{:uriI"×file:///Users/igorkasyanchuk/Projects/rails_db/app/assets/javascripts/rails_db/schema_browser/settings.js?type=application/javascript&pipeline=self&id=ef62026f2a9cac196b6f3c1fdc81058f677ddd76b19cba9da61ee878b172d6cb:ET:load_pathI"C/Users/igorkasyanchuk/Projects/rails_db/app/assets/javascripts;T: filenameI"g/Users/igorkasyanchuk/Projects/rails_db/app/assets/javascripts/rails_db/schema_browser/settings.js;T: nameI"%rails_db/schema_browser/settings;T:logical_pathI"-rails_db/schema_browser/settings.self.js;T:content_typeI"application/javascript;T: sourceI"K/* WWW SQL Designer, (C) 2005 Ondra Zara, o.z.fw@seznam.cz This file is part of WWW SQL Designer. WWW SQL Designer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. WWW SQL Designer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with WWW SQL Designer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ var DELAY = 10; /* pauza mezi rostouci animaci */ var BAR_HEIGHT = 100; var TYPE_TABLE = 0; var TYPE_TITLE = 1; var TYPE_ROW = 2; var TYPE_ROWTITLE = 3; var TYPE_RELATION = 4; var TYPE_RELATION_PART = 5; /* not used */ var TYPE_BAR = 6; var TYPE_MAP = 7; ;T: metadata{ :dependencieso:Set: @hash{ I"environment-version;TTI"environment-paths;TTI"Zprocessors:type=application/javascript&file_type=application/javascript&pipeline=self;TTI"ufile-digest:///Users/igorkasyanchuk/Projects/rails_db/app/assets/javascripts/rails_db/schema_browser/settings.js;TT: requiredo;;{: stubbedo;;{: linkso;;{: charsetI" utf-8;F: digest"%Ê3¶ðlTYœ˜ëÎÖAE“Ca‹ÂÒ¼d3OD½žùúÕ: lengthiK:dependencies_digest"%8hj<ž¯nÆS„µÈùÓkb¸†-bÂJŸ¼Ýš*Û°:idI"Eef62026f2a9cac196b6f3c1fdc81058f677ddd76b19cba9da61ee878b172d6cb;F: mtimel+þW-V