ) validate_not_missing_sensitivity(name, rules) # for backcompat if type.is_a?(T::Types::TypedArray) && type.type.is_a?(T::Types::Simple) rules[:array] = type.type.raw_type elsif array_subdoc_type rules[:array] = array_subdoc_type end if rules[:type_is_serializable] rules[:serializable_subtype] = cls elsif array_subdoc_type rules[:serializable_subtype] = array_subdoc_type elsif hash_value_subdoc_type && hash_key_custom_type rules[:serializable_subtype] = { keys: hash_key_custom_type, values: hash_value_subdoc_type, } elsif hash_value_subdoc_type rules[:serializable_subtype] = hash_value_subdoc_type elsif hash_key_custom_type rules[:serializable_subtype] = hash_key_custom_type end add_prop_definition(name, rules) # NB: using `without_accessors` doesn't make much sense unless you also define some other way to # get at the property (e.g., Chalk::ODM::Document exposes `get` and `set`). define_getter_and_setter(name, rules) unless rules[:without_accessors] if rules[:foreign] && rules[:foreign_hint_only] raise ArgumentError.new(":foreign and :foreign_hint_only are mutually exclusive.") end handle_foreign_option(name, cls, rules, rules[:foreign]) if rules[:foreign] handle_foreign_hint_only_option(cls, rules[:foreign_hint_only]) if rules[:foreign_hint_only] handle_redaction_option(name, rules[:redaction]) if rules[:redaction] end sig {params(name: Symbol, rules: Rules).void} private def define_getter_and_setter(name, rules) if rules[:immutable] @class.send(:define_method, "#{name}=") do |_x| raise T::Props::ImmutableProp.new("#{self.class}##{name} cannot be modified after creation.") end else @class.send(:define_method, "#{name}=") do |x| self.class.decorator.prop_set(self, name, x, rules) end end @class.send(:define_method, name) do self.class.decorator.prop_get(self, name, rules) end end # returns the subdoc of the array type, or nil if it's not a Document type sig do params(type: PropType) .returns(T.nilable(Module)) end private def array_subdoc_type(type) if type.is_a?(T::Types::TypedArray) el_type = T::Utils.unwrap_nilable(type.type) || type.type if el_type.is_a?(T::Types::Simple) && (el_type.raw_type < T::Props::Serializable || el_type.raw_type.is_a?(T::Props::CustomType)) return el_type.raw_type end end nil end # returns the subdoc of the hash value type, or nil if it's not a Document type sig do params(type: PropType) .returns(T.nilable(Module)) end private def hash_value_subdoc_type(type) if type.is_a?(T::Types::TypedHash) values_type = T::Utils.unwrap_nilable(type.values) || type.values if values_type.is_a?(T::Types::Simple) && (values_type.raw_type < T::Props::Serializable || values_type.raw_type.is_a?(T::Props::CustomType)) return values_type.raw_type end end nil end # returns the type of the hash key, or nil. Any CustomType could be a key, but we only expect Opus::Enum right now. sig do params(type: PropType) .returns(T.nilable(Module)) end private def hash_key_custom_type(type) if type.is_a?(T::Types::TypedHash) keys_type = T::Utils.unwrap_nilable(type.keys) || type.keys if keys_type.is_a?(T::Types::Simple) && keys_type.raw_type.is_a?(T::Props::CustomType) return keys_type.raw_type end end nil end # From T::Props::Utils.deep_clone_object, plus String TYPES_NOT_NEEDING_CLONE = [TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass, Symbol, String, Numeric] if defined?(Opus) && defined?(Opus::Enum) TYPES_NOT_NEEDING_CLONE << Opus::Enum end sig {params(type: PropType).returns(T::Boolean)} private def shallow_clone_ok(type) inner_type = if type.is_a?(T::Types::TypedArray) type.type elsif type.is_a?(T::Types::TypedSet) type.type elsif type.is_a?(T::Types::TypedHash) type.values end inner_type.is_a?