# frozen_string_literal: true module BetterRecord ########################################################################## # THE FOLLOWING SETTINGS CAN ALSO BE SET THROUGH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES # # # # strict_booleans: BR_STRICT_BOOLEANS # # default_polymorphic_method: BR_DEFAULT_POLYMORPHIC_METHOD # # db_audit_schema: BR_DB_AUDIT_SCHEMA # # has_auditing_relation_by_default: BR_ADD_HAS_MANY # # audit_relation_name: BR_AUDIT_RELATION_NAME # # layout_template: BR_LAYOUT_TEMPLATE # # app_domain_name: APP_DOMAIN_NAME # # after_login_path: BR_AFTER_LOGIN_PATH # # use_bearer_token: BR_USE_BEARER_TOKEN # # session_column: BR_SESSION_COLUMN # # session_authenticate_method: BR_SESSION_AUTHENTICATE_METHOD # # certificate_session_column: BR_CERTIFICATE_SESSION_COLUMN # # certificate_session_user_method: BR_CERTIFICATE_SESSION_USER_METHOD # ########################################################################## # uncomment the following line to disable three-state booleans in models # self.strict_booleans = true # uncomment the following line to use table_names instead of model names # as the 'type' value in polymorphic relationships # self.default_polymorphic_method = :table_name # uncomment the following line to use change the database schema # for auditing functions and logged_actions. DEFAULT - 'auditing' # self.db_audit_schema = 'audit' # uncomment the following line to add an association for table audits # directly to ActiveRecord::Base. DEFAULT - false # self.has_auditing_relation_by_default = true # uncomment the following line to change the association name for # auditing lookups. DEFAULT - :audits # self.audit_relation_name = :logged_actions # uncomment the following line to change the layout template used by # BetterRecord::ActionController. DEFAULT - 'better_record/layout' # self.layout_template = 'layout' # uncomment the following line to set the domain your application # runs under. Used in setting DKIM params. DEFAULT - 'non_existant_domain.com' # self.app_domain_name = 'default_app_name.com' # Any code that should be run after the entire application is initialized # should go in the following block # ActiveSupport.on_load(:better_record) do # uncomment and set the session_class to enable gem handled session management # all other settings below are optional # self.session_class = User # OPTIONAL # # set to true to use Auth headers instead of session cookies # self.use_bearer_token = true # self.after_login_path = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.root_path # self.session_column = :uuid # self.session_data = ->(user) do # { # user_id: user.uuid, # first_access: user.first_login_time, # created_at: Time.now # } # end # self.session_authenticate_method = :check_login # self.certificate_session_class = Staff.includes(:user) # self.certificate_session_column = :cert_str # self.certificate_session_user_method = :user # end end # uncomment the following lines to set the keys needed for JWT token auth # BetterRecord::JWT.signing_key = ENV.fetch('JWT_SIGNING_KEY') { nil } # BetterRecord::JWT.encryption_key = ENV.fetch('JWT_ENCRYPTION_KEY') { nil }