module Cms::RouteExtensions # Adds all necessary routes to manage a new content type. Works very similar to the Rails _resources_ method, adding basic CRUD routes, as well as additional ones # for CMS specific routes (like versioning) # # @param [Symbol] content_block_name - The plural name of a new Content Type. Should match the name of the model_class, like :dogs or :donation_statuses def content_blocks(content_block_name, options={}, & block) model_class = guess_model_class(content_block_name) resources content_block_name do member do put :publish if model_class.publishable? if model_class.versioned? get :versions get 'version/:version', to: "#{content_block_name}#version", as: 'version' put 'revert_to/:version', to: "#{content_block_name}#revert_to", as: 'revert' end end collection do put :update, to: "#{content_block_name}#bulk_update" end end end # Adds the routes required for BrowserCMS to function to a routes.rb file. Should be the last route in the file, as # all following routes will be ignored. # # Usage: # YourAppName::Application.routes.draw do # match '/some/path/in/your/app' :to=>"controller#action'' # mount_browsercms # end # def mount_browsercms mount Cms::Engine => "/cms", :as => "cms" add_page_routes_defined_in_database # Add User management features devise_for :cms_user, class_name: Cms.user_class_name, path: '', skip: :password, path_names: {sign_in: 'login'}, controllers: {sessions: 'cms/sites/sessions'} devise_scope :cms_user do get '/forgot-password' => "cms/sites/passwords#new", :as => 'forgot_password' post '/forgot-password' => "cms/sites/passwords#create", as: 'cms_user_password' get '/passwords/:id/edit' => "cms/sites/passwords#edit", as: 'edit_password' put '/forgot-password' => "cms/sites/passwords#update", as: 'update_password' end # Handle 'stock' attachments get "/attachments/:id/:filename", :to => "cms/attachments#download" get "/", :to => "cms/content#show" # Only need :POST to support portlets that are acting like controllers. # Ideally we could get rid of this need. match "*path", :to => "cms/content#show", via: [:get, :post] end # Preserving for backwards compatibility with bcms-3.3.x and earlier. # @deprecated alias :routes_for_browser_cms :mount_browsercms private def guess_model_class(content_block_name) content_name = content_block_name.to_s.classify prefix = determine_model_prefix begin namespaced_model_name = "#{Cms::Module.current_namespace}::#{content_name}" model_class = namespaced_model_name.constantize rescue NameError model_class = "#{prefix}#{content_name}".constantize end model_class end def determine_model_prefix if @scope && @scope[:module] "#{@scope[:module].camelize}::" else "" end end # Define additional routes (in the main_app) that addressable content types need. def add_routes_for_addressable_content_blocks classes = Cms::Concerns::Addressable.classes_that_require_custom_routes classes.each do |klass| base_route_name ="/", "_") add_show_via_slug_route(base_route_name, klass) add_inline_content_route(base_route_name, klass) end end # I.e. /cms/forms/:id/inline def add_inline_content_route(base_route_name, klass) denamespaced_controller = module_name = inline_route_name = "#{base_route_name}_inline" unless route_exists?(inline_route_name) klass.content_type.engine_class.routes.prepend do if klass.content_type.main_app_model? namespace module_name do inline_route(denamespaced_controller, inline_route_name, klass) end else inline_route(denamespaced_controller, inline_route_name, klass) end end end end def inline_route(denamespaced_controller, inline_route_name, klass) begin get "#{klass.path}/:id/inline", to: "#{denamespaced_controller}#inline", as: inline_route_name rescue ArgumentError # Because when you prepend a route, you can't easily determine if it has already been defined. # This avoids the error when Cms::PageRoute.reload_routes is called. Rails.logger.debug "Skipping readding existing route (probably during a route reload): get \"#{klass.path}/:id/inline\", to: \"#{denamespaced_controller}#inline\", as: #{inline_route_name}" end end # I.e. /forms/:slug def add_show_via_slug_route(base_route_name, klass) slug_path = "#{klass.path}/:slug" namespaced_controller = slug_path_name = "#{base_route_name}_slug" # Add route to main application (By doing this here, we ensure all ContentBlock constants have already been load) # Engines don't process their routes until after the main routes are created. unless route_exists?(slug_path_name) Rails.application.routes.prepend do get slug_path, to: "#{namespaced_controller}#show_via_slug", as: slug_path_name end end end # Determine if a named route already exists, since Rails 4 will object if a duplicate named route is defined now. # Otherwise in development, when routes are reloaded the CMS would throw errors. def route_exists?(route_name) Rails.application.routes.named_routes[route_name] end def add_page_routes_defined_in_database if Cms::PageRoute.can_be_loaded? Cms::PageRoute.order("#{Cms::PageRoute.table_name}.name").each do |r| match r.pattern, :to =>, :as => r.route_name, :_page_route_id => r.page_route_id, :via => r.via, :constraints => r.constraints end end end end