= MerbAdmin
==== MerbAdmin is a Merb plugin that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data.
It currently offers the features listed here[http://sferik.tadalist.com/lists/1352791/public].
The status of the latest build is available here[http://runcoderun.com/sferik/merb-admin].
== Installation
$ gem install merb-admin -s http://gemcutter.org
In your app, add the following dependency to config/dependencies.rb:
dependency "merb-admin", "0.6.0"
Add the following route to config/router.rb:
add_slice(:merb_admin, :path_prefix => "admin")
Then, run the following rake task:
$ rake slices:merb-admin:install
== Configuration (optional)
If you're feeling crafty, you can set a couple configuration options in config/init.rb:
Merb::BootLoader.before_app_loads do
Merb::Slices::config[:merb_admin][:app_name] = "My App"
Merb::Slices::config[:merb_admin][:per_page] = 100
== Usage
Start the server:
$ merb
You should now be able to administer your site at http://localhost:4000/admin.
MerbAdmin does not implement any authorization scheme. Make sure to apply authorization logic before deploying to production!
== Contributing
In the spirit of {free software}[http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/free-sw.html], people of all abilities are encouraged to help improve MerbAdmin.
There are many ways to contribute:
* by reporting bugs
* by suggesting new features
* by writing documentation
* by writing specifications
* by writing code (no patch is too small: fix typos in comments or inconsistent whitespace)
* financially[http://pledgie.com/campaigns/5428]
All contributors will be added to the credits below and will receive the respect and gratitude of the author.
== Contact
If you are interested in contributing to MerbAdmin, please contact Erik Michaels-Ober via email[mailto:sferik@gmail.com], GitHub[http://github.com/sferik/], or Twitter[http://twitter.com/sferik].
== Credits
Many thanks to:
* {Wilson Miner}[http://www.wilsonminer.com] for contributing the stylesheets and javascripts from Django[http://www.djangoproject.com]
* {Aaron Wheeler}[http://fightinjoe.com/] for contributing libraries from {Merb AutoScaffold}[http://github.com/fightinjoe/merb-autoscaffold]
* {Lori Holden}[http://loriholden.com/] for contributing the merb-pagination[http://github.com/lholden/merb-pagination] helper
* {Jacques Crocker}[http://merbjedi.com] for adding support for {namespaced models}[http://github.com/merbjedi/merb-admin/commit/8139e2241038baf9b72452056fcdc7c340d79275]
Also, thanks to beer[http://www.21st-amendment.com].