(T::Types::Simple) && TYPES_NOT_NEEDING_CLONE.any? do |cls| inner_type.raw_type <= cls end end sig do params(type: PropTypeOrClass, array: T.untyped, enum: T.untyped) .returns(T::Types::Base) end private def smart_coerce(type, array:, enum:) # Backwards compatibility for pre-T::Types style if !array.nil? && !enum.nil? raise ArgumentError.new("Cannot specify both :array and :enum options") elsif !array.nil? if type == Set T::Set[array] else T::Array[array] end elsif !enum.nil? if T::Utils.unwrap_nilable(type) T.nilable(T.enum(enum)) else T.enum(enum) end else T::Utils.coerce(type) end end sig {params(prop_name: Symbol, rules: Hash).void} private def validate_not_missing_sensitivity(prop_name, rules) if rules[:sensitivity].nil? if rules[:redaction] T::Configuration.hard_assert_handler( "#{@class}##{prop_name} has a 'redaction:' annotation but no " \ "'sensitivity:' annotation. This is probably wrong, because if a " \ "prop needs redaction then it is probably sensitive. Add a " \ "sensitivity annotation like 'sensitivity: Opus::Sensitivity::PII." \ "whatever', or explicitly override this check with 'sensitivity: []'." ) end # TODO(PRIVACYENG-982) Ideally we'd also check for 'password' and possibly # other terms, but this interacts badly with ProtoDefinedDocument because # the proto syntax currently can't declare "sensitivity: []" if prop_name =~ /\bsecret\b/ T::Configuration.hard_assert_handler( "#{@class}##{prop_name} has the word 'secret' in its name, but no " \ "'sensitivity:' annotation. This is probably wrong, because if a " \ "prop is named 'secret' then it is probably sensitive. Add a " \ "sensitivity annotation like 'sensitivity: Opus::Sensitivity::NonPII." \ "security_token', or explicitly override this check with " \ "'sensitivity: []'." ) end end end # Create "#{prop_name}_redacted" method sig do params( prop_name: Symbol, redaction: Chalk::Tools::RedactionUtils::RedactionDirectiveSpec, ) .void end private def handle_redaction_option(prop_name, redaction) redacted_method = "#{prop_name}_redacted" @class.send(:define_method, redacted_method) do value = self.public_send(prop_name) Chalk::Tools::RedactionUtils.redact_with_directive( value, redaction) end end sig do params( option_sym: Symbol, foreign: T.untyped, valid_type_msg: String, ) .void end private def validate_foreign_option(option_sym, foreign, valid_type_msg:) if foreign.is_a?(Symbol) || foreign.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError.new( "Using a symbol/string for `#{option_sym}` is no longer supported. Instead, use a Proc " \ "that returns the class, e.g., foreign: -> {Foo}" ) end if !foreign.is_a?(Proc) && !foreign.is_a?(Array) && !foreign.respond_to?(:load) raise ArgumentError.new("The `#{option_sym}` option must be #{valid_type_msg}") end end sig do params( prop_cls: Module, foreign_hint_only: T.untyped, ) .void end private def handle_foreign_hint_only_option(prop_cls, foreign_hint_only) if ![String, Array].include?(prop_cls) && !(prop_cls.is_a?(T::Props::CustomType)) raise ArgumentError.new( "`foreign_hint_only` can only be used with String or Array prop types" ) end validate_foreign_option( :foreign_hint_only, foreign_hint_only, valid_type_msg: "an individual or array of a model class, or a Proc returning such." ) end sig do params( prop_name: T.any(String, Symbol), rules: Rules, foreign: T.untyped, ) .void end private def define_foreign_method(prop_name, rules, foreign) fk_method = "#{prop_name}_" # n.b. there's no clear reason *not* to allow additional options # here, but we're baking in `allow_direct_mutation` since we # *haven't* allowed additional options in the past and want to # default to keeping this interface narrow. @class.send(:define_method, fk_method) do |allow_direct_mutation: nil| if foreign.is_a?(Proc) resolved_foreign = foreign.call if !resolved_foreign.respond_to?