require "unwind/version" require 'faraday' module Unwind class TooManyRedirects < StandardError; end class MissingRedirectLocation < StandardError; end class RedirectFollower attr_reader :final_url, :original_url, :redirect_limit, :response, :redirects def initialize(original_url, limit=5) @original_url, @redirect_limit = original_url, limit @redirects = [] end def redirected? !(self.final_url == self.original_url) end def resolve(current_url=nil, options={}) ok_to_continue? current_url ||= self.original_url #adding this header because we really only care about resolving the url headers = (options || {}).merge({"accept-encoding" => "none"}) response = Faraday.get(current_url, headers) if is_response_redirect?(response) handle_redirect(redirect_url(response), current_url, response, headers) elsif meta_uri = meta_refresh?(response) handle_redirect(meta_uri, current_url, response, headers) else handle_final_response(current_url, response) end self end def self.resolve(original_url, limit=5) new(original_url, limit).resolve end private def record_redirect(url) @redirects << url.to_s @redirect_limit -= 1 end def is_response_redirect?(response) [301, 302, 303].include?(response.status) end def handle_redirect(uri_to_redirect, url, response, headers) record_redirect url resolve(uri_to_redirect.normalize, apply_cookie(response, headers)) end def handle_final_response(current_url, response) current_url = current_url.dup.to_s if response.status == 200 && canonical = canonical_link?(response) @redirects << current_url @final_url = canonical else @final_url = current_url end @response = response end def ok_to_continue? raise TooManyRedirects if redirect_limit < 0 end def redirect_url(response) if response['location'].nil? body_match = response.body.match(/]+)\">/i) raise MissingRedirectLocation unless body_match Addressable::URI.parse(body_match[0]) else redirect_uri = Addressable::URI.parse(response['location']) redirect_uri.relative? ? response.env[:url].join(response['location']) : redirect_uri end end def meta_refresh?(response) if response.status == 200 body_match = response.body.match(//i) Addressable::URI.parse(body_match[1]) if body_match end end def canonical_link?(response) body_match = response.body.match(/ CookieHash.to_cookie_string(response['set-cookie'])) else #todo: should we delete the cookie at this point if it exists? headers end end end #borrowed (stolen) from HTTParty with minor updates #to handle all cookies existing in a single string class CookieHash < Hash CLIENT_COOKIES = %w{path expires domain path secure httponly} def add_cookies(value) case value when Hash merge!(value) when String value = value.gsub(/expires=[\w,\s\-\:]+;/i, '') value = value.gsub(/httponly[\,\;]*/i, '') value.split(/[;,]\s/).each do |cookie| array = cookie.split('=') self[array[0].strip.to_sym] = array[1] end else raise "add_cookies only takes a Hash or a String" end end def to_cookie_string delete_if { |k, v| CLIENT_COOKIES.include?(k.to_s.downcase) }.collect { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("; ") end def self.to_cookie_string(*cookie_strings) h = cookie_strings.each do |cs| h.add_cookies(cs) end h.to_cookie_string end end end