(:load) raise ArgumentError.new( "The `foreign` proc for `#{prop_name}` must return a model class. " \ "Got `#{resolved_foreign.inspect}` instead." ) end # `foreign` is part of the closure state, so this will persist to future invocations # of the method, optimizing it so this only runs on the first invocation. foreign = resolved_foreign end if allow_direct_mutation.nil? opts = {} else opts = {allow_direct_mutation: allow_direct_mutation} end self.class.decorator.foreign_prop_get(self, prop_name, foreign, rules, opts) end force_fk_method = "#{fk_method}!" @class.send(:define_method, force_fk_method) do |allow_direct_mutation: nil| loaded_foreign = send(fk_method, allow_direct_mutation: allow_direct_mutation) if !loaded_foreign T::Configuration.hard_assert_handler( 'Failed to load foreign model', storytime: {method: force_fk_method, class: self.class} ) end T.must(loaded_foreign) end @class.send(:define_method, "#{prop_name}_record") do |allow_direct_mutation: nil| T::Configuration.soft_assert_handler( "Using deprecated 'model.#{prop_name}_record' foreign key syntax. You should replace this with 'model.#{prop_name}_'", notify: 'vasi' ) send(fk_method, allow_direct_mutation: allow_direct_mutation) end end sig do params( prop_name: Symbol, prop_cls: Module, rules: Rules, foreign: T.untyped, ) .void end private def handle_foreign_option(prop_name, prop_cls, rules, foreign) validate_foreign_option( :foreign, foreign, valid_type_msg: "a model class or a Proc that returns one" ) if prop_cls != String raise ArgumentError.new("`foreign` can only be used with a prop type of String") end if foreign.is_a?(Array) # We don't support arrays with `foreign` because it's hard to both preserve ordering and # keep them from being lurky performance hits by issuing a bunch of un-batched DB queries. # We could potentially address that by porting over something like AmbiguousIDLoader. raise ArgumentError.new( "Using an array for `foreign` is no longer supported. Instead, use `foreign_hint_only` " \ "with an array or a Proc that returns an array, e.g., foreign_hint_only: -> {[Foo, Bar]}" ) end define_foreign_method(prop_name, rules, foreign) end # TODO: rename this to props_inherited # # This gets called when a module or class that extends T::Props gets included, extended, # prepended, or inherited. sig {params(child: DecoratedClass).void} def model_inherited(child) child.extend(T::Props::ClassMethods) child.plugins.concat(decorated_class.plugins) decorated_class.plugins.each do |mod| # NB: apply_class_methods must not be an instance method on the decorator itself, # otherwise we'd have to call child.decorator here, which would create the decorator # before any `decorator_class` override has a chance to take effect (see the comment below). Private.apply_class_methods(mod, child) end props.each do |name, rules| copied_rules = rules.dup # NB: Calling `child.decorator` here is a timb bomb that's going to give someone a really bad # time. Any class that defines props and also overrides the `decorator_class` method is going # to reach this line before its override take effect, turning it into a no-op. child.decorator.add_prop_definition(name, copied_rules) end end sig {params(mod: Module).void} def plugin(mod) decorated_class.plugins << mod Private.apply_class_methods(mod, decorated_class) Private.apply_decorator_methods(mod, self) end module Private # These need to be non-instance methods so we can use them without prematurely creating the # child decorator in `model_inherited` (see comments there for details). def self.apply_class_methods(plugin, target) if plugin.const_defined?('ClassMethods') # FIXME: This will break preloading, selective test execution, etc if `mod::ClassMethods` # is ever defined in a separate file from `mod`. target.extend(plugin::ClassMethods) # rubocop:disable PrisonGuard/NoDynamicConstAccess end end def self.apply_decorator_methods(plugin, target) if plugin.const_defined?('DecoratorMethods') # FIXME: This will break preloading, selective test execution, etc if `mod::DecoratorMethods` # is ever defined in a separate file from `mod`. target.extend(plugin::DecoratorMethods) # rubocop:disable PrisonGuard/NoDynamicConstAccess end end end end